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Thread: Current and future event guidelines

  1. #106
    Dedicated Mininolan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cadmunky View Post

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe we're here to test software, not customer service. But even so, I've seen undeniable quality in the support personnel involved. Cami, with honesty and integrity. Revanis, with passion and loyalty. And of course, Vlada, with honor and sacrifice. I'd hire every one of you in a heartbeat.

    I'm an old guy, well into my career, and I remember the hobbies and side projects I took on to familiarize myself with my industry. I realize this project may just be a stepping stone, hopefully a proper "leg up" to the careers you're aiming for. Let me just say....

    You're doing it right.

    Here Here sir.....Would you hire me?

    The witch hunting is seriously balling out of control, seriously tho if you are so pissed about it why don't you apply to be an ec and change the policy yourself. Theres like 1 CSR, 3 EC's, 3 Forum mods, and like 5 active devs all of which are volunteers who have to deal with on average 1000-1500 crazies everyday who think their way is the right way......

    Drop off at Zopopolis Mall Mini-Nolan's Antiquities -5625 6144

  2. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vlada View Post
    I am inclined to agree with this.

    I was the one that hired Rev first, she was on my CR team for quite some time, so i have gotten to know her well. She always was better at in game bat-man work than actual community relating. Though she can be a real pain in the *** sometimes, and though we did cross swords on more than one occasion, she loves this project and loves SWG. She would never intentionally do anything to harm SWGEmu.

    Lets face it, not everyone has the patience to deal with an angry mob that came with pitchforks looking for blood. Even CR professionals would crack eventually, and as we all know none of us are professionals here.
    i completely agree it was a difficult position for the ECs when knowledge of the event got out and people were anxious for information on what exactly happened and how it was allowed. i'm completely fine with the idea mistakes were made. i'm not ok with defending those mistakes and saying they will and should continue. this is the difference between Cami and Revanis.

    i do not doubt Revanis's passion for the project. or her loyalty to friends. those are commendable qualities. they do not, however, need to be demonstrated through name calling and personal attacks. and if pressure caused it to come out that way, a simple "yes, name calling isn't good. sorry" would have done a world of good. but Revanis has been given chance after chance to apologize or show the slightest belief that her actions were in any way less than appropriate. her response is to continue to belittle and be sarcastic about it.

  3. #108
    Retired SWGEmu Staff Revanis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by esmecat View Post
    i do not doubt Revanis's passion for the project. or her loyalty to friends. those are commendable qualities. they do not, however, need to be demonstrated through name calling and personal attacks. and if pressure caused it to come out that way, a simple "yes, name calling isn't good. sorry" would have done a world of good. but Revanis has been given chance after chance to apologize or show the slightest belief that her actions were in any way less than appropriate. her response is to continue to belittle and be sarcastic about it.
    As I said in a prior post, I am not good with wording. I was attempting to be sincere. Whoops.
    Retired SWGEmu Staff
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  4. #109
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    I think everyone needs to pull up their diapers and move on. It sucks what happened, but what's done is done. This is a beta server, there is no need for a wipe. The server will go on, loot will continue to drop people are going to continue to feel like they are getting shat on in one way or another. Just move on. Vlada don't resign. That will do nothing but hurt the progress of this project. The wrongs that have occurred that night will not happen again. Watch MTV if you enjoy drama but there's no need to bring it here. **** happens, life sucks, then you die...get over it.

  5. #110
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    Group hug <3

  6. #111
    Junior Member imhotep71's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cadmunky View Post

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe we're here to test software, not customer service. But even so, I've seen undeniable quality in the support personnel involved. Cami, with honesty and integrity. Revanis, with passion and loyalty. And of course, Vlada, with honor and sacrifice. I'd hire every one of you in a heartbeat.

    I'm an old guy, well into my career, and I remember the hobbies and side projects I took on to familiarize myself with my industry. I realize this project may just be a stepping stone, hopefully a proper "leg up" to the careers you're aiming for. Let me just say....

