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Thread: REMINDER: RL Monetary Trades in-game are a bannable offense

  1. #16
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    That does make some sense.

    I was just hoping it wasn't some misguided "fairness" reasoning. I read the part that noted "and everything in game is free and available to anyone willing to put in time and some effort to obtain it by just playing." and I almost spit out my Frosted Flakes. Obviously Vlada has never been to the Geo Caves on Basilisk.....

  2. #17
    Junior Member SaibotLiu's Avatar
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    I'm pretty sure the reason most MMOs discourage this is so they can remain consistent with the standard rule that you don't own your character or any of the virtual items or currency you've accumulated on your account. If the EULA doesn't prevent you from selling those things for monetary gain then they would have a much more difficult time furthering the narrative that you don't own them in the first place. And if a player can establish that they actually own things on their account, it potentially creates a lot more problems for a developer than just unauthorized RMT.

    I think players have this perception that it's about the company losing money or it's because of the fairness aspect, that's probably a much lesser concern in most cases.

  3. #18
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darth8875 View Post
    That does make some sense.

    I was just hoping it wasn't some misguided "fairness" reasoning. I read the part that noted "and everything in game is free and available to anyone willing to put in time and some effort to obtain it by just playing." and I almost spit out my Frosted Flakes. Obviously Vlada has never been to the Geo Caves on Basilisk.....
    Of course i haven't, i stopped going there when the infamous entrance fee was introduced, so like most folks that cant afford it i stay away from those places where i have to pay money to get in.

  4. #19
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    Never heard of the entrance fee you speak of. Granted, I havent been active on this server in over a year.

    I was referring to the non-stop camping of mobs in there. And while technically I guess one COULD put in enough effort to compete for such mobs (provided no job, no wife, no kids, all SWG all the time, the rest of the taxpayers paying your bills) responsible adults do not have that much time to invest. And to suggest there is an equal playing field for everyone in regards to these things is disingenuous.

    But you are a smart guy Vlada. I am sure you already know these things. Which means you were being a smartass......

    Well......some things never change. FYI though, it is pretty nice to be able to go onto forums and not have staff be smartasses! It actually seems professional when staff hold themselves above petty smartassery.

    Quote Originally Posted by SaibotLiu View Post
    I'm pretty sure the reason most MMOs discourage this is so they can remain consistent with the standard rule that you don't own your character or any of the virtual items or currency you've accumulated on your account. If the EULA doesn't prevent you from selling those things for monetary gain then they would have a much more difficult time furthering the narrative that you don't own them in the first place. And if a player can establish that they actually own things on their account, it potentially creates a lot more problems for a developer than just unauthorized RMT.

    I think players have this perception that it's about the company losing money or it's because of the fairness aspect, that's probably a much lesser concern in most cases.
    Interesting. I have never heard of that one.
    Last edited by Vlada; 03-09-2017 at 11:02 AM. Reason: double post

  5. #20
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darth8875 View Post
    I was referring to the non-stop camping of mobs in there. And while technically I guess one COULD put in enough effort to compete for such mobs (provided no job, no wife, no kids, all SWG all the time, the rest of the taxpayers paying your bills) responsible adults do not have that much time to invest. And to suggest there is an equal playing field for everyone in regards to these things is disingenuous.
    First of all, LOLOLOLOL at taxpayers paying my bills. Second, of course those that don't want or just cant, for whatever reason, put in the effort are in a disadvantage. That's the way it should be. You are actually supposed to play the game to achieve something in it.

    Or are you saying you are entitled to more just because you think you earned it by reasonable adulting irl? Because ill tell you right now, probably more that half of those we banned for share that mentality.

  6. #21
    Junior Member SaibotLiu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darth8875 View Post
    Never heard of the entrance fee you speak of. Granted, I havent been active on this server in over a year.

    I was referring to the non-stop camping of mobs in there. And while technically I guess one COULD put in enough effort to compete for such mobs (provided no job, no wife, no kids, all SWG all the time, the rest of the taxpayers paying your bills) responsible adults do not have that much time to invest. And to suggest there is an equal playing field for everyone in regards to these things is disingenuous.

    But you are a smart guy Vlada. I am sure you already know these things. Which means you were being a smartass......

