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Thread: Clone Wars, The Exploit

  1. #256
    Retired SWGEmu CSR
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    Quote Originally Posted by buellronin View Post
    1.0 won't be here for some are going to have to wait for suncrusher 2009 to get your 1.0 wipe..
    Then RIP Emu and pre cu.

  2. #257
    Addicted buellronin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oMek View Post
    Then RIP Emu and pre cu.
    Are you saying you are going to quit the game?
    I'm not sure what you mean.

  3. #258
    Member divlas's Avatar
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    I'm 100% with you Omek. If this had happened last year during the summer (low population) we would already be done...
    Now, players will lose the will to play very fast.
    Enmor Solusar \ Hatchi Rejan on Finalizer Former toons on bas: Enmor/ Hatchi Atlante/ Wenmor/ Endore/ Shaamus/ Metroid.

  4. #259
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    Quote Originally Posted by divlas View Post
    I'm 100% with you Omek. If this had happened last year during the summer (low population) we would already be done...
    Now, players will lose the will to play very fast.

    I think this will only happen if no one or no group of players attempts to help the community after the purge. I have heard from a few different guild leaders already that they are planning to help the community and those who lost items anyway they can.

    Of course this will lead to scum bags faking what they've lost and trying to collect on the good will of others.

    Yes what is coming will suck for anyone who loses something they worked hard to get.

    I will just ask this of everyone who does lose something. Remember how much fun you had grinding out your professions or your credits or loot drops to be able to get that item? Well instead of leaving the server just remember you can do it all over again and enjoy it as well.

    Having to earn something twice does suck when you lost it the first time due to no fault of your own. I imagine there will be items I will lose after this purge as well, I'm certain I will now lose at least 3 or 4 ADK at a minimum.

    However, I would ask those of you who do lose items to just keep carrying on. Enjoy the game have fun grinding out more loot or crafting more items to sell. If anyone is giving you trouble on the server ask your friends for help or even other guilds.

    I think we will find many members of the community who are more well off in game then the others will step up and do what they can to help keep the server going.

    TRADE Mall Tat /way 2194 -4573 [B]
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  5. #260
    Addicted buellronin's Avatar
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    I don't want duped items creating a shadow on the community.

    I will be deleting all of my items in case they are dupes. I ask all of you to do the same in an effort to show the developers that the community has integrity and won't stand for dupes.


  6. #261
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    Quote Originally Posted by buellronin View Post
    I don't want duped items creating a shadow on the community.

    I will be deleting all of my items in case they are dupes. I ask all of you to do the same in an effort to show the developers that the community has integrity and won't stand for dupes.

    I totally agree, soon as I have a chance I will delete 5 of the 6 adks I have. I will keep 1 from rewards I claimed.
    IGN golf' or 'golf

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  7. #262
    Member MyFearIsMyCurse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buellronin View Post
    I don't want duped items creating a shadow on the community.

    I will be deleting all of my items in case they are dupes. I ask all of you to do the same in an effort to show the developers that the community has integrity and won't stand for dupes.

    you can start with your account
    <Xenocide> Weapons in West Eisley Bazaar
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  8. #263
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    When will the first wave of stimulus credits be sent out to those affected? Thank you
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  9. #264
    Member dsrules's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by irixgero View Post
    I am amazed by how much you knew about this, and never reported it.
    you'll be happy to hear that i somehow know even less now than i did before.

    and you don't know my mantis tickets buckaroo! get@me

  10. #265
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    So the original post listed 7 accounts and mentioned 45 were banned. Of the 7 listed do we know what guild they were all in? Were they all in LIVE or was there others?

    With 45 accounts being banned there is no way a guild can say they were "unaware" of what was going on and if people continue to stay in those guilds, rather than leave because of its tarnished name. Then i would like to be able to do my best to avoid purchasing anything from their vendors.

  11. #266
    Addicted buellronin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fonma View Post
    So the original post listed 7 accounts and mentioned 45 were banned. Of the 7 listed do we know what guild they were all in? Were they all in LIVE or was there others?

    With 45 accounts being banned there is no way a guild can say they were "unaware" of what was going on and if people continue to stay in those guilds, rather than leave because of its tarnished name. Then i would like to be able to do my best to avoid purchasing anything from their vendors.

    Surely you can't judge an entire group by the bad actions of some of that group. Or do we now judge entire groups of people based on the actions of the minority?????

  12. #267
    Member Jackleware's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buellronin View Post
    Surely you can't judge an entire group by the bad actions of some of that group. Or do we now judge entire groups of people based on the actions of the minority?????
    Assuming the majority is aware of the issue, then when a majority fails to stop a minority from certain actions, or does not hold the minority accountable for their actions, then yes, we are going to judge the majority as failing in self-policing.

    Judging the failing majority within a situation for anything but the topic at hand is not fair. We have to keep the focus on the topic if judgements are going to be passed.
    Argus | OldShavey

  13. #268
    Dedicated Tyrenio's Avatar
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    I'm in LIVE. Tell me, without the tools LK has and without being told about the hacks, how would I know whether they're duping? Because they're incredibly rich? How rich is too rich? Most of these guys have been active 5+ years longer than me, asking them for a play-by-play on how they amassed their fortunes isn't reasonable nor conclusive in determining for myself if they cheated. Idk what you expect people to do that weren't in the know.
    Armor + Spice by Wombo and dropoff: West Eisley Bazaar Mall (2200 -4753)

  14. #269
    Addicted buellronin's Avatar
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    Jeff bezos is really rich. Is he duping?

  15. #270
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lolindir View Post
    . . . By affected we mean that they have been in contact with, or owning duped items. Its not an automatic ban to own a duped item or have had it in your possession. Many don't even know the item is a clone..
    Very true statement about not even knowing if any of my items were duped.
    I just signed on to see that all but one ADK I had was duped.
    Mega bummed because that's a lot of credits and traded items wasted... but I'm happy my BH's weapon and my jedi's gear are legit.

    Thank you Devs for finding out the guilty party.
    Hopefully things will start to get better, community-wise and economy-wise.

    Now is the real question... keep the ADK for my BH or Jedi... choices choices
    Last edited by RegDave77; 07-22-2020 at 04:01 PM.

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