Liberator Cloud mini test
November 23, 2011
The SWGEmu Team
Liberator Cloud mini test - 11/23/2011
Developers have installed a tool that detects memory leaks, they are tying to determine the cause of those leaks and if possible fix them to a degree so they can add some of the things community suggested. Memory leaks are the biggest obstacle that prevents us from moving Liberator to the Cloud permanently.
Please log on to your LiberatorTest characters, run multiple instances, make new characters. Lets put that new tool to good use and help developers fix those memory leaks.
PLEASE NOTE: LiberatorTest is already up and running, has beenall day. If necessary Regular Liberator will be taken offline tomorrow and it will stay offline until developers get the data they need.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
~ The SWGEmu Team