Quote Originally Posted by weedie View Post
Appreciate you coming forward on this issue Vlada. What I personally want to see however is at least some sort of an apology from Revanis. Her idea of damage control is to call community members morons, unimportant, etc etc. Legitimate concerns have been brought up, and we can see they are legitimate considering action was taken to re-work the existing policy. I do not see an apology from Revanis for treating members of the community as useless cattle that does not know any better.
i personally do not think an apology should cut it. i think it is necessary... but i think it is the least that is owed. i do not think Revanis should remain in a position that is entirely a public relations position when she has behaved so badly towards the community at large and individuals directly and continues to do so and defend it. honestly, no matter how badly people behave... and trust me, this was far from really bad for a game forum (from the players, that is)... a member of staff should not behave in the manner she has. there needs to be a level of professionalism required of the staff, volunteer or not.