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Thread: Basilisk maintenance 2/24/13

  1. #436
    Newbie Quigster's Avatar
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    I am also running a guild, Sons of Liberty, that I founded on Shadowfire back in August 2004. We are based in Liberty on Dantooine. We currently have over 180 members and 120 citizens. We have a shuttle, bank, cantina, med center, cloning center, garage, mission terminals and trainers. We are always looking for new members. We are mainly a rebel guild with a decent number of neutral players and even a few Imperials. (How else are we going to spy on the Empire). If anyone is interested in joining us, my IGN is Rafon. Look forward to hearing from you when the server is back up and running.

  2. #437
    Junior Member piya's Avatar
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    You can't recruit here, this is my spot.

  3. #438
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    My poor harvesters. They will be full to bursting. I need to empty their poor poor hoppers.

  4. #439
    Newbie Quigster's Avatar
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    I am sure they will be rolling the game back when it comes back online so no worries. I can't recall ever experiencing a downtime of more than a few minutes that didn't include some rollback.

  5. #440
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    Quote Originally Posted by piya View Post
    You can't recruit here, this is my spot.
    I need recruiting. But that RP stuff isn't for me. No Ma'am. We'll have none of that tigge McJelly. I'm English don't you know.

  6. #441
    Newbie Quigster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by piya View Post
    You can't recruit here, this is my spot.
    Mwahahahaha. There are enough for both of us. We can even form an alliance if you would like.

  7. #442
    Junior Member piya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lobreeze View Post
    You have an RP city?!?!?!!?

    I never would have guessed.
    I suck at this, especially on the internet. Is that sarcasm?

  8. #443
    Newbie Quigster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pronoes View Post
    I need recruiting. But that RP stuff isn't for me. No Ma'am. We'll have none of that tigge McJelly. I'm English don't you know.
    Lol. Well if Rp isn't your bag then maybe we will be more your fit. We may do some Rp once in a while but it isn't our focus. Our focus is on having fun playing the game. We mainly do pve but do enjoy a little bit of pvp once in a while and also try and put together guild events such as krayt hunts, dwb, nightsisters and such. Let me know.

  9. #444
    Dedicated RM706's Avatar
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    SW Episode 7

    I think ****** will come through on this project, especially with J.J. directing.

    As for a ****** sandbox MMO, I'm worried if they thought that a good idea they would attempt to shutdown SWGEMU... yikes!

    My GF is sitting next to me listening to me read these threads, she told me to say "hopefully the movies are as dark as CN's Clone Wars." I said jsut keep kid entertainment to R2 and 3PO and no jar jar.

    My guild is mostly crafters. We were known for our uber warez on Valcyn.

  10. #445
    Junior Member piya's Avatar
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    Okay, to state that clear. I can't recruit for a guild, because it's not my guild, but I can tell you: If you're RPer and interested in Black Sun or at least organized crime, you should contact Picha or Valkore ingame and we can speak about details.
    You don't need to be a RPer to join the city, as long as you don't run around making fun of people who think RPs's seriousss busssssinesss. Everyone enjoys the game the way they like.

  11. #446
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    I've always wondered how far / serious RP'ers go. Example, if you're RP'ing a hiking expedition, with all the gear and a scoutmaster or some such. A jolly jaunt across the hills if you will. If a krayt suddenly appears and eats half your team, do you suddenly start RP'ing a krayt enhanced T21 wielding master rifleman with full composite, or do you continue being the hapless and helpless survey expedition team til someone rescues you?

    Bleh that doesn't make much sense but posting it anyway.

  12. #447
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    Its wonderful to know that this game gets the attention by the devs that is needed, there are many times and mostly at random where the big cities are just too laggy, Theed and Cnet as examples. Hopefully this reload clears up the HD space and stuff stays smooth for a while.

  13. #448
    Junior Member piya's Avatar
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    Well, we don't have Krayts on Talus, but if we go hiking together and make it an RP event, think of it as producing a movie, and the players are actors. Say you go hiking in an area where Krayts live, you don't want in with a hat and sunglasses on and then suddenly get surprised. Chances are you're prepared to kill the damn bugger. If it kills half the team anyway, that means half the team will need medical attention
    It's different, and depends on the crew and on the planning. Usually RP is amongst players and storyteller props on live. Creatures and NPCs *usually* don't merge in. But going on a roleplay Krayt hunt, obviously includes the Krayt.

    No idea how to explain it properly. I've been roleplaying for years and years, and there are always people making fun of it. But as said, I expect tolerance, in return for my tolerance. Everyone enjoys the game their own way.

  14. #449
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    Thumbs up

    To the SWGEmu team...

    On behalf of my wife, a couple of friends and myself, THANK YOU. Your time, dedication, professionalism, PATIENCE, skill and perseverance are all greatly appreciated. After giving up entirely on Corporate gaming, you've given me something to hang on to--a community of gamers that appreciate a game so thoroughly that they are willing to rebuild it themselves. No other action could communicate your dedication as effectively. Again, many thanks.

    To the programmers that participate (each and every one of you)...

    On behalf of my wife, a couple friends and myself, THANK YOU. The rate at which code is commited is wonderfully encouraging--I've seen heavily-funded Corporate game projects take longer. You should all be proud of yourselves.

    To all involved...

    On behalf of my wife, a couple friends and myself, THANK YOU. An online community without people is not a community. That being said, whether I get along with you, or not, whether you even care, or not, you are all important. Without you, the server would feel lifeless...I play this sort of game to interact with others, good or bad, right or wrong. The entire spectrum of playstyles, desires and expectations are what bring games like this to life. Losing any one aspect of the player-base would merely detract from this. Even the trolls and elitists have a place.

    All of THAT being said, I have a question for anyone on "The Team".

    Since I have had no problem with paying a monthly $15 subscription for games (I've been doing so for the last 14 years, in one game or another), I've pretty much decided to budget for that amount to put towards the SWGEmu Project. My question is this--Since the donations taken in monthly are usually more then enough to cover current costs ( I hear there is a surplus--correct me if I am wrong), what do you suggest I do with this budgeted money? Should I just set it aside for that rainy day when the project needs a quick infusion of cash? Are there future, scheduled expenditures I am unaware of that I could save my donations for? Or, perhaps I should just make the monthly donation and let you folks decide?

    Again, thanks to all involved.

  15. #450
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    I'm sure the team could do with a pizza from time to time... :P

    Seriously though, I would *expect* the surplus funds to be saved for either, a shortage one month, or upgrading to better hardware. But I'm merely (wildly) speculating.

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