    Well......some things never change. FYI though, it is pretty nice to be able to go onto forums and not have staff be smartasses! It actually seems professional when staff hold themselves above petty smartassery.
    How exactly is that different than any other MMO? Time spent roughly=accumulated wealth/ability/perks in game. However I think most MMO players are against P2W or other entitlements given for RL dollars wether that is sanctioned by the developer or not. Whilst you say you've never spent money on that kind of thing you also see nothing wrong with it. How is using your RL prestige or wealth to obtain in game advantages better than taking advantage of your lack of those responsibities in RL to obtain them? Trust me, there's people out there with more disposable income -and- free time than you. So essentially you've just made your initial problem worse with P2W, what now?

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vlada View Post
    First of all, LOLOLOLOL at taxpayers paying my bills.
    I was not referring to you dude. I wrote "And while technically I guess one COULD put in enough effort to compete for such mobs (provided no job, no wife, no kids, all SWG all the time, the rest of the taxpayers paying your bills) responsible adults do not have that much time to invest." The reference to one assumes a random person, not you personally. Perhaps I should have stated "MOST responsible adults"......

    You said that "everything in game is free and available to anyone willing to put in time and some effort to obtain it by just playing". That is untrue. Hell, a new guy doesn't stand a chance of experiencing end game content on Basilisk due to the selfish folks who constantly camp those areas, unless you win a random loot lottery and get some uber gear. Even then, the places where you may stand a chance of getting that gear are camped by the folks who already have it!

    . I'm not passing judgement per se......I'm just saying that your statement, while rosy and cheerful and all, is not the reality of this server. Maybe one day it will be. Today is not that day man.

    Quote Originally Posted by SaibotLiu View Post
    How exactly is that different than any other MMO? Time spent roughly=accumulated wealth/ability/perks in game. However I think most MMO players are against P2W or other entitlements given for RL dollars wether that is sanctioned by the developer or not. Whilst you say you've never spent money on that kind of thing you also see nothing wrong with it. How is using your RL prestige or wealth to obtain in game advantages better than taking advantage of your lack of those responsibities in RL to obtain them? Trust me, there's people out there with more disposable income -and- free time than you. So essentially you've just made your initial problem worse with P2W, what now?
    I am not judging the morality one way or the other. I am just saying that the statement "and everything in game is free and available to anyone willing to put in time and some effort to obtain it by just playing" is not the truth. It is a unicorns and rainbows alternative reality truth.
    Last edited by Vlada; 03-10-2017 at 06:59 AM.

  8. #23
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darth8875 View Post
    You said that "everything in game is free and available to anyone willing to put in time and some effort to obtain it by just playing". That is untrue. Hell, a new guy doesn't stand a chance of experiencing end game content on Basilisk due to the selfish folks who constantly camp those areas, unless you win a random loot lottery and get some uber gear. Even then, the places where you may stand a chance of getting that gear are camped by the folks who already have it!
    I'm not sure what Star Wars game you played, but that is how its supposed to work. You cant just create a toon and expect to go hunting for high end mobs. You grind your way up. Even those you say are camping high end mobs started that way. It all just takes time and effort. If either is lacking, which you admit is lacking in your case, then forget about anything high end in this game. My statement stands, its your view that everything should be available to everyone no matter how much time or effort they put in playing that is just wrong.

  9. #24
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    Ive played on a few different servers..........some very dogmatic to the "grind" as you speak of, some that boost xp to the extreme so folks can play instead of grind. I would say that those that boost xp allow more people to experience all of what the game has to offer and, thus, would be more deserving of the description you gave.

  10. #25
    SWGEmu Retired Community Relations bigevil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darth8875 View Post
    Ive played on a few different servers..........some very dogmatic to the "grind" as you speak of, some that boost xp to the extreme so folks can play instead of grind. I would say that those that boost xp allow more people to experience all of what the game has to offer and, thus, would be more deserving of the description you gave.
    Darth...Im sorry but are you serious? We are not peddling here for players...despite what any may think or feel. This is still a test server working towards completion of code. If you or any want an accelerated experience and a pure "play environment," then have at it and go to what fuels your fire. Go in peace and have fun. This place has a goal...development in an environment that allows a degree of saturation for testing sake....and when its done, its GONE! This is a while off yet, but to put into place a desire or feel of which you speak would be both misleading and out of focus. Not the end run.
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  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vlada View Post
    First of all, LOLOLOLOL at taxpayers paying my bills.
    I will win the welfare duel

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by darth8875 View Post
    Never heard of the entrance fee you speak of. Granted, I havent been active on this server in over a year.

    I was referring to the non-stop camping of mobs in there. And while technically I guess one COULD put in enough effort to compete for such mobs (provided no job, no wife, no kids, all SWG all the time, the rest of the taxpayers paying your bills) responsible adults do not have that much time to invest. And to suggest there is an equal playing field for everyone in regards to these things is disingenuous.

