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Thread: Clone Wars, The Exploit

  1. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by Asifab19 View Post
    Senolin, you can say you earned your way to acklay all you want. Truth is you were in the group that used methods against the ToS to get to where they were and you in a sense were compliant and complacent with their actions? When I ask myself why this is, it was clear you wanted to be on the side of the winner to get yourself a chance at some of the nicer items on the game. Which is entirely fine to want to be on the winning side, it's just not fine when you close your eyes to their bad actions that harmed the community to get there.

    When you say SEM will now own the acklay is entirely wrong. If the group was made up entirely of SEM players I'd likely agree with you. However it's a multi guild group. This is what it takes for legit players to be able to compete against those who dupe and cheat their way to the top.

    whut? I didnt even say i earned my way to acklay, I said i earned everything i have. Nobody gave me duped weapons? I still probably have a smaller gear then 90% of SEM, the REAL truth is. LIVE was the only guild to invite me to acklay, so i joined, I didnt ignore anything, you guys are all rich? I've seen you offer 500mil at an auction before, so how am i to just assume they exploit and you don't?

    Lol i'm compliant and complacent for being invited into a group, saying yes. Buffing my toon and running macros? Do you even listen to yourself?

    I also don't know why you're attacking me personally as all I said was SEM will be owning the acklay now. Didn't even say anything about you.

  2. #152
    Dedicated Monoxxide's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Asifab19 View Post
    Also as a retired staff member you were buddies with those who are on the wall of shame. Surely you don't expect anyone to believe that you had no idea what they were up to? As said before on this thread many times half the server knew that group was cheating to get to where they were.

    I mean for anyone to try and claim ignorance who has played with this group of players etc is just sad.
    I don't think you realize how far the secrecy went. 2 of the people on that list are people I've played with for years, one of them for 15 years, and he is the reason I was initially banned. I had no idea that he had a dupe and sold me some duped ADKs.

    These people kept quiet about it because it made them hella cash dollar IRL. I am talking tens of thousands of dollars. Not for a single item, but a single item could easily go for hundreds if not thousands.

    These people were operating a business, one that is against ToS, but a business none the less. They are not going to tell more than is necessary because the more people know the more at risk their business is, so it is not fair to blame those who played with them as being equally guilty. They are not.

  3. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by Monoxxide View Post
    I don't think you realize how far the secrecy went. 2 of the people on that list are people I've played with for years, one of them for 15 years, and he is the reason I was initially banned. I had no idea that he had a dupe and sold me some duped ADKs.

    These people kept quiet about it because it made them hella cash dollar IRL. I am talking tens of thousands of dollars. Not for a single item, but a single item could easily go for hundreds if not thousands.

    These people were operating a business, one that is against ToS, but a business none the less. They are not going to tell more than is necessary because the more people know the more at risk their business is, so it is not fair to blame those who played with them as being equally guilty. They are not.
    10s of thousands?? Lmao

  4. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by Monoxxide View Post
    I don't think you realize how far the secrecy went. 2 of the people on that list are people I've played with for years, one of them for 15 years, and he is the reason I was initially banned. I had no idea that he had a dupe and sold me some duped ADKs.

    These people kept quiet about it because it made them hella cash dollar IRL. I am talking tens of thousands of dollars. Not for a single item, but a single item could easily go for hundreds if not thousands.

    These people were operating a business, one that is against ToS, but a business none the less. They are not going to tell more than is necessary because the more people know the more at risk their business is, so it is not fair to blame those who played with them as being equally guilty. They are not.
    You are correct, they were running a business when it came to selling items for irl money. However, I know that several in the group knew of places that held many many ADK's in a house. The amount of high damage sliced exceptionally crafted weapons that no one in the group was ever looting the components for. The never ending supply of credits that players like sire would show on the trade forums. All of it together adds up to only one conclusion that many of us on the server had come to years ago. I am not saying everyone was in the know as far as how it worked etc. The players who spent their days and nights running with these people knew they were doing something that was against rules and were turning a blind eye because it benefited them in many ways.

    I'm starting to wonder if there is a single rule that this group has not broken in the past few years to oppress the server and raise themselves up.

    If anyone can believe that 1 small group of people in this game can manage to obtain never ending new exceptionally crafted weapons or better for several years in a row then I don't know what to tell ya.

    Many of us have been reporting this group for years for different things.

    I am just glad it is finally over and I really hope the server life and quality improve drastically.

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  5. #155
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    I had no idea the fifty items deleted from my inventory were duped - everyone playing the last five years.

