Quote Originally Posted by Scurby View Post
Box open? Are we talking about "Starting the countdown"? It's an option on the radial menu wish closes when the 'Activate Clone' window appears. Should it be differant? Any screens would be helpful.
Not sure i never actually did the shut down...though i remember being part of many takedowns back in the day and there was an exploit you could use that as long as the window was up while you were still alive even if you died you could wait til the countdown was at a few seconds and then shut off the timer so that even if it was reactivated you could minimize the times the opposite side had to restart the timer and save your base.

Pretty much all you had to do was make it into the base and pull up the option on the menu before you died...Granted i do not know if it was a radial or a blue box one but the key was to keep that box open as long as possible then at the last few seconds of the timer hit the switch as to run out as much time as possible in the hours your base was vulnerable so you weren't constantly having to defend the base. What this would do would allow your dead corpse be in the base monitor the situation and allow you to turn it off at your will.

This is where alot of people used the swoop bike exploit to get into the base and shut off the timer. You'd fly in on your swoop and even if they attacked the swoop and blew it up you would still get into the base with out a problem cause of the rubberbanding bug then all ya had to do was pull up the option before you died and just sit and wait to shut it off. Both sides used it repeatedly on corbantis.