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Thread: SWGEmu AGPL Instructions and Requirements

  1. #106
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    Thanks for the clarification. And also thank you and the team for working towards this unrestricted time release for everyone.

  2. #107
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    That 2.5 hour reset kills my flow, kills my groups, kills my gameplay, and kills my mood. It is a total killer, like thinking about your grandmother in a bikini when you are about to kiss the hottest woman on earth. Not that I know what that's like....

    Much love guys and gals. All of your work is highly appreciated. I would just be pleased as punch to see this thorn removed from our favorite game and community.

  3. #108
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    Im just a hardcore player and i checked in since i last posted and while there have been answers i suppose
    Things could be so much better IMO with some progression if the resets were removed and as a group effort help as a whole.
    I dont code but why wouldnt it be easy to just extend the time it is now?

    The iron is hot and ready to strike. If you miss this September you may lose alot more interest because of the new star wars games as well how much interest one can bring to this project wanes if its done too late.

  4. #109
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    Great job Vlas... team.. Great job on your work all those years.

    I Really wondered about those servers who were developing and not sharing, why? when you love starwars, when you love the game, the grinding.
    Why do you want to build a new server and keep the inventions to yourself? This is a great step in the right direction. I stopped playing because of my internet provider's crappy line. it's a bit better now.
    i come back see some reactions. Of course some finds the nge better, but shouldn't we first make the basic code work perfectly? together?
    I even mailed eve-online and said you have the experience to bring an old game to a new level.. please do the same with starwars galaxies.. (no answer of course , i had 10 accounts there)

    why are we playing swg? because we like it.. so please just contribute instead of the look how good i am attitude, on the other servers.
    how many servers are online with a devteam? 10? you have in total 10 devteams? that's more than a regular sofwaremanufacturer I have worked at one as a systemadministrator.
    Together we can bring starwars to the world. Alone we just fixing that what must be fixed in the future and it will take ages.

  5. #110
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    Firstly, I am greatly appreciative of what you guys are doing here. Always have been. And I will continue to support the efforts of the team. I can even understand the commercial purposes etc.

    I have tried to sit and read through the terms and conditions. But I'd like a clearer answer if possible.

    I understand the new licence means sharing between projects servers etc, to allow the milestones of basalisk to be reached, ie, JTL content etc. However, what is the decision regarding content that does not confirm to the milestones set out? That kind of custom content, ie for example, a new weapon, would be required to be shared under licence?

    Kind Regards,
    Last edited by Jeraan Taruk; 08-26-2015 at 12:21 PM.

  6. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheAnswer View Post
    Did you guys even read the post and the replies?

    We will be pushing the engine as soon as we can, most of us are busy with RL. The release was not cancelled.
    Read all the posts, sat and waited diligently but no sign of unrestricted engine...
    Gotta say what i guess many people are thinking that the promise of the new engine is kinda like a carrot to a donkey, get all the hard work done by others for the promise of a treat but yet allways just beyond thier grasp.
    Stop holding back and deliver on your promise, Everyone else has!
    Last edited by mikki369; 08-31-2015 at 04:22 PM.

  7. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oru View Post
    I take all the responsiblity for this. Stole TheAnswer for another project where we have a close deadline for an upcoming release and had no time to move forward with this. Don't worry the unlimited engine is still on, just need some breathe to finish it up to be released.
    any further updates on this? it would be nice to finally be free of the 2.5 hour reset

  8. #113
    Junior Member Thrax989's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheAnswer View Post
    Did you guys even read the post and the replies?

    We will be pushing the engine as soon as we can, most of us are busy with RL. The release was not cancelled.
    Set a date when it will be done Deliver on that Date STOP DRAGGING THIS OUT. Takes yet a few moments to remove the timer You Know This...

    And answer What do you mean most of us are busy ITs only you that we need to remove the Timer what are you talking about "most are busy with RL"

    So simple just add nova TC engine to latest boom let all operators pull /latest and move on with our work . The engines closed anyways we cant fiddle around with it unless we want to violate your agreement. What are you dragging this out for your nova has no restriction and its for Testing purposes The community also needs this vastly available so we can test content that takes longer then 2.25 hours and there is content still to be added that will take longer then this to test.

    Community effort man whats up with this High Horse crap .

  9. #114
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thrax989 View Post
    Set a date when it will be done Deliver on that Date STOP DRAGGING THIS OUT. Takes yet a few moments to remove the timer You Know This...

    And answer What do you mean most of us are busy ITs only you that we need to remove the Timer what are you talking about "most are busy with RL"

    So simple just add nova TC engine to latest boom let all operators pull /latest and move on with our work . The engines closed anyways we cant fiddle around with it unless we want to violate your agreement. What are you dragging this out for your nova has no restriction and its for Testing purposes The community also needs this vastly available so we can test content that takes longer then 2.25 hours and there is content still to be added that will take longer then this to test.

