Quote Originally Posted by darth8875 View Post
I was referring to the non-stop camping of mobs in there. And while technically I guess one COULD put in enough effort to compete for such mobs (provided no job, no wife, no kids, all SWG all the time, the rest of the taxpayers paying your bills) responsible adults do not have that much time to invest. And to suggest there is an equal playing field for everyone in regards to these things is disingenuous.
First of all, LOLOLOLOL at taxpayers paying my bills. Second, of course those that don't want or just cant, for whatever reason, put in the effort are in a disadvantage. That's the way it should be. You are actually supposed to play the game to achieve something in it.

Or are you saying you are entitled to more just because you think you earned it by reasonable adulting irl? Because ill tell you right now, probably more that half of those we banned for share that mentality.