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Thread: SWGEmu Timeline

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  1. #1
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    I have was wondering something about the commando profession. I can under stand the dots not working on them, But how come the grenades don't work? Also when do you plan to fix them? soon or some time later like publish 5?
    Thanks for your answer....if you answer. rofl!

  2. #2
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by waffles1 View Post
    I have was wondering something about the commando profession. I can under stand the dots not working on them, But how come the grenades don't work? Also when do you plan to fix them? soon or some time later like publish 5?
    Thanks for your answer....if you answer. rofl!
    Check here:

    If its not there, then probably Pub 5 or 6

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by waffles1 View Post
    I have was wondering something about the commando profession. I can under stand the dots not working on them, But how come the grenades don't work? Also when do you plan to fix them? soon or some time later like publish 5?
    Thanks for your answer....if you answer. rofl!
    Grenades do work. They were added with publish 3.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by mack View Post
    Nope.. Pre-Alpha ..
    I can't tell if you're being serious or just trolling. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and respond as if you were being serious.

    You should either re-read the link you posted before, or learn more about this project.

    According to your link:

    "Pre-alpha refers to all activities performed during the software project before testing."

    "The alpha phase of the release life cycle is the first phase to begin software testing"

    We are clearly software testing so, according to your link, we cannot be in the pre-alpha stage.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ivojedi View Post
    I can't tell if you're being serious or just trolling. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and respond as if you were being serious.

    You should either re-read the link you posted before, or learn more about this project.

    According to your link:

    "Pre-alpha refers to all activities performed during the software project before testing."

    "The alpha phase of the release life cycle is the first phase to begin software testing"

    We are clearly software testing so, according to your link, we cannot be in the pre-alpha stage.
    Not trolling, just stating my opinion !

    If you'd have read a bit further on that very link....

    "Pre-alpha refers to all activities performed during the software project before testing. These activities can include requirements analysis, software design, software development, and unit testing. In typical open source development, there are several types of pre-alpha versions. Milestone versions include specific sets of functions and are released as soon as the functionality is complete."

    and since we appear to having 'Publishes' or 'Milestones' and design and development is still very active as there are parts that aren't even close to being complete yet. I would edge to say it's Pre-Alpha, however It doesn't really matter ! - if you want to call it Alpha then feel free to do so
    Last edited by mack; 08-29-2013 at 08:29 AM.

  6. #6
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    • Alpha - The alpha software development phase is the stage where all features are in the process of being implemented. When it begins, there may be many missing features, but by its end, all major features should be implemented.
    • Beta - The beta software development phase is marked by the implementation of all major features. During this phase, the primary focus of software development is to fix any and all bugs, as well as implement content that expands upon the major features from Alpha.
    Its alpha

  7. #7
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    It is alpha, usually during pre-alpha there is no functionality to test. When you move to black box testing, its when alpha starts (that doesn't mean software development and design halts). |
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeridian View Post
    Here is the problem though (and I don't often check in anymore because of this), they are just tip-toeing through development. So hesitant to add features because of the potential bugs they may and will hit. This is a common issue that my professors warn will never release with a major project if you do not push through the bugs. You can deal with bugs later. If you start to encounter so many bugs in a stage of development, you get the urge to do over the codebase entirely (OR anyone?).

    If you start to think "Redo!" its a red flag, professionally. In the professional world you start to lose support for development if you backtrack or tip-toe like that, you just gotta deal with the bugs along the way while maintaining focus on features (at-least in alpha). This is funny, because the developers consistently mention wanting to maintain professional industry standards. Setting realistic time tables for yourselves is a must in that case.

    I would love to help out and not be nit picky, I hate saying this without much to offer. But I have other projects and commitments and SWGEmu is not the forefront of those at the moment. For those of you to throw aside others opinions because they aren't active developers in the project they are criticizing, then you are foolish and I'm glad you aren't doing any sort of game design.
    In the professional world you are paid and you have a work schedule, this gives you the opportunity to have an eta or a timetable. However this is not a job, today you have 1 developer writing code, tomorrow 10 and the day after tomorrow may be none. This is not a stable environment.

    Letting aside that, you or your "professors" have no idea about the project. We didnt want to make an OR, we HAD to. We had to UNDERSTAND the client, to reverse engineer all the SOE designs, algorithms, objects, protocol, everything.

    Core3 was started before we really knew any of the game designs besides some of the protocol and thats why we hit a wall. We COULDNT progress any further without the OR, which by the way wasnt a full rewrite, we still have pre-or code running.

    Now we are pushing through bugs and implementing new features without fear because we know the core design of SOEs implementation.

    The code wasnt started by amateurs, the engine/code was started by a professional game dev and most of us left on the team are professional coders.

    So before you come here and start criticizing, first learn about what we do and who we are.
    Last edited by TheAnswer; 11-17-2012 at 12:17 AM. |
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheAnswer View Post
    In the professional world you are paid and you have a work schedule, this gives you the opportunity to have an eta or a timetable. However this is not a job, today you have 1 developer writing code, tomorrow 10 and the day after tomorrow may be none. This is not a stable environment.

