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Thread: Basilisk extended downtime 08/09/2017

  1. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by PigGeneral View Post
    There is no acceptable answer in this day and age. The concept of losing your DB backup is where I'd laugh someone out of an interview.
    Sure there is : Lack of proper funding.

    Talking about funding, like so many others here I just realized it is time to donate again.
    This is not just an elaborate ploy to make our hard-earned well deserved money your hard-earned well deserved money, right?

    Concerning the possible wipe, I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooohhhhkey... that could work out nicely.
    Do what you must.

  2. #92
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    I think it's easy to be an armchair critic and get upset as to why you think x or y should have happened. What would be harder would be to empathize with what the team is going through while developing a game.

    In my mind you have to prioritize what is most important and I doubt redundancy is at the top of their list right now. I mean it's been stated many, many times that this is a development phase so don't get to attached to any technological terror you have constructed.

    This event was not only possible, but should have been expected.

    My thanks the the developers for all the hard work. I had my doubts long ago as if this project would get off the ground and I have been surprised how much it has soared.

    Pub 9 represents a day long anticipated and I think represents the majority of the ground game as I remember it long ago. The development and implementation of jump to lightspeed will have some affect on the ground game but is mostly indirect.

    A wipe is not the end of the world or the game for that matter, its a new beginning.

  3. #93
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zazano View Post
    Why is donating more money the answer? I'm asking why this patch was pushed without purchasing a new HDD drive.
    Had we known we would have replaced it. This isn't a situation where we made a conscious decision to ignore a broken HDD.

    **** happens, in our case its a massive amount of ****, but oh well, what's done is done. Instead of throwing blame, which btw will change absolutely nothing, we need to roll up our sleeves and start shoveling it.

  4. #94
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    +1 for wipe.

    Introducing Jedi into an environment similar to what Suncrusher will be for testing is as good as you will get from a meaningful feedback standpoint IMHO. I'd also be a fan of tossing in some cash to help get the additional hardware where you all would want/need it moving forward on the push towards Suncrusher.


  5. #95
    SWGEmu Retired Community Relations bigevil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Audune View Post
    I was under the impression the Basilisk server was a hosted machine at some datacenter in Dallas. A blown hard drive I would think would have been taken care of by the host and not necessarily something the buyer had to cough up extra for. But, hard drives are cheap.

    What I'm confused on is you did lose the raid, throwing in a new hard drive and restoring it from a prior backed up image should be much easier than waiting and praying for a recovery operation to happen. At worst you'd lose... a day? Unless someone was slacking on the normally accepted backup practices.

    At any rate, a wipe now vs one later, doesn't really change the grand scheme of it all going away anyways.

    But yeah... check your drives at home kids. It's not fun.

    Also, wtf, when was the last time I posted here? Been a while.
    Holy ****, long time no see. Hello

    .....and your answer is 2012. LOL.
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  6. #96
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    See that's the thing, if you design a system in that a single HDD failure is the end of it, you have failed in your design.

    It's a fair question to ask why more money is the solution to this.

    Was it the EMU is unable to afford appropriate redundancy? If that's the case, say so.

  7. #97
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    (My Apologises i'm new) this is not a normal thing to occur right? If so good luck devs

  8. #98
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    "See that's the thing, if you design a system in that a single HDD failure is the end of it, you have failed in your design."

    I would agree if priority went to redundancy but its not and shouldn't be the focus until we have a final product that we want redundant.

  9. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigevil View Post
    Holy ****, long time no see. Hello

    .....and your answer is 2012. LOL.
    I'm old now v.v

    Hey I was just happy to see there was a Discord server for chat now. Finally moved off IRC a year ago and have gotten down to just 2 IM programs... still waiting for the Imperium (EVE Online) to get off jabber. One day, my wish will come true.

  10. #100
    SWGEmu Retired Community Relations bigevil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PigGeneral View Post
    See that's the thing, if you design a system in that a single HDD failure is the end of it, you have failed in your design.

    It's a fair question to ask why more money is the solution to this.

    Was it the EMU is unable to afford appropriate redundancy? If that's the case, say so.
    I think It was mentioned that two drives failed across a period of time. In RAID10 with a min stack of four drives, up to two can fail, but it matters which two. Hence, where we are now. Cherry picking technical negligence is inappropriate nor constructive.

    Pointing fingers at the host solves zero now either. Live and learn and prepare for next time. Hold end accountability later. For now, other goals.
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  11. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by phantomswake View Post
    "See that's the thing, if you design a system in that a single HDD failure is the end of it, you have failed in your design."

    I would agree if priority went to redundancy but its not and shouldn't be the focus until we have a final product that we want redundant.
    *So what do donations go towards then?*

  12. #102
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    i think thy are just F****ing with us. in the end they will be like... tada it was just part of our pub 9 outcomming. you will see.
    drop offs at talus/ultura city -2463 -5051 Bohrer Zeugs Vendor - ingame name Bohrer

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  13. #103
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    My wife and I met when SWG was live. We found out that SWGEMU was running a little over a year ago. To us. Its a connection we have had and we love playing the game together. If you need to do a Wipe then so be it. the two of us will be here when its running again. Like life. everyone hits bumps and sometimes a do over is very welcomed. I personally would love to see the complete Pre-CU game running instead of in sections. My favorite part was JTL. in any case we discussed it and when things are back up if we need to start over we have already made our plans to do so. My thanks to the devs and others that kept SWG going for us. To some of us its more prescious than gold.

  14. #104
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    *So what do donations go towards then?*

    I would imagine a lot of things, development being at the top of the list.

  15. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by phantomswake View Post
    *So what do donations go towards then?*

    I would imagine a lot of things, development being at the top of the list.
    It's a volunteer project, you mean to tell me they have paid devs on this? Who?

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