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Thread: SWGEmu half-year financial report (first half of 2014)

  1. #16
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    $3-$5 month is very do able even with my broke ***.

  2. #17
    Junior Member Blahw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by justin210485 View Post
    $3-$5 month is very do able even with my broke ***.
    im broke but im donating
    IGN Frej Master ranger , bluefintuna Master swords , Ahorn master doc master combat medic, Gorli, Flunkie Quicivu, Balder

  3. #18
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    I'm just seeing this. I wasn't aware that financials were posted, it's great that this is transparent for the community, even more reason to support the EMU.

    Just a few observations about ******/Lucas:

    I live and work in the SF Bay Area, and have worked in the Gaming industry here. I have a few friends at LA, ******, as well as a number of other shops big and small. My observation is that no news from ****** is probably good news for the project. ****** understands a few things, one is that in the acquisition they also acquired a bunch of various communities of, sometimes rabid, SW fans. They also understand that leaving those communities alone, and in many cases actually supporting their efforts either overtly or though omission is in their best interest. Every SW fan is a potential paying customer for ****** and they know that.

    You are not dealing with SOE here, of any organization ****** understands two things better than any entertainment company that has ever existed a) Marketing and b) How to extract money from its consumers. This isn't a slam on them, if anything its a compliment, it's something they are really good at (if you have children you probably already know this). That said they also understand the downstream consequences of snuffing out a community driven project like SWGemu, because those community members are probably involved in other non-game SW communities (501'st is a great example of this) so any action taken has exponential downstream consequences.

    If there is anything the Gaming industry learned from the handling of SWG by SOE it's the impact of exponential downstream consequences on the bottom line. SOE is barely recovering from this hit to their reputation still 10 years on, at least here it is in the epicenter of where games are born and developed. Things like "Don't pull a Smedly on your community" are still heard in conference rooms here. And there are devs that flat out refuse to work at shops with bad reputations around Gaming communities.

    ****** wants no part of a marketing nightmare like that. They understand marketing and money and avoid any bad publicity like the plague, any action against a SW community would be viewed very negatively by SW fans and the industry here, which is something they definitely can't afford, given their game production efforts here.

    So my observation is no news is probably good news, they know economic goodwill means you will probably go see the next ****** SW film and continue to take your Family to ******land and buy SW related ****** merch. And this for them has way more upside than attempting to snuff out a community driven project of passionate SW fans.

    Just my 2 credits

    IGN: Chef Wolfcal Puck <TEF> Mayor, North Jundland Station, Dantooine
    Augustino <LIVE>

  4. #19
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkliefSG View Post
    I'm just seeing this. I wasn't aware that financials were posted, it's great that this is transparent for the community, even more reason to support the EMU.

    Just a few observations about ******/Lucas:

    I live and work in the SF Bay Area, and have worked in the Gaming industry here. I have a few friends at LA, ******, as well as a number of other shops big and small. My observation is that no news from ****** is probably good news for the project. ****** understands a few things, one is that in the acquisition they also acquired a bunch of various communities of, sometimes rabid, SW fans. They also understand that leaving those communities alone, and in many cases actually supporting their efforts either overtly or though omission is in their best interest. Every SW fan is a potential paying customer for ****** and they know that.

    You are not dealing with SOE here, of any organization ****** understands two things better than any entertainment company that has ever existed a) Marketing and b) How to extract money from its consumers. This isn't a slam on them, if anything its a compliment, it's something they are really good at (if you have children you probably already know this). That said they also understand the downstream consequences of snuffing out a community driven project like SWGemu, because those community members are probably involved in other non-game SW communities (501'st is a great example of this) so any action taken has exponential downstream consequences.

    If there is anything the Gaming industry learned from the handling of SWG by SOE it's the impact of exponential downstream consequences on the bottom line. SOE is barely recovering from this hit to their reputation still 10 years on, at least here it is in the epicenter of where games are born and developed. Things like "Don't pull a Smedly on your community" are still heard in conference rooms here. And there are devs that flat out refuse to work at shops with bad reputations around Gaming communities.