    Letting aside that, you or your "professors" have no idea about the project. We didnt want to make an OR, we HAD to. We had to UNDERSTAND the client, to reverse engineer all the SOE designs, algorithms, objects, protocol, everything.

    Core3 was started before we really knew any of the game designs besides some of the protocol and thats why we hit a wall. We COULDNT progress any further without the OR, which by the way wasnt a full rewrite, we still have pre-or code running.

    Now we are pushing through bugs and implementing new features without fear because we know the core design of SOEs implementation.

    The code wasnt started by amateurs, the engine/code was started by a professional game dev and most of us left on the team are professional coders.

    So before you come here and start criticizing, first learn about what we do and who we are.
    First post here...i was going to reply to this yesterday before a dev did but didn't get the chance. I personally think for a bunch of guys that are NOT paid, this isn't their job, and they are just doing this for fun that they are doing a great job. I logged in yesterday and i was encouraged by what i saw. Is it ready to be released, no...but i think it's at a good middle point, and i honestly think they are making great progress and i can start to see the light at the end of the tunnel from here.

    Personally i would have given my left nut to just be able to play the game like it is now again, which means im excited for the future. Keep moving forward guys and one day we will be at release.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeridian View Post
    Here is the problem though (and I don't often check in anymore because of this), they are just tip-toeing through development. So hesitant to add features because of the potential bugs they may and will hit. This is a common issue that my professors warn will never release with a major project if you do not push through the bugs. You can deal with bugs later. If you start to encounter so many bugs in a stage of development, you get the urge to do over the codebase entirely (OR anyone?).

    If you start to think "Redo!" its a red flag, professionally. In the professional world you start to lose support for development if you backtrack or tip-toe like that, you just gotta deal with the bugs along the way while maintaining focus on features (at-least in alpha). This is funny, because the developers consistently mention wanting to maintain professional industry standards. Setting realistic time tables for yourselves is a must in that case.

    I would love to help out and not be nit picky, I hate saying this without much to offer. But I have other projects and commitments and SWGEmu is not the forefront of those at the moment. For those of you to throw aside others opinions because they aren't active developers in the project they are criticizing, then you are foolish and I'm glad you aren't doing any sort of game design.
    To paraphrase.
    Blah Blah Blah... i'm upset because you haven't given me what i want. But instead of contributing I just want to complain.

    I have been on the servers for a while now and I would just like to tell the Devs what a great job they are doing bringing back a beloved game. Please take as much time as you need to make the game as good as you can. I haven't played the game in any form for over 9 years and since logging on I've been having a blast and would like to offer my thanks and encouragement to the team.
    Keep up the great work!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeridian View Post
    Here is the problem though (and I don't often check in anymore because of this), they are just tip-toeing through development. So hesitant to add features because of the potential bugs they may and will hit. This is a common issue that my professors warn will never release with a major project if you do not push through the bugs. You can deal with bugs later. If you start to encounter so many bugs in a stage of development, you get the urge to do over the codebase entirely (OR anyone?).

    If you start to think "Redo!" its a red flag, professionally. In the professional world you start to lose support for development if you backtrack or tip-toe like that, you just gotta deal with the bugs along the way while maintaining focus on features (at-least in alpha). This is funny, because the developers consistently mention wanting to maintain professional industry standards. Setting realistic time tables for yourselves is a must in that case.

    I would love to help out and not be nit picky, I hate saying this without much to offer. But I have other projects and commitments and SWGEmu is not the forefront of those at the moment. For those of you to throw aside others opinions because they aren't active developers in the project they are criticizing, then you are foolish and I'm glad you aren't doing any sort of game design.
    Wow this guy is way out of touch with reality. I am not a dev but any means or a programmer but this is totally disrespectful and inconsiderate. Deal with bugs later hmmm so people can just go ahead and deep six the devs in the future and how much they ****. I think you and your professor really need to get a grip. And i guess you dont understand that they are not using the code soe used due to legal issues and they have built things from scratch.

    Honestly, You should be appreciate that someone has stepped up and has been working hard on the project for years now to bring this to you and millions which it will happen once again... But its like they say and I am sure this truly fits. Opnions are like *******.

    After seeing this comment I am just going to make a large donation.

  12. #12
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    I don't know a whole lot about the project status, but they seem to be doing quite well if you judge by the population.

    Especially given they plan to do a full server wipe and I personally know people who are waiting for all the character wipes to be done before they start.

    I'm one of them but I've been thinking about poking in to try it out a bit lol. Although I am playing so many games right now >_<

    I understood what he was saying about make content and deal with bugs along the way, but from reading their change log it seems that's what they have been doing lol

    Maybe guy was having a bad day or was just hungry ( I get grouchy when I'm hungry) either way it was rude >:U
    Last edited by flunklesnarkin; 11-17-2012 at 08:28 AM.

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