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Thread: Interview with SWGEmu Developers

  1. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phalanx480bc View Post
    That and it's largely irrelevant, anyway. The strides made by this dev team and their predecessors has made the current build AT LEAST as playable as the original code from the same time period. There are still plenty of bugs to work out, but I can recall just as many game-breaking issues in the official code as there are on Basilisk. Why trade SWGEmu issues for SOE issues of the same grain?
    Very good point-better off not inheriting SOE's code headaches. At least when you build your own, you built it from the ground up and issues are tackled as they arise.

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vlada View Post
    Why would they? What do they gain by doing so?

    They own the patent rights that don't expire till 2025 or close to that that, why would they just give away something that is worth millions?

    P.S. SOE claimed, not sure if they changed that statement, that the original Pre-CU code was lost during CU or early NGE.
    The thing is, they will never reopen the servers for profit nor use that code again, so is it truly worth millions? I could have a Picasso stuck away in the attic, but if I never get it out, sell it or display it until it rots away, was it ever really worth anything at all?

    I wish Lucas Arts would just hire the current SWGEmu devs, give them really good jobs and crank out a SWG2, I am sure it would be awesome Honestly it would probably be the only game I would ever again spend money on.

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by bioda View Post
    The thing is, they will never reopen the servers for profit nor use that code again, so is it truly worth millions? I could have a Picasso stuck away in the attic, but if I never get it out, sell it or display it until it rots away, was it ever really worth anything at all?

    I wish Lucas Arts would just hire the current SWGEmu devs, give them really good jobs and crank out a SWG2, I am sure it would be awesome Honestly it would probably be the only game I would ever again spend money on.
    Sadly, there would be a good chance of SWG2 ending up with an NGE2.

  4. #19
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    mostly due to the fact that too many people would is too hard or it takes to long or...saw it too many times on soe forums people complaing that they just got owned.

  5. #20
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    there will always be complaints from the whiners in any mmo, but the majority of the players understand that many issues can arise from unexpected reactions from code strings, from what i have seen this is like as posted above at least as stable if not more than the original RELEASE of SWG even after the first of many patches to fix the bugs, and patches to fix the patches bugs and so on and so forth. I am loving what the devs are doing, Keep up the great work

  6. #21
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    Thanks vlada and gang. the update was mucho appreciated. I played from beta swg to 5 months into NGE. i can tell you the new code EMu has built is more responsive,faster and more reliable then original code ever was. I think the only thing i would like to see From SOE is for them to support emu. not give any hand outs but maybe they could give a shout out not to mention maybe some assets. you know they have major redundant drivers. if you believe they lost all of pre cu then you are naive.
    You maybe right they don't have much to gain but they do have one thing that they could gain and is very huge and profitable. that is reconnection of EMU. Not only will it show they support indy teams,but also would show their continued support of a product that they know millions of subs paid for and still continue to pay for even tho its free.. Look at garage games all of there games are free yet millions sub to there games and pay to play. WHY?? becasue of the support of them to the community. Thats all we ever wanted from soe from the get go.Its free publicity at the cost of support and what some of there already done assets?

  7. #22
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    I for one would not like SOE to have anything to do with this emu version. Soe don't do anything for the fun of it and are totally based on making money. They dont listen to their subscribers obviously. If they did, the NGE would've been reversed the first time. After loosing thousands of subs after the NGE, they stuck to their guns and it almost died completely then. Devs with ideas like the NGE can stay away from this true version of SWG.

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redfox View Post
    I for one would not like SOE to have anything to do with this emu version. Soe don't do anything for the fun of it and are totally based on making money. They dont listen to their subscribers obviously. If they did, the NGE would've been reversed the first time. After loosing thousands of subs after the NGE, they stuck to their guns and it almost died completely then. Devs with ideas like the NGE can stay away from this true version of SWG.
    I agree, SOE had a chance long ago to make it right and ignored it. SWG-EMU was born out of that "need" and the Devs have done a fantastic job with not only game, but support. Remember how hard it was to even get a decent response out of SOE'S Devs?

    Swg-emu team is on the right track, I would ride with them any day!

