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Thread: Basilisk maintenance 2/24/13

  1. #421
    Junior Member pstrawberrie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by piya View Post
    I solo group and go to Dantooine, then slice the terminals. It's mostly graul missions, sometimes voritor and sometimes pikets, depending on the outcome of the slice.
    oooooooooooooh. ooooooh. smuggggglerrrrrs. ohkay i see. *stays poor*


  2. #422
    Junior Member piya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shabzilla View Post
    I would gladly join your city and vote on my combat toon in exchange for one of those suits to level with I haven't made him yet, i will when the servers come back. I have only played 1 day so far on my crafting toon which I made first. I found a crafting guild and city for him, but need a city and guild for my combat guy. His ingame name will be Shabas.
    Deal. I have an RP city on Talus, but I'm always looking for people who just join for the citizenship and votes. And seriously, creating a town with a handful of friends and their army of alts, isn't exactly the point. I have a hospital at town, as soon as the server is up and I can place it, so this is also where the buffs will be.
    My IGN is Picha. I can't offer you a guild, except you're a RPer and like our idea of XTS (search official sw wiki for it if you're interested), because I'm doing this RP guild with my friend, while he's the guild leader, I am mayor and city decorator.

    Let's talk details at some point, not in this thread, it's hard to keep track. But consider it settled, you can have a suit, and I also provide a house plus 10k maintenance on it, if you declare and vote for me. My doctor will constantly be in town at the local med-center, so I just have to log him in and out, if somebody needs buffs.

  3. #423
    Junior Member Gewehr98's Avatar
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    Dang rich people and your moneys

    :cries at poorness:

  4. #424
    Junior Member piya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pstrawberrie View Post
    oooooooooooooh. ooooooh. smuggggglerrrrrs. ohkay i see. *stays poor*
    I know it's always a matter of points, but novice smuggler is all you need for the terminal slice, and as money-farming-wh*cough*ore, it's definitely worth it to spend a couple points on brawler and pistol. At least for me, seeing I stick with pistols anyway.

  5. #425
    Addicted Lobreeze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by piya View Post
    Deal. I have an RP city on Talus, but I'm always looking for people who just join for the citizenship and votes. And seriously, creating a town with a handful of friends and their army of alts, isn't exactly the point. I have a hospital at town, as soon as the server is up and I can place it, so this is also where the buffs will be.
    My IGN is Picha. I can't offer you a guild, except you're a RPer and like our idea of XTS (search official sw wiki for it if you're interested), because I'm doing this RP guild with my friend, while he's the guild leader, I am mayor and city decorator.

    Let's talk details at some point, not in this thread, it's hard to keep track. But consider it settled, you can have a suit, and I also provide a house plus 10k maintenance on it, if you declare and vote for me. My doctor will constantly be in town at the local med-center, so I just have to log him in and out, if somebody needs buffs.
    You have an RP city?!?!?!!?

    I never would have guessed.

  6. #426
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    Quote Originally Posted by piya View Post
    move into one of my pre-set houses and declare residence at my city
    Done. Please what is your IGN & Waypoint to a House. My IGN Is Akoz Tenar (Formally Kruxx Tenar, Head Security for TNR & The Karasu Tengu of Vagabonds Rest, Star Sider.)

  7. #427
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    testing one two

  8. #428
    Newbie Shadowjack1965's Avatar
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    Yeah... i got nothin'
    Last edited by Vlada; 02-25-2013 at 09:38 PM.

  9. #429
    Junior Member pstrawberrie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by piya View Post
    I know it's always a matter of points, but novice smuggler is all you need for the terminal slice, and as money-farming-wh*cough*ore, it's definitely worth it to spend a couple points on brawler and pistol. At least for me, seeing I stick with pistols anyway.
    ah that's true. currently i'm master med/doc/pistol...i suppose i could drop master medic and a few boxes to grab smuggler for more money ^_^


  10. #430
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    Quote Originally Posted by piya View Post
    Deal. I have an RP city on Talus, but I'm always looking for people who just join for the citizenship and votes. And seriously, creating a town with a handful of friends and their army of alts, isn't exactly the point. I have a hospital at town, as soon as the server is up and I can place it, so this is also where the buffs will be.
    My IGN is Picha. I can't offer you a guild, except you're a RPer and like our idea of XTS (search official sw wiki for it if you're interested), because I'm doing this RP guild with my friend, while he's the guild leader, I am mayor and city decorator.