    You're doing it right.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vlada View Post
    I am inclined to agree with this.

    I was the one that hired Rev first, she was on my CR team for quite some time, so i have gotten to know her well. She always was better at in game bat-man work than actual community relating. Though she can be a real pain in the *** sometimes, and though we did cross swords on more than one occasion, she loves this project and loves SWG. She would never intentionally do anything to harm SWGEmu.

    Lets face it, not everyone has the patience to deal with an angry mob that came with pitchforks looking for blood. Even CR professionals would crack eventually, and as we all know none of us are professionals here.
    This was what I was getting at. Vlada you and your team don't owe us a thing. Not an apology and not an explanation. This is an alpha server and we had a situation that got blown out of proportion. You and your team deal with a lot of entitled jagoffs and let's make no mistake the butthurt here is about what people feel they are owed and what they feel they are entitled to. Its an indictment on our society but that's an argument for another day.

    Just know that you and your team are appreciated. I for one admire bluntness.
    Imhotep Ofali - Ranger in training

  7. #112
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by esmecat View Post
    i do not doubt Revanis's passion for the project. or her loyalty to friends. those are commendable qualities. they do not, however, need to be demonstrated through name calling and personal attacks. and if pressure caused it to come out that way, a simple "yes, name calling isn't good. sorry" would have done a world of good. but Revanis has been given chance after chance to apologize or show the slightest belief that her actions were in any way less than appropriate. her response is to continue to belittle and be sarcastic about it.
    Oh she talks to everyone like that. She doesnt know how to hold back and she will always speak her mind. Not really the best quality for a CR or a Mod position, but is very important to have someone on staff like that. Leaders need reminding that they too can screw up and she is very good at... well reminding. Its very annoying.

  8. #113
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    This entire fiasco is ridiculous. I've read every single page regarding this affair and I just have to laugh. I've spent more time down in that cave than probably 95% of the people that posted in outrage about the unfairness of the situation and my reaction was to think "wow, they really screwed up this time lol". I wasn't foaming at the mouth because they had, in essence, wasted all my hard earned hours of invested game play. Nor did I immediately think that someone had to pay for this atrocity against the community. The reason I didn't pick up my pitchfork was that I simply enjoy playing this game and I choose how and where to spend my time. Was it unfair to everyone that didn't get to participate? Of course it was. Is life fair? Absolutely not. It wasn't fair when the T-Rex's were chomping on baby dinos and it sure ain't fair now. If you finish last place, you don't deserve a trophy for doing your best. You deserve a kick in the ***.

    The second part that actually does annoy me is the pitchfork mob that's demanding apologies and disciplinary actions against a lot of the people that made it so I can double click my SWGEMU button and smile 5 seconds later. Get off your high horses people. I actually laugh when I see Rev, Vlada or even TA rip into people. It reminds me that this project is still comprised of a small group of real life people trying to make something out of nothing. It's not SOE, and it's sure as hell not the Salvation Army. They don't have to baby you so that you feel you haven't been wronged. If you want to be the puppies and kittens CSR or EC, sign on the dotted line. As it's been stated in countless other posts though, you probably won't make it because of the insane amount of BS that you'll have to endure.

    And to wrap it up, this is what I picture sitting behind esmecat's keyboard. End this tyranny big guy!

  9. #114
    Senior Member Jade_Enigma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonHams View Post
    This entire fiasco is ridiculous. I've read every single page regarding this affair and I just have to laugh. I've spent more time down in that cave than probably 95% of the people that posted in outrage about the unfairness of the situation and my reaction was to think "wow, they really screwed up this time lol". I wasn't foaming at the mouth because they had, in essence, wasted all my hard earned hours of invested game play. Nor did I immediately think that someone had to pay for this atrocity against the community. The reason I didn't pick up my pitchfork was that I simply enjoy playing this game and I choose how and where to spend my time. Was it unfair to everyone that didn't get to participate? Of course it was. Is life fair? Absolutely not. It wasn't fair when the T-Rex's were chomping on baby dinos and it sure ain't fair now. If you finish last place, you don't deserve a trophy for doing your best. You deserve a kick in the ***.