    ****** wants no part of a marketing nightmare like that. They understand marketing and money and avoid any bad publicity like the plague, any action against a SW community would be viewed very negatively by SW fans and the industry here, which is something they definitely can't afford, given their game production efforts here.

    So my observation is no news is probably good news, they know economic goodwill means you will probably go see the next ****** SW film and continue to take your Family to ******land and buy SW related ****** merch. And this for them has way more upside than attempting to snuff out a community driven project of passionate SW fans.

    Just my 2 credits
    I am inclined to agree with this.

  5. #20
    Newbie Iadi's Avatar
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    Got back after a long break and was looking in the forums and noticed I have been a member since 2011 , Wow has things ever changed since Was doing a recap of all my time spent remembering and rediscovering the game and decided to make a donation because this is a great project about a great game that has yet to be surpassed !

    Long live EMU !

  6. #21
    Senior Member makednoce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkliefSG View Post
    I'm just seeing this. I wasn't aware that financials were posted, it's great that this is transparent for the community, even more reason to support the EMU.

    Just a few observations about ******/Lucas:

    I live and work in the SF Bay Area, and have worked in the Gaming industry here. I have a few friends at LA, ******, as well as a number of other shops big and small. My observation is that no news from ****** is probably good news for the project. ****** understands a few things, one is that in the acquisition they also acquired a bunch of various communities of, sometimes rabid, SW fans. They also understand that leaving those communities alone, and in many cases actually supporting their efforts either overtly or though omission is in their best interest. Every SW fan is a potential paying customer for ****** and they know that.

    You are not dealing with SOE here, of any organization ****** understands two things better than any entertainment company that has ever existed a) Marketing and b) How to extract money from its consumers. This isn't a slam on them, if anything its a compliment, it's something they are really good at (if you have children you probably already know this). That said they also understand the downstream consequences of snuffing out a community driven project like SWGemu, because those community members are probably involved in other non-game SW communities (501'st is a great example of this) so any action taken has exponential downstream consequences.

    If there is anything the Gaming industry learned from the handling of SWG by SOE it's the impact of exponential downstream consequences on the bottom line. SOE is barely recovering from this hit to their reputation still 10 years on, at least here it is in the epicenter of where games are born and developed. Things like "Don't pull a Smedly on your community" are still heard in conference rooms here. And there are devs that flat out refuse to work at shops with bad reputations around Gaming communities.

    ****** wants no part of a marketing nightmare like that. They understand marketing and money and avoid any bad publicity like the plague, any action against a SW community would be viewed very negatively by SW fans and the industry here, which is something they definitely can't afford, given their game production efforts here.

    So my observation is no news is probably good news, they know economic goodwill means you will probably go see the next ****** SW film and continue to take your Family to ******land and buy SW related ****** merch. And this for them has way more upside than attempting to snuff out a community driven project of passionate SW fans.

    Just my 2 credits
    Well said, but ****** will allow this project to continue.This project is too small for them to notice and handle with it (for now).
    Untill SWGEMU becomes financial threat to ****** this project will continue.
    I only see a solution when SWGEMU is finished with 1.0, they send letter to ****** that they have finished their project to the point were it can make money.So in that case ****** will have to rebuy the code from SWGEMU developers and merge with Star Wars naming rights.Because 1.0 is diferent from the original SWG code and it is unique and SWGEMU developers have the rights to sell it on the market.The only problem is in Star Wars names witch ****** owns now.But as Lucas Arts said ****** obligated to preserve all SW community and not destroy it, so in some point in time they will have to offer a contract to SWGEMU devs. (my 2 denars).

    Last edited by makednoce; 11-07-2014 at 10:34 AM.

