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Thread: June 11th wipe

  1. #166
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    What actions can I take to lower the times DC'ing?

    When i hunt wildlife i can only be on for fifteen minutes before being disconnected for thirty minutes.

    Should I....
    A) Lower my graphics on the options menu?
    B)Cut out every program running other than SWG?
    C)Get a better internet Connection?
    D)Or...does this happen to everyone?

    Btw seriously, thanks for bringing back the greatest MMO in the history of gaming, YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!!!!

  2. #167
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    It happens to almost everyone.

    Try to stay away from crowded places like Coronet and Mos Eisley.

  3. #168
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    Long time reader, first time posting. I have played swg since launch and remember when they killed it with the NGE officially, so sad. I also remember when emu was only anchorhead and this post is just to say a huge thanks to all the Devs,staff, and everyone else that has worked on it. Keep up the great work! There will always be a negative in the crowd, but from reading this you have made alot of people happy bringing this back, i know i am! My best goes out to Xavia, and again thank you to all that help this project along, long live SWGemu.

    Jacob Lightseer

  4. #169
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    Brings back additional memories

    As an "old guy" that lived through the game debut, I figured I might add some perspective...

    When the servers first deployed and we laid our fifty bucks down for the game, Sony launched with about 60% of the game functional, the servers not at all, and we chewed fingernails all day at work hoping that the game would be up for seventeen minutes so we could actually visit Obi Wan's house ...

    ... and with all the work performed on the "free" product, by our talented and most gracious devs - they debuted a game with 75% functionality and we can log on for an hour or more before being booted.

    Sure, we'd all prefer gleaming new servers and unlimited bandwidth - all of which are more stable than the Rock of Gibralter, but that ain't in the cards ...

    So, I'll chew fingernails at work - forever grateful that some poor SOB is donating his free time so I can pump a laser beam up an iKopi's backside - knowing that in my best days I couldn't code a cheerio.

    Yes I want to play the game. Yes, I want to show an iKopi which end of the laser is hot. But I'm a patient SOB - and will gratefully gnaw fingernail knowing you're looking out for me.

    I work all day and come home to relax, you work all day and come home to work more...

    Thank you.
    Last edited by astroch33se; 06-14-2012 at 12:15 AM.

  5. #170
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    Hey, first time posting...Glad things are coming along, Great work! I was just wondering if there was any sort of time fram for Creature Handlers I cant wait to play them!

  6. #171
    Retired SWGEmu Staff mijom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by onc33 View Post
    Hey, first time posting...Glad things are coming along, Great work! I was just wondering if there was any sort of time fram for Creature Handlers I cant wait to play them!
    It should be implemented during alpha phase, nobody can give you accurate ETA though since we don't know when it is ready for testing.
    Retired SWGEmu Staff

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  7. #172
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    1st post for me too! I just wanted to tell you the server was almost flawless for quite a while before being brought down. I'm really fortunate just to be reliving the memories and I hope for more updates in the future!

  8. #173
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    Looks like word is getting around that the EMU is running better and better every time there is an update. I too am so excited to get to play... just a quick heads up to the new players... DON'T create a character and turn around and delete it. You can only make ONE every 24 hours!! So now that I have finally got the game installed and ready to go, I made that mistake and now have to wait on my days off for another 24 hours to get to play!! It's coded into the server that way... no way around it. Be careful when you delete!

  9. #174
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    Quote Originally Posted by astroch33se View Post
    As an "old guy" that lived through the game debut, I figured I might add some perspective...

    When the servers first deployed and we laid our fifty bucks down for the game, Sony launched with about 60% of the game functional, the servers not at all, and we chewed fingernails all day at work hoping that the game would be up for seventeen minutes so we could actually visit Obi Wan's house ...

    ... and with all the work performed on the "free" product, by our talented and most gracious devs - they debuted a game with 75% functionality and we can log on for an hour or more before being booted.

    Sure, we'd all prefer gleaming new servers and unlimited bandwidth - all of which are more stable than the Rock of Gibralter, but that ain't in the cards ...

    So, I'll chew fingernails at work - forever grateful that some poor SOB is donating his free time so I can pump a laser beam up an iKopi's backside - knowing that in my best days I couldn't code a cheerio.

    Yes I want to play the game. Yes, I want to show an iKopi which end of the laser is hot. But I'm a patient SOB - and will gratefully gnaw fingernail knowing you're looking out for me.

    I work all day and come home to relax, you work all day and come home to work more...

    Thank you.
    Couldn't have been said better. Thanks for reminding us all how much it sucked when the game was first devoloped, and how much work these devs have done, knowing this isn't thier job. I'm not going to say if you can't be patient leave the game, because that hurts what the devs are doing this EMU for, but instead i'll go with an old saying "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." They are strictly asking us to point out certain bugs and such, so lets stick to what we can do for them, so you can continue to work on this game as thier time allows.
    Tailor - IGN Avank Stalker
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    Now selling Loot Kits, & Sea's

  10. #175
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    Quote Originally Posted by mijom View Post
    We are in Alpha phase of development. Crashes, tweaks that need server restart and updates are bound to happen. If the server is down it's for reason, not just for fun.
    Yes, it is difficult to get upset about either the amount of work going into this project OR the price. Thanks to all involved.

  11. #176
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    Quote Originally Posted by astroch33se View Post
    As an "old guy" that lived through the game debut, I figured I might add some perspective...

    When the servers first deployed and we laid our fifty bucks down for the game, Sony launched with about 60% of the game functional, the servers not at all, and we chewed fingernails all day at work hoping that the game would be up for seventeen minutes so we could actually visit Obi Wan's house ...

    ... and with all the work performed on the "free" product, by our talented and most gracious devs - they debuted a game with 75% functionality and we can log on for an hour or more before being booted.

    Sure, we'd all prefer gleaming new servers and unlimited bandwidth - all of which are more stable than the Rock of Gibralter, but that ain't in the cards ...

    So, I'll chew fingernails at work - forever grateful that some poor SOB is donating his free time so I can pump a laser beam up an iKopi's backside - knowing that in my best days I couldn't code a cheerio.

    Yes I want to play the game. Yes, I want to show an iKopi which end of the laser is hot. But I'm a patient SOB - and will gratefully gnaw fingernail knowing you're looking out for me.

    I work all day and come home to relax, you work all day and come home to work more...

    Thank you.
    You aren't kidding. I paid full price at launch and had to wait for three days before I could get through the lag on the account servers. I can also say that it wasn't much more stable than the EMU is currently-although it would make professions a bit easier if the vendor/bazaar system worked. LOL

  12. #177
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    I've been playing on the emulator here at SWGemu for years on and off whenever I can. Had to take a long hiatus due to work but came back and and very excited seeing everything that's been happening and the progress that's been made. Got my discs ready and installing it again as we speak can't wait to get back in game and start the journey along with everyone else. Kudos to the SWGemu team for all they've done and will continue to do. Kudos to all the players who are here to enjoy a long forgotten experience.

  13. #178
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    How is the test server set up? Can I master a profession right away? Or start with a bunch of credits? Or do I have to start from scratch? Re-creating a bug to test on NOVA may prove to be a real pin in the what what, if you catch my drift... Which means if a bug is found on Basilisk players are going to have issues testing it on the TS before reporting the bugs. Good thing for this recent patch though, everything's kinda fresh for testing even on Basilisk.

  14. #179
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    there are bluefrogs to give you the desired skill boxes, equipment, resources, creds 'n all the stuff you might look for

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