    The second part that actually does annoy me is the pitchfork mob that's demanding apologies and disciplinary actions against a lot of the people that made it so I can double click my SWGEMU button and smile 5 seconds later. Get off your high horses people. I actually laugh when I see Rev, Vlada or even TA rip into people. It reminds me that this project is still comprised of a small group of real life people trying to make something out of nothing. It's not SOE, and it's sure as hell not the Salvation Army. They don't have to baby you so that you feel you haven't been wronged. If you want to be the puppies and kittens CSR or EC, sign on the dotted line. As it's been stated in countless other posts though, you probably won't make it because of the insane amount of BS that you'll have to endure.

    And to wrap it up, this is what I picture sitting behind esmecat's keyboard. End this tyranny big guy!
    Oh this is brilliant! You get the biggest piece of cake (no sarcasm intended, honestly)!
    Co-leader Emeritus and official guild cheerleader of <FLO>

  10. #115
    Junior Member imhotep71's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonHams View Post
    This entire fiasco is ridiculous. I've read every single page regarding this affair and I just have to laugh. I've spent more time down in that cave than probably 95% of the people that posted in outrage about the unfairness of the situation and my reaction was to think "wow, they really screwed up this time lol". I wasn't foaming at the mouth because they had, in essence, wasted all my hard earned hours of invested game play. Nor did I immediately think that someone had to pay for this atrocity against the community. The reason I didn't pick up my pitchfork was that I simply enjoy playing this game and I choose how and where to spend my time. Was it unfair to everyone that didn't get to participate? Of course it was. Is life fair? Absolutely not. It wasn't fair when the T-Rex's were chomping on baby dinos and it sure ain't fair now. If you finish last place, you don't deserve a trophy for doing your best. You deserve a kick in the ***.

    The second part that actually does annoy me is the pitchfork mob that's demanding apologies and disciplinary actions against a lot of the people that made it so I can double click my SWGEMU button and smile 5 seconds later. Get off your high horses people. I actually laugh when I see Rev, Vlada or even TA rip into people. It reminds me that this project is still comprised of a small group of real life people trying to make something out of nothing. It's not SOE, and it's sure as hell not the Salvation Army. They don't have to baby you so that you feel you haven't been wronged. If you want to be the puppies and kittens CSR or EC, sign on the dotted line. As it's been stated in countless other posts though, you probably won't make it because of the insane amount of BS that you'll have to endure.

    And to wrap it up, this is what I picture sitting behind esmecat's keyboard. End this tyranny big guy!

    Love the pic.
    Imhotep Ofali - Ranger in training

  11. #116
    Senior Member VE_Strange's Avatar
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    Now I have to re-do my calendar!

    Ok, let me get this straight, it is Emu Staff week, right?

    Could have sworn it was Doctor week, does anyone have a current calendar? This is getting hard to keep up with!


    It has been said by many.

    Vlada don't quit.
    No one needs to quit.
    Whats done is done.

    Lets move on, move forward.

  12. #117
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    The only people who should be punished are the guild Carnage, who continue to exploit the server rules/status to the detriment of the entire community.

  13. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonHams View Post
    And to wrap it up, this is what I picture sitting behind esmecat's keyboard. End this tyranny big guy!
    you guys and your assumptions about me make me giggle! thanks for the great laugh this morning.

  14. #119
    Senior Member Jade_Enigma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by esmecat View Post
    you guys and your assumptions about me make me giggle! thanks for the great laugh this morning.
    A sense of humour is a good thing to have with all of this going on. This makes me a happy pooh bear.
    Co-leader Emeritus and official guild cheerleader of <FLO>

  15. #120
    Member Stonecloud's Avatar
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    Some of you should play Hello Kitty Adventure Island.....
    286 -5899 outside cnet

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