Quote Originally Posted by ekimocyc View Post
i really think jedi should not even be a concern if you want to play jedi go play tor. what got me is the fact the creatures are still gonna be broke and the rest of profession are not even being looked at. who cares about jedi they are all dead and should stay dead. ch de be commando gcw should be all worked on waaaay before any jedi stuff. this is not a good i am tired of krayts nargs being dragged to the Catina's.
I dont want to play a jedi to brandish a saber, I can do that in any of the 6 billion star wars games out there. I want to play Jedi because of the strategic play style involved, with regards to pvp bh's, lack of armour against high end creatures. This game has a lot of interesting challenges that I will enjoy and I want Jedi to be one of them, playing TOR has got nothing to do with being a Jedi. TOR is a single player game I can play with others, just because I have a lightsaber in my hand doesnt satisfy my desire to play as a pre-cu Jedi.

I want those other professions fixed also, but I will let the devs decide what they think is best to work on.

Quote Originally Posted by Demarco View Post
I don't want to go all negative here but I have to hope they have corrected the spawning issues a bit and the odd invasions of the cantinas should stop.

The professions are top priority I thought, I was under impression the CH and DE professions were actively being worked to get them online as soon as possible. It was posted the other day about the state of Droid Engineers as far as what was being fixed, a check list was posted that was extensive. So I know they are plugging along there.

Jedi is a dream to a lot of players but I wonder how many realize the WORK involved. This version of the game won't see Jedi until December even if the village is installed. And those Jedi will be hunted down and killed like rats.

I've said it before, I'll say it again, this game is NOT a race... it's a journey. Everyone just relax and enjoy the ride.
I love it when people pull dates out of their backside.

If we wont see Jedi until december, what makes you think we will see any major updates before december?