    Its literally impossible to have done high item trades/sales and not to have encountered any of the accused.

    I've personally done plenty of items to and fro with sire and it all seemed legit. Going to be pretty silly if I get punished because he had some account issues.

  6. #156
    Retired SWGEmu CSR
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    Quote Originally Posted by Asifab19 View Post
    Also as a retired staff member you were buddies with those who are on the wall of shame. Surely you don't expect anyone to believe that you had no idea what they were up to? As said before on this thread many times half the server knew that group was cheating to get to where they were.

    I mean for anyone to try and claim ignorance who has played with this group of players etc is just sad.
    I was staff many many moons ago, it has no bearing on the current server or situation. I also have not confirmed or denied knowing anything about this. You took it upon yourself to assume I did. Like Rommi said this appears to be a very close guarded secret that very few really knew about. Also from what I have been told this started within the last year, so your claim that everyone has known for years is nothing but your fanboy attitude coming out. Don't worry LIVE will still be there to haunt you in your dreams.

  7. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by oMek View Post
    I was staff many many moons ago, it has no bearing on the current server or situation. I also have not confirmed or denied knowing anything about this. You took it upon yourself to assume I did. Like Rommi said this appears to be a very close guarded secret that very few really knew about. Also from what I have been told this started within the last year, so your claim that everyone has known for years is nothing but your fanboy attitude coming out. Don't worry LIVE will still be there to haunt you in your dreams.
    It wasnt tho , just not reported to the extent the ToS demands.

    Lots of people bought alot of items that could be only considered questionable due to frequency and source, myself included more than likely.

    I remember when siv gave up naming duped weapons and just left them default names with max tissues and dmg slices topkek

    If storm was a precdent everyone in LIVE and DWB would be blanket banned and deserving of it. You all benefited from cheating.

    ReCoN having to compete and beat you filth makes me sick.
    Last edited by Livy2K; 07-14-2020 at 06:38 AM.

  8. #158
    Junior Member Ryddenn's Avatar
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    So I feel i need to pop in here

    I do understand old grudges spark a new one when drama happens but throwing pie on eachother on matters that has nothing to do with the bans are more of a pit concern

    With that said I was shocked over some of the ppl banned. and as i told my guils on discord is that jst cause there was a few rotten Apples u shall not drag the whole guild of LIVE over 1 comb if someone does something dubios im sure they will get banned but its also up to us as a community to get out of this stronger and all i can day gj dev team and hopefully we as community keep helping them to make this place as exploit aafe as we can before 1.0 comes along

  9. #159
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    If bans were a pit concern the staff wouldnt be making this announcement public.

    You cats done did it and benefitted from it. Those duped credits bought Live their city hall in south coronet

  10. #160
    Junior Member Ryddenn's Avatar
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    Obvs the bans discussion isnt the pit concern was more refering to the acklay u did he did we did pietossing

    And just to be clear i have no affiliation with LIVE i just like some of there members tbh i much rather look and judge a oerson of there actions rather the guild ffiliation
    Last edited by Lolindir; 07-14-2020 at 08:22 AM. Reason: Double post

  11. #161
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    Live has made a living off presenting themselves as a united front, so we ought to judge them upon that front.

    Duped items likely bought that city. I know the ReCoN and FAP houses sold in that region were all to Siv.

    If he cheated us, we should get out land back.

  12. #162
    Junior Member Ryddenn's Avatar
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    I would say that beeing a united front as a guild is pretty common as thats what guilds do.

    When it comes to the cash part of it greed and money can make someobe go extreme lenghts to scheme and decive ppl and its only naturall for a PA to trust and stick up for eachother without them actually knowing about any of the shady buisness.

    Now i do agree its ****ty siv mighr have bought the land for duped cash but in the end thats only pixels on a testserver and who knows maybe that also helped out to close this scammer ring.

    And in the end anyone not banned we have to assume had no part or know about the whole thing and not bully them of the server as less ppl is not what this project needs

  13. #163
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    So if your guildies stole the land from my people with duped credits, we are owed reparations no?

  14. #164
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    Quote Originally Posted by Livy2K View Post
    So if your guildies stole the land from my people with duped credits, we are owed reparations no?
    Raparations? From the Empire?!?


    uhm just a joke... please excuse...

  15. #165
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    It's a couple pages late but I did read something about LIVE stopping people from completing the Knight trials and I just had to say this is not true.

    When I needed the Acklay I reached out to them and they gladly removed someone from the group to slot me in and I know of 3-4 other Jedi who they did the same for.
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