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Thread: Clone Wars, The Exploit... Continuation

  1. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordkator View Post
    Contact support if you think it's wrong, give them OID's. But are you sure every single resource you used was clean? Because they duped everything including resource crates and wall modules. Its crazy.

    I appreciate you're upset, many people are, but saying the system doesn't do what it's supposed to do when you don't know the entire extent of what happened is not helpful.

    I've been "polishing" this for months using TC-Prime, you all thought it was down but instead, I built code that allowed me to keep it up for testing and later just for staff.

    I've done 100's of spot checks, even since the marking I've had outreach and thus far not found any item that should not have been tagged. I have however found net-new ones that should be. The program that does the audit is fairly conservative, I know it doesn't feel that way to you but they duped an incredible amount of items, I have another log I'm looking through where I found even more ADK's they duped but because of the way they did it the audit did not find them.

    I don't know how to help you with your intuition that its not working, when all the data we look at with CSR's and others shows it actually is working as intended.
    Well I know they duped my crafted components like advanced rifle barrels, because one of the names on the banned list asked me for a set of WS comps a while ago. It is reasonable to assume that a lot of my weapons all over the server are being flagged because they were made with comps from the same factory run.
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  2. #107
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    So far I have just one low value item marked as duped which was self made using, I thought, self harvested or hunted resources and self manufactured components. However, it's possible I did purchase one of the resources but I've no way of knowing which.

    Although none of my resources are currently marked as duped I'm concerned that I may have bought and used some that were. I'm wondering if it's possible that with a further round of checks resources could be marked as duped some time in the future?

    And re the possible deletion of placed structures, can we be sure that we'll receive an email if any are duped and would that show on the structure's status?

  3. #108
    Junior Member neutrineaux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmurphy50 View Post
    This is a test server. Always has been. Always will be. Customer service isn't really a concern. This isn't a business.

    The test server part seems irrelevant -- we all know that, and saying it does not address my point in any way; but as to the "not a business" assertion, a business may be defined as "any project with which one is concerned; a person, partnership, or corporation engaged in... a service; that with which someone is seriously concerned; a project."

    So yes, it is a business.

    And customer service is absolutely a concern. Thus the presence of CSR/Customer Service Representatives.

    But all that aside, I was just making an observation with my personal recommendation based on "the buzz" from other players. I assume a server wipe with terminal beta (or multiple final betas) will happen before final launch. This seems like a good time for that, from my perspective. Ultimately, the developers know what they want from a wipe and terminal beta, and I am not privy to that information. Please consider my wipe suggestion in that light.

    And when I have checked the number of people logged in, it has been down more than the 40/5000ths that would be a direct hit from the banned accounts. Maybe the fallout is short-term, and admittedly my data is limited and anecdotal. Either way, treating your customers in a way that promotes loyalty is a basic business tenet. And my hope is to promote that being giving an extra modicum of consideration.

    Also, the mention of leaving cheaters in the game so you can follow them and see how much more cheating they come up with may have been offered sincerely or sarcastically, but that does have merit. In fact, add the most clever offenders to the dev team, a la FBI, to hunt for weaknesses in the system.

    But when the 1.0 launch occurs, give them a generous less-than-forever-ban as the price for their transgressions.
    Last edited by neutrineaux; 08-05-2020 at 03:26 PM.

  4. #109
    Addicted Walking carpet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neutrineaux View Post
    The test server part seems irrelevant -- we all know that, and saying it does not address my point in any way; but as to the "not a business" assertion, a business may be defined as "any project with which one is concerned; a person, partnership, or corporation engaged in... a service; that with which someone is seriously concerned; a project."

    So yes, it is a business.

    And customer service is absolutely a concern. Thus the presence of CSR/Customer Service Representatives.

    But all that aside, I was just making an observation with my personal recommendation based on "the buzz" from other players. I assume a server wipe with terminal beta (or multiple final betas) will happen before final launch. This seems like a good time for that, from my perspective. Ultimately, the developers know what they want from a wipe and terminal beta, and I am not privy to that information. Please consider my wipe suggestion in that light.