    Community effort man whats up with this High Horse crap .
    While i understand your frustration, you need to take a step back, take a deep breath and refrain from lashing out on folks you want/need something from. While I too am tired of waiting and answering random PM's and the same question over and over again with a few empty phrases, all we can do is be patient and wait. Nothing ever gets done here over night, or over 20 nights... But it gets done eventually. Please be patient, even though patience appears to be in short supply nowadays.

    Thank you.

  10. #115
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    I appreciate the efforts you go to keeping people calm. I am eagerly awaiting this pushed asap. Please hurry. It has been a long time since May.

  11. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vlada View Post
    While i understand your frustration, you need to take a step back, take a deep breath and refrain from lashing out on folks you want/need something from. While I too am tired of waiting and answering random PM's and the same question over and over again with a few empty phrases, all we can do is be patient and wait. Nothing ever gets done here over night, or over 20 nights... But it gets done eventually. Please be patient, even though patience appears to be in short supply nowadays.

    Thank you.
    While we all appreciate everything the EMU team does for the SWG community as a whole you are correct Vlada, our patience is starting to be in short supply. Can you really blame us though? From our perspective this was announced in April and everyone was happy. Then May came and went, as did June and July now August is behind us and it's been 4 months since the initial announcement. To rub salt in the proverbial wound just under a month ago we receive word, in this very thread, that this is still slated to move forward. But still nothing. Look, I get it. People are busy. No fault in that. But, you have to agree that the time this is taking with little communication is the reason our patience has worn thin. I am sure your intentions are admirable and you want what we all want: The entire community to grow, thrive and succeed no matter what server we play on. We are not beating at your door with torches and pitchforks. We just would like a real time frame we can expect the unlocked engine to be available. All of the communities are your extended family and we've been both patient and supportive in this monumental endeavor. All we ask is the same courtesy in return.

    So I humbly ask...When can we realistically expect this to move forward?

    Thank you.
    Maldred of the Awakening Server
    Mep Soto of the Basilisk Server
    Formally known as Suriel Meliha of Valcyn

  12. #117
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suriel View Post
    So I humbly ask...When can we realistically expect this to move forward?
    And i can only give you the "standard" answer, soon™.

  13. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vlada View Post
    And i can only give you the "standard" answer, soon™.
    Thanks Vlada, I appreciate the reply. "Soon" still means when then becomes now, right?
    Maldred of the Awakening Server
    Mep Soto of the Basilisk Server
    Formally known as Suriel Meliha of Valcyn

  14. #119
    Addicted Tiars's Avatar
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    We are patiently waiting but I can understand the frustration.

    But Oru and The Answer have explained the delay in finalizing the licence and distribution mechanism. Vlada keeps pointing out that there has been no change in the plan to roll this out.

    The players on servers that are frustrated with the perodic resets coming in here and asking when this will happen does nothing to accelerate the process. Server operators that hear frustration about it from the players on their server coming here and trying to rush it along are also not helping.

    Asking if it is moving forward periodically is OK, but if someone has asked and answered in the previous two weeks is probably frequent enough and if someone has asked given them a day or two to reply.

    This project has done a lot, especially in the last year, so I am comfortable that it will happen. Like the others I would prefer it to be sooner or later, but part of what people like about SWG, especially the pre-CU, is that it takes patience to achieve things in the game. That willingness to be patient needs to carry over to the forums and toward the project.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vlada View Post
    Jedi dont ruin SWG, people ruin SWG.
    My Blog about SWG and possible changes

  15. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiars View Post

    The players on servers that are frustrated with the perodic resets coming in here and asking when this will happen does nothing to accelerate the process. Server operators that hear frustration about it from the players on their server coming here and trying to rush it along are also not helping.

    Asking if it is moving forward periodically is OK, but if someone has asked and answered in the previous two weeks is probably frequent enough and if someone has asked given them a day or two to reply.
    If not for us coming on this forum to check if there has been any progression...we wouldnt have gotten those "answers" two weeks ago. So it is helping.
    It helps so that the people here see and others see that there is still an interest for the reset change / open source. In my opinion it has progressed beyond theory and was to be implemented.
    One could easily argue that swgemu could lose their control over this, or the approved servers may actually help swgemu and/or possibly garner more interest to the project as a whole.

    For those that have had their applications for this approved, out of good faith, a reset timer change should be made.
    Lots of new star wars things around coming out very soon, many may not even bother with this anymore, and that effects the project as a whole.

    Its laughably shortsighted to maintain the reset timer on approved private servers.

    Finally, three words sayings "it is licensing" or " soon" are not answers.
    Setting a Date a month from now on a definitive answer or release says a lot about how serious SWGemu actually is, if the real answer is December (why tease for it 8 months?) or we are afraid that once we open source it we lose our should check you sig quote and question whether people like me are those "people" or its others that will ultimately be responsible for ruining swg...

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