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Thread: SWGEmu half-year financial report (second half of 2013)

  1. #76
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pentix View Post
    since you said you will accept bitcoin when paypal does, you suggest that you want people to donate bitcoin using paypal. the entire purpose of bitcoin is to send money without using a third party. should i write more?

    i'm not going to talk about the subject of "real currency". it can be traded for USD and that's all that matters.
    I know that cryptocurrency is the new "best thing since sliced bread" thing, but until we can pay all of our bills with it, and until it is recognized and accepted by all relevant institutions as an actual currency, and our bank and paypal start accepting them, we cant use them.

    You can offer us donations in firewood or ladybugs, and while we are grateful for your generous offer, until we can actually pay our bills with those, we must respectfully decline.
    Last edited by Vlada; 05-12-2014 at 11:42 PM.

  2. #77
    Junior Member acidanarchy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pentix View Post
    since you said you will accept bitcoin when paypal does, you suggest that you want people to donate bitcoin using paypal. the entire purpose of bitcoin is to send money without using a third party. should i write more?

    i'm not going to talk about the subject of "real currency". it can be traded for USD and that's all that matters.
    So what happens when your 3rd party currency system crashes or goes away? Where does your money go then? Who will trade it for USD then?

    Maybe you fail to realize the money scam you have allowed yourself to get sucked into by purchasing fake money with real money. Ask anyone with real money if they would ever trade their real money for fake money in hopes to trade it back for real money later. Who's winning in that situation? The person who issues the fake money or the person who gives their real money to receive fake money in a voucher system. How about we all start trading Cartel Coins from SWTOR and hope we can pay bills with that.

    Real financial institutions do not recognize bitcoin because it's not real money. But hey, you want to wrap your paycheck up into some money laundering system and believe you'll get it all back later then be my guest. Maybe you should sit down and try watching The Wolf of Wall Street

    PayPal isn't a 3rd party, it's very much so like a bank with a real account that holds real money. I've had a MasterCard with PayPal for many years.

  3. #78
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    People dont seem to understand that we as individuals cant accept money. SWGEmu is a NPO and as such is regulated by certain laws.

    You can not donate money to a NPO aka SWGEmu if you dont do it through an institution recognized by law aka banks or paypal. If we exclude one or the other, to whom would you be donating money or cryptocurrency? SWGEmu is not a person, you cant put money in its pockets, its an organization, organisation that by law has to keep books and by law has to keep its money in a bank or a similar monetary organization recognized by law, in our case Paypal. Giving money to one of our staff members wouldn't be the same as giving it to SWGEmu, it wouldn't even be considered donating. So excluding banks or paypal from the donation process is not only unwise, it more than likely illegal.

  4. #79
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    TBH its been a pleasure an a great privilege to be playing here ever since i got to Beta Test the game before its release in 03 this game was the.... well u know ... after its release i said i will wait oct of 03 i was in there till about 05 when the call to beta MxO came thru after said and done i return to tatooine only to see that NGE played in and ruin what i thought i could call home

    SWG was never the same again till True Galaxies came about talking about EMu this EMu that others said no one got time for that

    well lemme tell you few ppl did and its been an honor to witness that progress and new hope that yeah we will get our MMO of the century back
    heck every lil dollar counts if the financials is tough like that heck i would even mine cryptocurrencies just to say i wanna see this thru to the end till one of these dudes says what SOE did a few yrs back

    "its been a long run"

    cause true story it has...

  5. #80
    Junior Member civic_tiger's Avatar
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    IF you have bit coins sell them and donate the proceeds to the emu project. Simple.

    It's what the project accepts as a form of donation. Although bit coins have monetary value to them, some organizations still see them as an asset, such as shares in a company, and until the whole bit coin revolution catches on it will not be a fully useful form of currency. It doesn't even have conversion rates for different parts of the world, does it?
    Regardless.. Like mentioned, sell the bit coins and donate via PayPal.