    But you are a smart guy Vlada. I am sure you already know these things. Which means you were being a smartass......

    Well......some things never change. FYI though, it is pretty nice to be able to go onto forums and not have staff be smartasses! It actually seems professional when staff hold themselves above petty smartassery.
    Someone who spends all their time to get uber pixelated items, and imaginary space credits deserve what they get! If you are too busy making real world money, and acquire real world items to compete in SWG than you are winning at life in my opinion.

    IGN Shyloe, and Cydonia. Drop-off vendor located @ /way 6188, 6206. NIKA Marketplace.

  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigevil View Post
    Darth...Im sorry but are you serious? We are not peddling here for players...despite what any may think or feel. This is still a test server working towards completion of code. If you or any want an accelerated experience and a pure "play environment," then have at it and go to what fuels your fire. Go in peace and have fun. This place has a goal...development in an environment that allows a degree of saturation for testing sake....and when its done, its GONE! This is a while off yet, but to put into place a desire or feel of which you speak would be both misleading and out of focus. Not the end run.
    Is nobody actually reading what I am typing? Vlada remarked "everything in game is free and available to anyone willing to put in time and some effort to obtain it by just playing". I disagreed with that statement. I do not think that statement, given the reality of this server, is accurate. Period.....nothing more, nothing less. I also made a remark about him being a smart *** in reply (for no reason I might add), but that is what it is. He is the face of this project on the forums and he is the same as he has always been.

    I never said that SWGEmu was "peddling for players". I never said that Basilisk was not a "test server". I never said I wanted accelerated experience nor did I say I wanted a pure play environment. I have went in peace, came back, play on a bunch of servers, and have never seemed to have an issue anywhere.

    Taking my disagreement with Vlada's statement, which I feel is not reflective of the reality of this server, and turning that into all the stuff you just typed required some extreme stretching there cuz.

    You know what.......forget I said anything fellas. I was wrong SWGEmu is the place where a working man new to SWG can start cold turkey and in three weeks be outdamaging the campers with legendary weapons at the Acklay. He can do anything at all with his Cdef because BASILISK!!! ANd in the name of all that is decent and holy, Vlada is the Shakespeare of our time and NEVER EVER could phrase something better!

    There.....we good now? I'll try to work on not having those pesky opinions in the future too.

  14. #29
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darth8875 View Post
    You know what.......forget I said anything fellas. I was wrong SWGEmu is the place where a working man new to SWG can start cold turkey and in three weeks be outdamaging the campers with legendary weapons at the Acklay. He can do anything at all with his Cdef because BASILISK!!! ANd in the name of all that is decent and holy, Vlada is the Shakespeare of our time and NEVER EVER could phrase something better!
    No one said that ever. We all stated that if you put in enough time and effort, for some 3 weeks (but i doubt it) for others 3 , or 9 months or 10 years (just for the sake of argument) they will be able to compete with those camping the high end mobs. Its all about how much time and effort someone puts in to playing. If that "working man" you mention doesn't have time, or just doesn't want to play the game then they wont be able to do it and guess what they don't deserve to do it, because even in a game things need to be earned not handed to you.

    So if you're making a conscious choice or just don't have the luxury to pick game over real life, then no, you will not be able to compete with those with uber gear any time soon. So please stop regurgitating the idea that because you are busy working in real life and providing for your family (which is admirable) you deserve the same gear and to farm the same mobs as those that spend more time in game then you do at work, because you just don't. Sorry, playing the real life doesn't give you in game XP, it dont work that way. Never has, never will.
    Last edited by Vlada; 07-05-2017 at 06:32 PM.

  15. #30
    Addicted shilo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darth8875 View Post
    Is nobody actually reading what I am typing? Vlada remarked "everything in game is free and available to anyone willing to put in time and some effort to obtain it by just playing". I disagreed with that statement. I do not think that statement, given the reality of this server, is accurate. Period.....nothing more, nothing less.
    It seems that you do not like the answer that you are being given, so you keep asking the same question hoping to get an answer that you like! I see this all the time in students trying to understand a complicated math or physics problem. They ask a question, and are given an answer but when they do not understand the answer they get frustrated and re-ask the same question in a different way hoping to get an answer that they can understand!

    IGN Shyloe, and Cydonia. Drop-off vendor located @ /way 6188, 6206. NIKA Marketplace.

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