Quote Originally Posted by bigevil View Post
Darth...Im sorry but are you serious? We are not peddling here for players...despite what any may think or feel. This is still a test server working towards completion of code. If you or any want an accelerated experience and a pure "play environment," then have at it and go to what fuels your fire. Go in peace and have fun. This place has a goal...development in an environment that allows a degree of saturation for testing sake....and when its done, its GONE! This is a while off yet, but to put into place a desire or feel of which you speak would be both misleading and out of focus. Not the end run.
Is nobody actually reading what I am typing? Vlada remarked "everything in game is free and available to anyone willing to put in time and some effort to obtain it by just playing". I disagreed with that statement. I do not think that statement, given the reality of this server, is accurate. Period.....nothing more, nothing less. I also made a remark about him being a smart *** in reply (for no reason I might add), but that is what it is. He is the face of this project on the forums and he is the same as he has always been.

I never said that SWGEmu was "peddling for players". I never said that Basilisk was not a "test server". I never said I wanted accelerated experience nor did I say I wanted a pure play environment. I have went in peace, came back, play on a bunch of servers, and have never seemed to have an issue anywhere.

Taking my disagreement with Vlada's statement, which I feel is not reflective of the reality of this server, and turning that into all the stuff you just typed required some extreme stretching there cuz.

You know what.......forget I said anything fellas. I was wrong SWGEmu is the place where a working man new to SWG can start cold turkey and in three weeks be outdamaging the campers with legendary weapons at the Acklay. He can do anything at all with his Cdef because BASILISK!!! ANd in the name of all that is decent and holy, Vlada is the Shakespeare of our time and NEVER EVER could phrase something better!

There.....we good now? I'll try to work on not having those pesky opinions in the future too.