    And when I have checked the number of people logged in, it has been down more than the 40/5000ths that would be a direct hit from the banned accounts. Maybe the fallout is short-term, and admittedly my data is limited and anecdotal. Either way, treating your customers in a way that promotes loyalty is a basic business tenet. And my hope is to promote that being giving an extra modicum of consideration.

    Also, the mention of leaving cheaters in the game so you can follow them and see how much more cheating they come up with may have been offered sincerely or sarcastically, but that does have merit. In fact, add the most clever offenders to the dev team, a la FBI, to hunt for weaknesses in the system.

    But when the 1.0 launch occurs, give them a generous less-than-forever-ban as the price for their transgressions.
    SWGEmu is not a business , its a non lucrative organisation registered in Hungary in 2006 , if money gets involved that will be the end
    - - - - - - - -= =- - - - - - - -

  5. #110
    Member Jackleware's Avatar
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    As to letting the cheaters back in to discover more exploits would not work with this group. Please consider the points below.
    1) These cheaters have known these exploits for possibly years and never said anything to the dev team. They would make terrible testers. What good is a tester that never reports findings?
    2) The SWGEmu development team is all volunteer and do not have time to monitor cheaters.
    3) But if they do monitor (a.k.a. babysit) cheaters, it is at the cost of spending time on the existing items on the development punch list.

    Look, the users that were caught using an exploit to duplicate items actually set the project back in dev time due to not reporting their findings. They have been more of a hindrance than a help. I don't want them back for that reason alone.
    Argus | OldShavey

  6. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jackleware View Post
    As to letting the cheaters back in to discover more exploits would not work with this group. Please consider the points below.
    1) These cheaters have known these exploits for possibly years and never said anything to the dev team. They would make terrible testers. What good is a tester that never reports findings?
    2) The SWGEmu development team is all volunteer and do not have time to monitor cheaters.
    3) But if they do monitor (a.k.a. babysit) cheaters, it is at the cost of spending time on the existing items on the development punch list.

    Look, the users that were caught using an exploit to duplicate items actually set the project back in dev time due to not reporting their findings. They have been more of a hindrance than a help. I don't want them back for that reason alone.

    Agreed. And If there was a way to ban them from ever playing 1.0 they deserve it

  7. #112
    Junior Member neutrineaux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Walking carpet View Post
    SWGEmu is not a business , its a non lucrative organisation registered in Hungary in 2006 , if money gets involved that will be the end
    See definition of business, above.

    Businesses exist for other enterprises beyond profit. Perhaps that is where you become confused. They may, as does SWGEmu, exist to accomplish some non-monetary purpose. Being "lucrative" is simply not essential to the definition of a business.

    But also, as we all know, SWGEmu does take in money as an essential part of its enterprise. The principles are simply proscribed from being the ones who profit from the income.

  8. #113
    Addicted Walking carpet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neutrineaux View Post
    See definition of business, above.

    Businesses exist for other enterprises beyond profit. Perhaps that is where you become confused. They may, as does SWGEmu, exist to accomplish some non-monetary purpose. Being "lucrative" is simply not essential to the definition of a business.

    But also, as we all know, SWGEmu does take in money as an essential part of its enterprise. The principles are simply proscribed from being the ones who profit from the income.
    Oh im not confused ,the money they get from donations are for paying the play servers and the forum servers and the log-in servers , the staff dont take salaries cause they know the day they do that they put the whole project at risk of shut-down and staff may end up under legal prosecutions , we dont want that to happen

    you cant make money out of someone else property , SWG is Lucasarts property
    Last edited by Walking carpet; 08-05-2020 at 09:45 PM.
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  9. #114
    Junior Member carterk2014's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForceFielding View Post

    If it truly is just a test server then all players who did not sell things for $$$ should be let back in immediately so that they can continue to expose more bugs/flaws. If it's just a test server then why are testers who exploit banned? Nothing matters right? Or does it?