  9. #24
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    Hi all im new in here

  10. #25
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    Inactive there a thread somewhere that lays out the concept for the game files so a novice could start learning to decipher them? Something like this:

    "There are ___ file types in Galaxies, listed below by their extension, general function/purpose, and relationship to the other files:

    Type Purpose
    type __ Purpose ____
    type __ Purpose ____
    type __ Purpose ____"

    I'd love to start documenting (esp droid eng), but I'd like to know the relationship of the files and (hopefully) free software to decrypt them. Thoughts?

  11. #26
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PiousMaxus View Post there a thread somewhere that lays out the concept for the game files so a novice could start learning to decipher them? Something like this:

    "There are ___ file types in Galaxies, listed below by their extension, general function/purpose, and relationship to the other files:

    Type Purpose
    type __ Purpose ____
    type __ Purpose ____
    type __ Purpose ____"

    I'd love to start documenting (esp droid eng), but I'd like to know the relationship of the files and (hopefully) free software to decrypt them. Thoughts?
    Yeah try asking in the Development section or in IRC #opendev channel

  12. #27
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    I for one have been watching all this from the sidelines for a while. I played SWG almost from the start (when I was all of 11, played with my dad), and it was by FAR the best game I ever played. It got bad when CU hit. Of course, I tried persisting. I loved this game and the people I met and the things I could do. Then the NGE came. And we all know how it goes from there.
    Needless to say I was bummed and had no game to play. I decided to try WoW. Played it for a while. It was MAYBE fun for the first year. After that it all began to go downhill. Now it's awful. Bad graphics, no customization, terrible game support... It's worthless and I stopped feeding Blizz my money. I plan on never supporting them again, ever. It wasn't even as good as post-nge star wars.... =I
    I had started to like wow at one point but it actually began doing the same thing as SWG.... Bad upgrades left and right. WoW is gonna go up in flames. Just like SWG post-nge :I And the devs will have nobody to blame but themselves. I think it's just ... a mindset. A company reaches a certain size or popularity, forgets why it started in the first place or where it was going or who it was trying to please - and it all comes down to the money. And money is the greatest evil, tbh. Or at least... It sparks the greatest evil, in people who have no conscious or pride in their work.

    I am SO... SO... SOOOO happy to have found this place. I have been starving for SWG since I quit. I even tried the trial post-nge hoping it was ... good. Well. It wasn't. It just wasn't. :<
    Much love and appreciation to the devs of SWGEmu, and to anyone who donates and tests!! *Will be joining testing soon!* It's just incredibly exciting to see this coming together after so long...
    You can bet I'll donate as soon as I can afford it. I'd rather pay $15 a month for this stuff! In fact, I'm more than willing too!! If only... I had money. evil, evil money. XD
    Last edited by Ceradwyn; 06-27-2012 at 02:10 AM.

  13. #28
    Addicted Tiars's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bnat View Post
    Very good point-better off not inheriting SOE's code headaches. At least when you build your own, you built it from the ground up and issues are tackled as they arise.
    Yeah for example after crafting day the SOE code had a bug that prevented full experimentation on many Artisan components that was not fixed until way into NGE. Also at that time they found that the crafting stations and tool ratings due to another bug had no effect on crafting and that bug was fixed. The SWGemu team should be implementing these without the bugs.

    Quote Originally Posted by bioda View Post
    The thing is, they will never reopen the servers for profit nor use that code again, so is it truly worth millions? I could have a Picasso stuck away in the attic, but if I never get it out, sell it or display it until it rots away, was it ever really worth anything at all?

    I wish Lucas Arts would just hire the current SWGEmu devs, give them really good jobs and crank out a SWG2, I am sure it would be awesome Honestly it would probably be the only game I would ever again spend money on.
    Except that Sony has stated that their is Intellectual Property in the SOE code that has been patented. They use those patents and have the right to be paid by others to use those patents. If they release into the public domain they also release the patents into the public domain and loose the right to receive money for other companies to use that Intellectual Property.

    It is not the same as your painting allegory.

  14. #29
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    Just want to say thanks to all working on this project, its good and nostalgic to see player cities again. I played swg for 6 years and was bummed to hear it close. Ive run into alot of old friends from the SOE version on liberator and Basilisk so in a way its like coming home again. Keep it up things are going great!

  15. #30
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    I have read in the forums about new planets that may/are being built that could possibly be added to SWGEmu, but did I read & understand the part of the interview correctly; that stated there were planets in the original SWG that were already in the code but were never used? What planets were these?
    Last edited by Killum; 07-04-2012 at 01:00 PM. Reason: Typo

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