Quote Originally Posted by AgustinSarro View Post
Can u choose jedi proffession when u Begin.?
The selectable proffession JEDI was NGE. That's exactly NOT what you will find here. THis is the pre-CU version or the 2003 original version of the game. To become a Jedi takes T-I-M-E and is aided by holocrons that are looted from NPCs that tell you what profession you need to master to become "force-sensiative". That is until you complete the next to last one, the last profession is not told to you by a holocron or any other method, it's just a guess. So you work one and check your Force sensetivity, if it unlocks you can begin the jedi trials that are a LENGTHY process or if not you do another profession until it pops.

The idea is Jedi are RARE... They are not supposed to be everywhere, in the movies there were only Obi-Wan, Luke and Yoda. And the Sith Darth Vader we discovered later was Anakin.

So... If you want to be a Jedi, be prepared to earn it my friend, it takes EFFORT.