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by makednoce View Post
    Well said, but ****** will allow this project to continue.This project is too small for them to notice and handle with it (for now).
    Untill SWGEMU becomes financial threat to ****** this project will continue.
    I only see a solution when SWGEMU is finished with 1.0, they send letter to ****** that they have finished their project to the point were it can make money.So in that case ****** will have to rebuy the code from SWGEMU developers and merge with Star Wars naming rights.Because 1.0 is diferent from the original SWG code and it is unique and SWGEMU developers have the rights to sell it on the market.The only problem is in Star Wars names witch ****** owns now.But as Lucas Arts said ****** obligated to preserve all SW community and not destroy it, so in some point in time they will have to offer a contract to SWGEMU devs. (my 2 denars).[/CENTER]
    SWGEmu will never become a financial threat to ******. ****** has 81 billion dollars worth of assets. SWGEmu has a bank account with $4,000 in it. That's $4,000 vs. $81,000,000,000. SWGEMU could get a hundred times bigger and not even be a 81,000th of a care to ******.

    ****** isn't going to buy SWGEmu. You know how much of a nightmare that transaction would be? No company in their right mind would set themselves up for that amount of litigation from Sony. You know, the company that has over 15x amount of money that ****** does. And Sony has no reason to shut down SWGEMU because it'd be spending money on something they can't get any more money out of.

    The only threat I could see developing is EA. If a SWGEMU release is coupled with a massive decline in SWTOR, we may see either EA or EA's influence with ****** try to make some kind of litigation happen. As others have mentioned, this would likely bring bad press for ******. And although EA has the rights to develop Star Wars games, it's EA who wants to please ******, not the other way around.

  8. #23
    Dedicated RM706's Avatar
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    Barbara Quinn of ****** IP department purchased and renewed the "Star Wars Galaxies" trademark in December.


    It's not looking like ****** has any interest in SWGemu. ****** seems to have done a 180..."[******] now seems to realize that fan-created content — even in cases where that content is generating revenue that is not captured by ****** — is cross-promotional marketing that money can’t buy."

    Can't we all just get along?!!

  9. #24
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    I am a huge fan of this game, and am thankful for the original developers, midway developers and the current developers, without them we wouldnt not have a game to play. What i do not understand is why limit the world, reduce drop ratio's, not spawn elders randomly around dath? This is just a test server yes, but one you need donations to upkeep and none of my friends, over 200 will play the current version because it is mildly lame (strictly based on the cool stuff we used to loot) I have a masters in Micro economics and financial analysis and money movement and would like to share my expertise to revitalize the game. I am going to get flamed, and frankly, i expect it because if there is one thing i know about dealing with programmers and such is that they are righteous and egotistical, which is fine, so am I, but what i do know is that even if you have a small portion of the community saying yay this is the way we want it, the others will just leave. I say, keep the loot ratios the way that they are but make the higher end mobs like elders drop weapons worth calling home to mom for. I was flamed last time cause everyone was like "this is how it was in Live".... Well maybe if you only experienced half the game.

    All i am asking for is 2-3% greater chance to loot weapons that dont get deleted cause they suck, random world spawn for night sister elders and alike (they were there before) and just an added element to let the people that enjoy the leet setting have their fun too. Dont let your idea of what you believe is right sway your judgment, cause in the end, you would have done it for nothing. \

    Flame me all you want, double guns to all that do. I miss the game for what it was and wish the vision would be shared by my fellow fans.

    Also, why not bring back jedi even if it is broken, GIVE ME A REASON TO DONATE>

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by alix View Post
    I am a huge fan of this game, and am thankful for the original developers, midway developers and the current developers, without them we wouldnt not have a game to play. What i do not understand is why limit the world, reduce drop ratio's, not spawn elders randomly around dath? This is just a test server yes, but one you need donations to upkeep and none of my friends, over 200 will play the current version because it is mildly lame (strictly based on the cool stuff we used to loot) I have a masters in Micro economics and financial analysis and money movement and would like to share my expertise to revitalize the game. I am going to get flamed, and frankly, i expect it because if there is one thing i know about dealing with programmers and such is that they are righteous and egotistical, which is fine, so am I, but what i do know is that even if you have a small portion of the community saying yay this is the way we want it, the others will just leave. I say, keep the loot ratios the way that they are but make the higher end mobs like elders drop weapons worth calling home to mom for. I was flamed last time cause everyone was like "this is how it was in Live".... Well maybe if you only experienced half the game.

