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Thread: Q & A New server, The Finalizer

  1. #106
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    Very excited about this announcement. I have been following the project for a very long time but never wanted to start on Basilisk as it was already an established server back then. This gives me a nice starting point to learn about the game on a fresh server

  2. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrenio View Post
    How will the new server impact financial cost of the project? Will there be more server space to pay for?
    Somebody with more knowledge can chime in, but it's my understanding that Fin is just using the space that the Pit once held. This shouldn't alter any of that.

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  3. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oaken View Post
    I’m amongst many other are extremely excited for the a new server finally!.

    How do we create our new characters on this new server ensuring we keep our Basilik main toon names?
    I read about the reservation of names but are trying to understand how that will work.

    As with TC Nova, when you go to create your character and choose your galaxy and get to the character creation page. In this case you choose Fin and if the name you choose isn't reserved for another account (all done backend), you can successfully create the character. After 90d the names are released and anybody can use them.

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  4. #109
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  5. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thunraz View Post
    But I am curious about the statistics on existing multi-account households. If one of the main objectives is discovering and documenting a new gaming dynamic with limited characters and single online characters, will multi-accounts be scrutinized? Are there people with 3 or more accounts right now? Just curious what those stats are, if they can be shared publicly.
    We have thousands of completed multiple account requests over the years. Over time our policies on applications have changed somewhat for various reasons. Currently it's 3 accounts max in the household with photo evidence of the members along with proof of disks and pieces and a piece of paper with emails. We continue to discuss how to best detect and enforce fringe cases of abuse in this regard. My current best suggestion is to put in a webcam in the room, but apparently that's illegal. +shrug+

    Also, I think there should be a limit on how much maintenance can be added to structures/vendors/etc., which would compliment the removal of the bank account withdrawal feature. This forces a transaction by someone to maintain that structure, potentially the structure owner, but not necessarily. And it means that if they don't maintain their structures, they go poof and other players can take the spot of an inactive player. Many would might not agree with me here, but it could be a possible solution to keep the landscape and player cities somewhat cleaner and consolidated.
    One of the items being discussed for 1.0 is a metric for 'house packup' so as to remove abandoned structures from the landscape sooner. Nothing's been decided yet.

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  6. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neener View Post
    You literally just made this up, this server isn't geared toward or appealing to any one crowd, its appeals to people who don't want to play on a fundamentally broken server, matter of fact casuals will have a much better time off on Finalizer considering they will be on an more level playing field with other players.
    Quote Originally Posted by SLiFeR View Post
    Agreed. The numbers speak for themselves, and nothing is mentioned of 'hardcore' players in the poll.
    Yes, it is called an opinion...everyone has one.

  7. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by dedaskalion View Post
    I mean.... This server appears to be even more purists than basilisk was. Most side servers were more heavily modified away from 14.1

    14.1 is hotdog water though, don't get me wrong. But this will be a hell of a lot healthier server than basilisk could have ever hoped to achieve.
    Intended 2x xp spin groups ftw.

  8. #113
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    Non Jedi get visibility for breaking the law like using sliced equipment and consuming spices

  9. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by dedaskalion View Post
    Non Jedi get visibility for breaking the law like using sliced equipment and consuming spices
    What about afking Jawas?

  10. #115
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    With the change to Squad Leader not being global will they be able to self buff?

  11. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duloh View Post
    With the change to Squad Leader not being global will they be able to self buff?
    I'm a bit curious on that as well. Or perhaps make it so a SL can't be global for PvP and allow it as global for PvE?

    I've seen SL range be reduced on other servers for PVP and PVE....For the PVP part it worked really well, for the PVE part it basically ruined the profession and no one ever used it for that reason. You can't fight and keep the SL buffs running well enough to make it effective for PvE.

    So I'd suggest that for PvE reasons to allow a SL either global range on the planet like it is on basilisk or allow the squad leader to run his group buffs while being in combat and using his weapon abilities.

    I do however see how a planet wide SL would be very annoying for PvP purposes.

  12. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by Asifab19 View Post
    I'm a bit curious on that as well. Or perhaps make it so a SL can't be global for PvP and allow it as global for PvE?

    I've seen SL range be reduced on other servers for PVP and PVE....For the PVP part it worked really well, for the PVE part it basically ruined the profession and no one ever used it for that reason. You can't fight and keep the SL buffs running well enough to make it effective for PvE.

    So I'd suggest that for PvE reasons to allow a SL either global range on the planet like it is on basilisk or allow the squad leader to run his group buffs while being in combat and using his weapon abilities.

    I do however see how a planet wide SL would be very annoying for PvP purposes.
    pretty sure its being set to 128m until they have more time to test changes. It breaks pvp.

  13. #118
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    Im aware of the moving things over servers, however is there going to be any ruling on cross-server trades?
    example: i trade an exceptional tissue to someone on Bas. that same person trades me a rare tissue over on finalizer as the deal.
    i would like this to be known before things start.
    allowed, banned, frowned upon.

  14. #119
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    It's better to ask for forgiveness, rather than permission

  15. #120
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    i like the changes 1 character online at a time is rough but see how it plays out

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