    Let's talk details at some point, not in this thread, it's hard to keep track. But consider it settled, you can have a suit, and I also provide a house plus 10k maintenance on it, if you declare and vote for me. My doctor will constantly be in town at the local med-center, so I just have to log him in and out, if somebody needs buffs.
    deal! and ya RP isn't usually my thing, but I will be a LOYAL voter and player. I played on Ahazi from launch til death and don't play on going anywhere as long as this project is alive. Thanks in advance, will message you after I make my toon and see you online!

  11. #431
    Junior Member piya's Avatar
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    Yeah, I founded the Black Sun pirate Outpost "XTS Outpost" on Talus roughly 2 weeks ago, and ever since I am madly recruiting friends and all their alts to come join me. I'm currently at 47 citizens, and in theory ranked up to 3 yesterday. Couldn't check it out yet for some reason
    So yeah, I'm running an amazingly decorated RP place, south of Whitefall, just north of the swamps. Whoever is seriously interested in the city, send me a mail to Picha ingame, and I'll get you the waypoint.
    According to my plan, I will have 55+ citizens by sunday, when I will in theory rank up to 4, if that's currently possible, and also get my first throw-out on politician XP. Working for the shuttle port, as there are currently 13 player shuttles on Talus, and the cap should be 15, so I am hopeful.

    =) Whoever wants to know more, give me till tomorrow, when the med-center will be up and running and decorated, and then you can come visit
    My friend/guild leader Valkore is also planning some kind of Opening event, even though we already had lots of RP in town.

    Woot, yeah, I'm spamming a bit, but I am also pretty proud of what we did there in so little time. Even my beloved SWTOR-playing man (yeah, I still love him, regardless this fauxpas) has lent me his account to move his characters to the city for additional citizens >_>

  12. #432
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    Count me in also Piya

  13. #433
    Newbie Clifffitir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by piya View Post
    I have a couple of grinding armor composite sets sitting around in my house, you can just have one. It's not a big deal, really. I'm sure there are others that can help too, a grinding suit costs between 35 and 50k. I make 700k with one buff length mission run, if I'm keeping on it without running afk all the time.
    So don't worry about it. Give me an ingame name and I'll shoot you some.
    I also have a doctor that gives out free buffs for those who claim to know me
    but how often do you actually get to stay focused on it without IRL interrupting for a few minutes here and there lol

  14. #434
    Junior Member piya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snake_Plisskin View Post
    testing one two
    Test passed, one two.

  15. #435
    Junior Member piya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Easywalker View Post
    Count me in also Piya
    OMG I'm recruiting and I didn't even planned to! Haha

    Thanks a ton, guys. The thing is, I'm german and it's 11pm and I'm probably asleep by the time the server comes back up. So actually, send me PMs, if you are serious about joining the XTS outpost.
    And while you're at it, please let me know a couple of things, because I'm madly obsessed with planning the city layout.
    1) Are you a RPer and want to have a home in the IC-center of the city? Or are you looking for a home to use for storage purpose only, because these houses are in the back of the town.
    2) Don't be shy, if you have demands, state them. It's a completely fair deal, if you join the city just to do me a favor and get me a vote once in 3 weeks, if you also want something in return. Aka, free buffs, when I am around to give them, or whatever. I am providing free small houses plus 10k maintenance. I can also keep paying for it, if you inform me. All I want is reliable people who don't abandon their houses for good without letting me know.
    3) How many characters are you bringing? ^^

    As for RL interrupting... Yeah, it happens. But the magic cure is: Headset on! Mute button on the phone, and kick man and dogs out the door! Mwahaha!

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