    All i am asking for is 2-3% greater chance to loot weapons that dont get deleted cause they suck, random world spawn for night sister elders and alike (they were there before) and just an added element to let the people that enjoy the leet setting have their fun too. Dont let your idea of what you believe is right sway your judgment, cause in the end, you would have done it for nothing. \

    Flame me all you want, double guns to all that do. I miss the game for what it was and wish the vision would be shared by my fellow fans.

    Also, why not bring back jedi even if it is broken, GIVE ME A REASON TO DONATE>
    No. This is also not the proper location for this discussion. You're welcome to post your dead horse beating topic in Future Server Ideas.

    SWGEmu is a non-profit, open source community project. | How to report bugs | Mantis (Bug Tracker)

  11. #26
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    LOl thats what i mean... Dead Horse Beating Topic.... There is a reason that the poor dead horse is still being beaten. And i think this is a perfect spot for it. If you want to sustain a more consistent donation pool, you should stop trying to make people feel dumb and w/e you are right no one cares, lol reminds me of SOE, so i guess at least we can simulate that. Thanks for your poor response.

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by alix View Post
    LOl thats what i mean... Dead Horse Beating Topic.... There is a reason that the poor dead horse is still being beaten. And i think this is a perfect spot for it. If you want to sustain a more consistent donation pool, you should stop trying to make people feel dumb and w/e you are right no one cares, lol reminds me of SOE, so i guess at least we can simulate that. Thanks for your poor response.
    Development of this project will continue with or without donations. The only thing a lack of donations will do is make Basilisk go away, our development process will stay the same.

    We're emulating 14.1, that is the scope of the project. It's been stated hundreds of times before. We're not looking for feedback on improving the game or your opinion on how to get more donations. Once our 14.1 goal is reached, the team that handles Suncrusher will start considering player feedback on game improvements.

    SWGEmu is a non-profit, open source community project. | How to report bugs | Mantis (Bug Tracker)

  13. #28
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    Sorry, i missed the we dont care about your opinions thread. I just have to ask a question then i will leave and not post my "opinions" anymore. Why do all of this? Once the game is at 14.1, will you be giving the code out as open source or will it go to the hands of the next set of programming elitists?

  14. #29
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alix View Post
    Sorry, i missed the we dont care about your opinions thread. I just have to ask a question then i will leave and not post my "opinions" anymore. Why do all of this? Once the game is at 14.1, will you be giving the code out as open source or will it go to the hands of the next set of programming elitists?
    It will go to anyone who wants it.

    Our goals are not up for debate. This is a development project, we never claimed it was anything but that. We are not hosting servers for anyone's amusement, they are our development tools and they serve a purpose, if donations run out we will simply shut down Basilisk and continue running Nova if we can. In the end, none of this "shiny" stuff is necessary. Team can host their internal test server, we can make it invite only and development will go on until project goals are met. Of course we wont be able to stress test our code but i guess we can worry about it at some later date, or just let future server admins Beta and stress test it on their own. They are the ones that will be maintaining servers and taking care of updates after 1.0 is released anyway.

    So if you want to share your opinion on anything post 1.0 related, feel free to do so in Future server ideas and maybe folks that will be hosting servers post 1.0 will take under advisement. If you want to help us finish what we started, start coding or just log on to TC: Nova and start testing and reporting bugs. Or if you just want to play, you can do that to. But please, don't waste our time with stuff that is not important for this project in this stage of development.

  15. #30
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    I have been around the forums for a while now, and recently started trying out the project again. Last time I tried it was a few years ago and nothing worked yet. I'm quite impressed at how smooth things are running now. What is released now is a far better game than how SWG was during the launch week. Thanks a lot for all your work. I've made a small donation and hope others will to. Happy Hunting!

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