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Thread: Basilisk Maintenance - October 19th 2018

  1. #121
    Join Date
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    Thanks for your hard work lordkator
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  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordkator View Post
    I plan to write up a bit about what we achieved today but we hit many of the goals I had for this window and I am confident this has progressed us to the next level of making things easier to maintain and optimize.

    That said I'm burnt out, been smashing at the keyboard since 2:30 am Eastern Time, slept 4 hours.. so yea.. maybe not tonight.

    If you find issues please be gentle and careful in your analysis, I have zero reasons to believe we lost anything and the code base is basically the same short of a handful of little things that allowed us to test quicker today.
    You are awesome sir, go get some rest, we will be ok

  3. #123
    Senior Member Omens's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordkator View Post
    I plan to write up a bit about what we achieved today but we hit many of the goals I had for this window and I am confident this has progressed us to the next level of making things easier to maintain and optimize.

    That said I'm burnt out, been smashing at the keyboard since 2:30 am Eastern Time, slept 4 hours.. so yea.. maybe not tonight.

    If you find issues please be gentle and careful in your analysis, I have zero reasons to believe we lost anything and the code base is basically the same short of a handful of little things that allowed us to test quicker today.
    Thanks !!!!!!!
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  4. #124
    Junior Member arween's Avatar
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    Very good Work!
    Thank you very much!
    Deep bow
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  5. #125
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    I know the idea would never fly but $5.00/month to keep your Jedi would fund this thing forever.....
    Quote Originally Posted by TheAnswer View Post
    This server is for us all to try and finish this game so you can have a server to play, hopefully with me far away from here.

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misk Brebran View Post
    Thx Mob great (yes and somber) vid! I see you Kaadara SWIPErs out there! Come visit NIKA more often, its a fun place to play!!!

    I have other questions, since this post should be more about funding than the bickering its caused (eye on the prize ladies and gentlemen).

    Is SWGEmu set up as a non-profit organization (501c3 per us tax code) or is it possible to do so?

    Next, to what extent is the emu allowed to collect funds (i.e. Ad based support, GoFundMe, etc)? I noticed it said non-profit on the paypal page.

    Last, are there any emu members who can provide services the group instead of having to pay each month for them (lawyers, accountants, etc)?

    I hope we can all come up with some creative solutions to the problem maybe to help with it on a long term basis. We do have a great think tank here so we should use it.

    Gotta go order pizza now. Thanks!!

    As Misk stated- it may be worth checking into what skills / credentials our player base has in the realm of lawyers, accountants, etc.

    In the last financial report https://www.swgemu.com/forums/showthread.php?t=207044 those fees represented about 20% of the costs at $7200. Surely we have some CPAs who perhaps could donate their time.
    Last edited by Kaolin; 10-21-2018 at 05:19 PM.
    Kaolin Aneban

    Former Ahazi

  7. #127

  8. #128
    Junior Member Mauriac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bladestonez View Post
    it's been a very very long time and I was never terribly great but I would be willing to study back up on things. Can't promise my ability stacks up to the job but I would love to help if I can.
    I'm in the same boat. I've got a comp sci degree collecting dust and I've done a fair amount of coding in C and C++. I'd love to help if it's feasible.

    I also set up a 10$ USD recurring donation. I really want this project to be seen through to Suncrusher.

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mauriac View Post
    . I've got a comp sci degree collecting dust and I've done a fair amount of coding in C and C++. I'd love to help if it's feasible.

    When you have some time, check out the following sticky threads w/ details:


    Then, if possible, login to the IRC chat...


    ...and do /join #opendev and ask for either Scurby or Ivojedi or Miztah

    They'll be able to assist ya np

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mauriac View Post
    I'm in the same boat. I've got a comp sci degree collecting dust and I've done a fair amount of coding in C and C++. I'd love to help if it's feasible.

    I also set up a 10$ USD recurring donation. I really want this project to be seen through to Suncrusher.
    Always looking for more developers, if you're interested start by looking at the Development section and see if you can a learn bit there.

    ANYONE can submit to review.swgemu.com your changes might not be accepted but you're welcome to dig around and see what you can do.

    Over time if you keep pushing we can help guide you towards things that are in the backlog.

    lordkator@swgemu.com | www.swgemu.com
    SWGEmu is a non-profit, open source community project.
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  11. #131
    Junior Member erminator's Avatar
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    Lets get into a habit of donating monthly not just when a push is made when the projects struggled after months of low funding !!!

  12. #132
    Junior Member Mauriac's Avatar
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    Truuu, I set a monthly donation up ya'll should do the same if you can afford it.

  13. #133
    Junior Member xirad's Avatar
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    Yup, it's super easy to do. Set it and forget it. If you play regularly then treat it line any other subscription-based game!

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