    Civic's Loot House: 972 -5628 (1.35k SE Coronet Starport)

  6. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pentix View Post
    since you said you will accept bitcoin when paypal does, you suggest that you want people to donate bitcoin using paypal. the entire purpose of bitcoin is to send money without using a third party. should i write more?

    i'm not going to talk about the subject of "real currency". it can be traded for USD and that's all that matters.
    As said... trade it for USD or the currency of your choice that paypal accepts and donate it. Or give someone that will use paypal the bitcoin and have them sell it and paypal it. Do you hate paypal more than you like SWG?
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  7. #82
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    0_0 so many posts to reply to. i will do one at a time to make it easier for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vlada View Post
    I know that cryptocurrency is the new "best thing since sliced bread" thing, but until we can pay all of our bills with it, and until it is recognized and accepted by all relevant institutions as an actual currency, and our bank and paypal start accepting them, we cant use them.

    You can offer us donations in firewood or ladybugs, and while we are grateful for your generous offer, until we can actually pay our bills with those, we must respectfully decline.
    ok, that's fine. just wanted to offer the idea of accepting bitcoin and then selling them for USD.

    Quote Originally Posted by acidanarchy View Post
    So what happens when your 3rd party currency system crashes or goes away? Where does your money go then? Who will trade it for USD then?
    the easy solution for your question is trade it for USD and empty the account. i've seen a couple trading sites go down and they try to get everyone their money. (i didnt have anything in my account)

    middle two paragraphs = no comment.

    Quote Originally Posted by acidanarchy View Post
    PayPal isn't a 3rd party, it's very much so like a bank with a real account that holds real money. I've had a MasterCard with PayPal for many years.
    3rd party was the best word i could think of. but if they are taking fee from each transaction, i'm pretty sure that qualifies as a third party.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vlada View Post
    People dont seem to understand that we as individuals cant accept money. SWGEmu is a NPO and as such is regulated by certain laws.

    You can not donate money to a NPO aka SWGEmu if you dont do it through an institution recognized by law aka banks or paypal. If we exclude one or the other, to whom would you be donating money or cryptocurrency? SWGEmu is not a person, you cant put money in its pockets, its an organization, organisation that by law has to keep books and by law has to keep its money in a bank or a similar monetary organization recognized by law, in our case Paypal. Giving money to one of our staff members wouldn't be the same as giving it to SWGEmu, it wouldn't even be considered donating. So excluding banks or paypal from the donation process is not only unwise, it more than likely illegal.
    now this right here, this makes sense. i'll give you this one as a valid argument.

    Quote Originally Posted by rommelrommel View Post
    Do you hate paypal more than you like SWG?
    no one noticed the donate thing on me?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lolindir View Post
    Edit in the quotes in one post and answer the individual quote. No need to quadruple post.
    i would if i knew how. i pretty much dont use forums much at all.

    EDIT: forgot to add, i'm only talking about bitcoin because it was already brought up by someone else.
    thx for condensing my posts for me.
    Last edited by Pentix; 05-13-2014 at 11:34 AM.

  8. #83
    SWGEmu Admin Lolindir's Avatar
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    Edit in the quotes in one post and answer the individual quote. No need to quadruple post.


    down right you have an edit function.... Click quote post, cut it out. find the next you wish to individually answer, click quote post, paste the current saved quote in the new one, click ctrl+A then cntrl+X and do this until you have all the quotes you need. To make it easy for yourself, make space between each new quote and write in the "pocket" you get. We also have a multi quote function on the forum.
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  9. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pentix View Post
    no one noticed the donate thing on me?
    Not ripping on you at all, but no. I don't see any bars displayed.
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  10. #85
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    If you click on the profile of Pentix and then select "Awards" you get this:

    Donation Level 3 This award is given to a member of the site who has donated more than 25.00 USD total

    Why it does not show up like others do I don't know why.
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  11. #86
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gutboy Barrelhouse View Post
    If you click on the profile of Pentix and then select "Awards" you get this:

    Donation Level 3 This award is given to a member of the site who has donated more than 25.00 USD total

    Why it does not show up like others do I don't know why.
    Becauseour forums are awesome, or maybe he chose to donate anonymously.

  12. #87
    Newbie Shepskii's Avatar
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    Seeing this thread made me check my donations only to find the monthly payment had failed cos I forgot to update the new card details. Fixed

  13. #88
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    Just setup my monthly donation. Thank you so much for working on restoring one of my favorite games of all time. I'm impressed with how dedicated and professional the whole team is, and love this community. Keep up the great work!

  14. #89
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    From what I've heard today, Paypal might start to accept criptocurrency sooner than expected.

  15. #90
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    Paypal considering bitcoin eh.

    Seen this and thought of this thread.

    Edit: Vlada, you beat me to it lol.

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