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Thread: Current and future event guidelines

  1. #16
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    You're not to blame, Vlada. Any EC with an IQ above room temperature could have figured out that this event would create an unfair advantage.
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  2. #17
    Dedicated Cherish's Avatar
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    Vlada in know way is this fault, and you shouldn't have to resign over it. This project needs constants to keep it going, and you are one of them.

    I for one saw no issue with event staff spawning attackable creatures, the issue was that it was a private affair.
    I've heard stories from live that the best times players had was when NPC's were attacking a city and the community as a whole had to come together to fight them off, for weeks on end.
    I missed the last public event where the EMU event staff lay seige to Anchorhead, with everything from ancient krayts, NS Elders, DJM and Tuskan raiders, (even ackley). It was all my guildmates could talkabout how they had fun even though they died 5 times.

    I for one would like to see the revision that if its a public affair then attackable NPC's and creatures can be used. If the ackley farmers whine, they are more then welcome to attend a real event, and out damage everyone with their T-21, Power hammer and stun batons.

  3. #18
    Junior Member Blahw's Avatar
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    i dont want u to quite vlada.
    I really did not know how ppl would rage about it so made a poor statement ill take it back.
    Feed no one to the sarlac and im not proud i added too the rage

  4. #19
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    See what all the rage and *****ing gets you? So what, someone on an alpha server gets a couple of acklay bones and breaks a monopoly for a day, and it costs this project one of it's most active members. No wonder it's taking so long to get to 1.0, listening to ungrateful people who do nothing but ***** and forum pvp can and will burn the will to contribute out of anyone. Every little mistake or oversight is relentlessly harped on by people who don't contribute either time or money to see this project to it's completion.

    Just learn to F'ing relax and enjoy the game. We ain't there yet, not even close.

  5. #20
    Junior Member oddwan's Avatar
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    Read all the threads, thought about it a bit - and the only thing I could see through all the raging and accusation flying was that an error had occurred because of an older policy. And that is what the testing is all about for us and the team - finding what doesn't work; fixing it. The new policy shows the testing is working. No need for resignations over it, or traumas on behalf of the EC - it isn't easy organising events EVEN with all the tools to hand (I know as I did a few on the live server) so it's a learning curve.

    What did make itself most apparent in the threads though was the fear underlying all the drama. Fear of losing a game that is loved, fear of favouritism because it is run by a few dedicated souls and not a soulless corporation, fear of losing players from emu because of actions. Take heart from that - everyone cares and the majority are in for the long haul till we get to the promised land.

  6. #21
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    Once again I will stand on my soapbox and I never even talked to Vlada or member of dev team that I know of anyway. I again state what you all volunteer to do for free is not done much in this world today. Whatever happened happened, you recognized and stood up and took responsibility that is enough, most don't do that either. Me being a SWG nut from 2003 I was enjoyed this game and see nothing wrong with it to this point. Sure SOE could give you codes and make all your lifes easier but that not the way it works unfortunately. Only question you must ask yourself, will your resignation really make the other devs life easier and make yourself happy, if answer no then you must stay. PS and give Empire an AT-AT Walker in Coronet!!! j/k take care and enjoy what you do Vlada, so many others are for sure.

  7. #22
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    This place will be lost without Vlada. You can't leave.

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  8. #23
    Addicted Tiars's Avatar
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    I understand your feeling you need to resign.

    I do not see any reason for it to happen and feel you should stay in your current position.

  9. #24
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    Bah don't let the whiners win. Esh, in this give me, give me society that we have now, it's a real PITA dealing with them yes. I fired so many people like that it wasn't even funny. Resign over their incessant whining? Nah, they are so not worth it. It would be so nice if you could give the whiners a vacation so that they learn there are far more important things than an assembly of pixels on a screen. If you're stressed out, take a vacation Vlada, no one should look down on you for that; and if they do, they are worth your pity not your distress.

  10. #25
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    I don't wish to add to the drama, but want to voice my stance on the subject. I want Vlada to stay. People are getting too strung out about pixels that will be wiped in the future. When Suncrusher is launched, all of those people who got their uber loots will see it WIPED. Are people forgetting about this tiny fact?

  11. #26
    Junior Member kemistry's Avatar
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    It always takes two to tango.
    Treat others like you want to be treated. There were both sides involved in this drama. And it just piled up. I don't care for epic loot or bones etc. I'm an entertainer. I have other things I value in this game. One big thing I value is respect. That was missing here big time in my opinion. On both sides. How many threads are on the forums bout kill stealing, hiding mobs, afk camping etc. It should have been pretty obvious that people would be major p*ssed off when they would hear or find out about it. No?

    Yes it gets wiped. Yes it's an alpha/test server/project you name it. But that can't be the all time excuse for every single thing that's happening in this game.

    To stay on topic: major respect for you Vlada and I hope we still see many posts from you on the forums
    I like boring things - Andy Warhol

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by LadyCabbett View Post
    Bah don't let the whiners win. Esh, in this give me, give me society that we have now, it's a real PITA dealing with them yes. I fired so many people like that it wasn't even funny. Resign over their incessant whining? Nah, they are so not worth it. It would be so nice if you could give the whiners a vacation so that they learn there are far more important things than an assembly of pixels on a screen. If you're stressed out, take a vacation Vlada, no one should look down on you for that; and if they do, they are worth your pity not your distress.
    this attitude right here... this stir the pot and attack people instead of address issues... this is where all the negativity over this had come from. what good comes from continuing to do this now?

    why is asking questions about what are legitimate concerns (ones that Vlada has addressed with this and acknowledged as legitimate concerns) equated to whining while name calling and polarizing aggressive statements are praised? even if you don't agree with the concerns, can't you see how destructive this is?

    unless that is actually your goal...

  13. #28
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    A resignation from you was never requested and certainly not required. What I think most of us wanted from the exposure of that event was a professional answer and inquiry into what exactly just happened. Unfortunately, people like yourself Vlada or TheAnswer, who would have given us that proper concise response weren't online. Thus, the forums were sent into a moblike rage when EC team members came across as complete apathetic ****s who don't answer to anyone. The correct steps have been taken to fix the holes in the EC rules and restrictions and I believe everyone here can move on knowing it wont be likely to happen again here or on SC.
    Last edited by alostsoldiertoo; 07-26-2013 at 04:10 PM. Reason: edited due to new information.

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deebie View Post
    I don't wish to add to the drama, but want to voice my stance on the subject. I want Vlada to stay. People are getting too strung out about pixels that will be wiped in the future. When Suncrusher is launched, all of those people who got their uber loots will see it WIPED. Are people forgetting about this tiny fact?

    no people are not forgetting that. you are mistaking concern over the health of the project and current community with the idea that people expect it to remain. if you read back through the threads on this, you will find that most of the people actually attempting constructive discourse on this acknowledge repeatedly that it will and must eventually be wiped to achieve the goal of 1.0. that doesn't make the issues here less vital. it makes them more so.

  15. #30
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    I usually don't post to the forums but I do lurk a lot.

    Vlada don't quit, The player response alone should be enough reason for you to stay.

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