    Can't have it both ways.
    This is a foolish way of looking at this situation. These people had no intentions of "exposing more bugs" which is why a system to detect duping had to be developed in the first place.

    Quote Originally Posted by ForceFielding View Post
    No, I'm actually very smart. Probably smarter than you.

    IGN: Leos Iceiwh || Jedi Master

  10. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by carterk2014 View Post
    These people had no intentions of "exposing more bugs" which is why a system to detect duping had to be developed in the first place.
    Once again, if it's "just a test server" then their intention does not matter. They are nothing more than ants to a scientist.

    If you think that "it's more than just a test server", then we might have something to discuss.
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  11. #116
    Junior Member carterk2014's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForceFielding View Post
    Once again, if it's "just a test server" then their intention does not matter. They are nothing more than ants to a scientist.

    If you think that "it's more than just a test server", then we might have something to discuss.
    Your definition of this server is entirely irrelevant; the ToS is quite clear on exploiting and the associated punishments. The fact of the matter is, nothing of value was lost when those names hit the front page.

    IGN: Leos Iceiwh || Jedi Master

  12. #117
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    I bought a LS crafting kit from LIVE to Rebel on corellia, just logged in to find my LS is no trade. The pearls are fine must have been the resources to make the saber that has been duped - if you have a jedi check your saber especially if you bought a LS kit.

  13. #118
    Member divlas's Avatar
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    You know reading this threads, it is a torture for the community.

    A company registered in hungary doesn't not at all need to comply with the American definition of business. And even if it was an American registered project, there is a strong jurisprudence that would prevent this type of non-profitable community project to be a business.
    I'm answering you because... If you weren't able to convince the "customer" and put an halt to his complaint, I'm going to fail too. Its on you :P

    But now is not the time of dispute. We really must pull all our effort into preserving the community we loved. I understand that the dev had no choice, but the revelation of this clone war is the greater danged we have encountered since the project begun.

    Changing subject:
    The problem with cheaters is that you assume that they will stay and help the devs while from what I understand they were making/ spending real life money with this game. I don't know, but I feel like they don't have the culture to help a charity.
    You know, our developpers are unpaid.. Some of the cheaters who started this however, they were in the practice of converting exploit for both real life money and getting a good reputation on the game for their friends..

    @Wulfang: Thanks for the warning ! I'll go check if our guild Jedi crafting room is in the clear or not. My LS are good though, I crafted most of them 2 years ago using our room.
    Last edited by divlas; 08-06-2020 at 12:10 PM.
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  14. #119
    Junior Member neutrineaux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Walking carpet View Post
    Oh im not confused ,the money they get from donations are for paying the play servers and the forum servers and the log-in servers , the staff dont take salaries cause they know the day they do that they put the whole project at risk of shut-down and staff may end up under legal prosecutions , we dont want that to happen

    you cant make money out of someone else property , SWG is Lucasarts property
    Businesses are not all for the purpose of making money. Businesses can be for other things besides making money. Making money is not an essential component in the definition of a business.

    Businesses don't have to pay their workers. We call this "volunteering."

    Business don't have to make profits. We call these sorts of businesses (cleverly enough) "not-for-profit" and "non-profit." In these settings, the monies collected, if any, are used to further the purpose of the business, and the purpose of said business (obviously) is not profit.

    Either way, if the business has customers (i.e., people, partnerships, corporations who receive goods or services from the business), customer service should be addressed, as it is in SWGEmu by CSRs.
    Last edited by neutrineaux; 08-06-2020 at 02:31 PM.

  15. #120
    Senior Member Tyrson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wulfang View Post
    I bought a LS crafting kit from LIVE to Rebel on corellia, just logged in to find my LS is no trade. The pearls are fine must have been the resources to make the saber that has been duped - if you have a jedi check your saber especially if you bought a LS kit.
    No trade (in yellow) doesn't mean it was duped. I don't have a jedi but I imagine it's no trade either because LS have always been no trade and it just says it now, or you have an ADK on it making it no trade.

    It's not duped* unless it's red text and says it's duped.

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