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Thread: Current and future event guidelines

  1. #91
    Junior Member imhotep71's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jade_Enigma View Post
    Okieday, I keepings the rum for myself then!

    Oh, and #FreeVlada2013
    Pass the bottle Jade. Please
    Imhotep Ofali - Ranger in training

  2. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cliffy View Post
    Man this is ridiculous! Most people upset just wanted to see policy CHANGED or clarified (as it said no items given out) so that private events wouldn't be done like this again....

    It's done now so time to move on with better policy. I think the original confrontational messages from some staff made people get madder. Cam came clean and apologized and now this makes it handled perfectly!! All is good and you're going nowhere!
    Cliffy hit the nail on the head.

    I dont presume to speak for the whole community, but i dont think we a lynch mob, I think the community just wanted some acknowledgement from staff, that the aforementioned event was not ok and would not be happening again. There is no need for someone to be brought to account for this, although I would like to see something done about the terribad attitude of some staff members who are suppose to be working in a public relations/customer service position.

    Vlada's position should not even come into question. But to answer that question, we simply have to ask ourselves, would the emu be a better or worse place without vlada, and the answer is clear, he is an essential cog in the machine and I really worry about the project as a whole without him.

    Second to that point, I fail to see how an ingame event comes down to the fault of a forum moderator????? seriously looks like someone is looking for a scapegoat here.

    So in summary
    1) Vlada should not resign
    2) events like this should not happen again
    3) basilisk should be wiped
    4) character limit should be put to 1, max 2
    5) people in customer service rolls should require an online course in customer service.

  3. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lolindir View Post
    Guys, lets calm down a little, this is starting to escalate. There really isn't a need to push this over an edge

    Every one have a right to express their opinions on the matter, but please, I urge you to consider how you go about it. How one conduct one self affects people more than one might think. You are on a witch hunt for some of the staff, have you ever considered how this actually affects the community or staff members?

    This is a beaten down horse, but consider this for a moment. Non here are paid. Non get any benefits others do not have. Memebers of staff have a wish to contribute, to the project and to the community. All is boiled down to motivation. You might very well have had the head you wanted and another unexpected one. Have any one considered the ripple effects of this? What this coninued witch hunt might do to the motivations of others?

    This is in now way said to try and strangle the discussion, I just wish to make you guys aware that words means some thing.

    Continue the discussion if you wish, criticice staff, or any other, but stay constructive while doing so.
    thank you for this, Lolinder.

    i have thought about how this effects the community and the staff. i have made an effort to tell staff that have responded in constructive ways (even when i did not agree with it) that i appreciated the work they are doing. i think Cami did a wonderful thing with her post to the community and i respect the hard place she was in. i think you have been fair and equitable in dealing with these forum threads. i respect Vlada's posting new guidelines and policy. i am not on a witch hunt for any staff members. here's the difference... Revanis has said she does not care about her behavior and sees no reason to change it. if she does not plan to change it, she should not be in a position to do it again. her actions reflect badly on all of you and it is unfair that other staff will (because it's human nature) be thought of differently as a result.

  4. #94
    Senior Member Jade_Enigma's Avatar
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    *breaks out the good stuff and passes the bottle around*

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  5. #95
    Junior Member imhotep71's Avatar
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    *Pours a double, shoots it, pours another*

    Who wants some
    Imhotep Ofali - Ranger in training

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Revanis View Post
    Believe what you will, I guess. Nothing more I can do for minds that are made already, or at least nothing I know of.

    If y'all have any ideas, shoot.
    I stick up for my friends even when I know they are in the wrong as well so I salute you for that. But you are a blunt woman who should have stopped talking days ago when you saw how the community reacted to how you express yourself in not doing so you helped make a bad situation far far worse even though it was not your intention. So I think telling the boss you quit or are at least taking a few months break is good idea.

  7. #97
    Junior Member cadmunky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by imhotep71 View Post
    *Pours a double, shoots it, pours another*

    Who wants some
    Right here mate.

    Also, Vlada, I know you did not put your resignation out there for us, the community, to approve or reject. It is to the upper staff that we must plead with to prevent this. It's my belief that the whole project would be greatly diminished without you.
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  8. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by Revanis View Post
    Believe what you will, I guess. Nothing more I can do for minds that are made already, or at least nothing I know of.

    If y'all have any ideas, shoot.
    Revanis has done the best she can for this situation, and yes as the other user pointed out she can be blunt, but that's just how she rolls.

    I don't think she needs to take a break from her position just to feel better, if anything the community should be more respectful towards staff members anyway... This doesn't mean a staff member can treat a regular user in any fashion, but I think a lot of people are just witch hunting at this point...

