Quote Originally Posted by Malady View Post
You got to think out of the box so to speak. You could have it be "loot" for combat classes. Crafted, surveyed and/or sampled by crafting classes. For example: craft "X" items and you have a chance that a "clue" disk will be given. Same with surveying and sampling. Same could be done for Entertainers/ID.
Quote Originally Posted by Kreen View Post
The problem with crafting is that you'd have to alter the code either for the crafting manager or the draft schematic to add those probabilities in there. With combat, it's a simple matter of adding something to the loot tables, where creatures pull from to decide what they drop based on a percentage. Crafting doesn't work that way.

That means, it's easy to add something like a new item to drop from the loot tables than it would be to add an item spawning from a crafting session. Though it's possible, you would have to alter the code away from 14.1, the goal of the project. Adding something to a loot table doesn't alter code.

Now watch, cRush is gonna take this as a challenge and find a way. Crafting loot tables or something =)
I think you missed my other reply. It's simple to think "have a set percentage to get an item while crafting," but it's much more complicated to implement that. Combat loot tables, on the other hand, are actually made to do that. Not the crafting interface.

Don't worry, we think outside of the box for a lot of our events, and we're working on an idea to get the non-combat professions involved in our next big event =)