  9. #99
    Senior Member Rekall's Avatar
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    Goodnight sweet prince

  10. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sumane View Post

    So in summary
    1) Vlada should not resign
    2) events like this should not happen again
    3) basilisk should be wiped
    4) character limit should be put to 1, max 2
    5) people in customer service rolls should require an online course in customer service.
    Regarding your...

    #1 : Agree (duh lol )

    #2 : Future 'Events' will happen again, but with the *new* Guidelines.

    #3 : Totally disagree, since...I'm no 'coder' but as far as i'm aware, the true (and subtle) purpose of Basilisk is to re-create what it's like (and will be like? ) to take certain 'publishes' & 'hotfixes' from a Test-Center to a Live-Server. aka TCNova to Basilisk = important

    #4 : Agreed, however that tusk-cat is already wayyyyy out of the bag. Will have to wait, patiently, til SunCrusher.

    #5 : True but not sure how realistic that is at this point to 'enforce'. Besides, practice makes perfect....So maybe certain EMU Reps (and players) will learn from this recent 'situation'...for the better.

    We'll see.

    /pep-talk EMU forever

  11. #101
    Junior Member cadmunky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by imhotep71 View Post
    Just walk away knowing you defended your friend from what is absolutely an overreaction. Let it die down, take a break and come back strong.
    Exactly. I'll take a friend like that at my back any day.
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  12. #102
    Junior Member cadmunky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by imhotep71 View Post
    Just walk away knowing you defended your friend from what is absolutely an overreaction. Let it die down, take a break and come back strong.
    Quote Originally Posted by Valkyra View Post
    Revanis has done the best she can for this situation, and yes as the other user pointed out she can be blunt, but that's just how she rolls.

    I don't think she needs to take a break from her position just to feel better, if anything the community should be more respectful towards staff members anyway... This doesn't mean a staff member can treat a regular user in any fashion, but I think a lot of people are just witch hunting at this point...

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe we're here to test software, not customer service. But even so, I've seen undeniable quality in the support personnel involved. Cami, with honesty and integrity. Revanis, with passion and loyalty. And of course, Vlada, with honor and sacrifice. I'd hire every one of you in a heartbeat.

    I'm an old guy, well into my career, and I remember the hobbies and side projects I took on to familiarize myself with my industry. I realize this project may just be a stepping stone, hopefully a proper "leg up" to the careers you're aiming for. Let me just say....

    You're doing it right.
    MRanger / MSwords
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  13. #103
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Valkyra View Post
    Revanis has done the best she can for this situation, and yes as the other user pointed out she can be blunt, but that's just how she rolls.

    I don't think she needs to take a break from her position just to feel better, if anything the community should be more respectful towards staff members anyway... This doesn't mean a staff member can treat a regular user in any fashion, but I think a lot of people are just witch hunting at this point...
    I am inclined to agree with this.

    I was the one that hired Rev first, she was on my CR team for quite some time, so i have gotten to know her well. She always was better at in game bat-man work than actual community relating. Though she can be a real pain in the *** sometimes, and though we did cross swords on more than one occasion, she loves this project and loves SWG. She would never intentionally do anything to harm SWGEmu.

    Lets face it, not everyone has the patience to deal with an angry mob that came with pitchforks looking for blood. Even CR professionals would crack eventually, and as we all know none of us are professionals here.

  14. #104
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    I'm not trying to get neck deep in this but I don't think anyone wanted V's head. Rev needs to calm down, name calling is something leaders should avoid. Yes people on the forums baited it but if you're in that role you need to rise above provide basic info and ignore/walk away. I think it reflects poorly on the project as a whole. Also Cam(sp), the EC spawning the mobs, is being naive or ignorant if she feels what she was doing was right. In the future it might be better if you guys adapted the SOE policy of keeping quiet till there is an official thread like this one, the ECs managed to just fan the flames.

    I've been a little hesitant on this project, while I've tracked it for years and jumped in from time to time to test it out, I've always worried this would go the way of the 5000 wow servers with admins giving favors to friends or doing underhanded actions. With that said it seems like you guys have always jumped in when needed and acted appropriately. If anything I think this issue strengthened my faith in this project.


  15. #105
    Newbie Dr_Biri's Avatar
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    I haven't said a word during all of this (because who gives a **** what I think), but this is too much.

    Vlada, while I can't say I view the entire SWGEMU staff the same way I did a few days ago, I certainly respect you and the way you handle things here. You leaving would be utter bull****. You're not responsible for this and I think almost all of us feel this way and appreciate what you do.

    That said, I understand if you want to step away. There have been a couple of issues lately that would suck to have to deal with. I wouldn't want to moderate this hell-hole for all the money in the world.

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