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Thread: Sunday Stress Test - Round Three 01/29/12

  1. #1
    Retired SWGEmu Staff Revanis's Avatar
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    Sunday Stress Test - Round Three 01/29/12

    Sunday Stress Test - Round Three

    January 28th, 2012
    The SWGEmu Development Division

    Greetings testers and community members,

    Starting at 4 PM EST on Sunday (January 29), the developers and QA are looking to perform another stress-test on Nova Test Center that will probably last as long as is needed to gather what we need for Nova. We need as many people as possible to log in, so please join us and Nova's rapid progression by contributing to our latest stress-test!

    In addition to general stress testing, aka logging as many instances as your computer can handle, developers would like us to test some specific things:

    • Geonosian (Geo) Lab and Death Watch Bunker (DWB)

    Certain issues have been fixed but we need YOUR help to find any more!

    PLEASE NOTE: TC: Nova wont be wiped before this test.

    Teleport Terminals will be provided to travel to and from the Geo Lab and Death Watch Bunker!

    Nova Test Center (TC: Nova)

    4:00 PM, lasting until results are sufficient

    Log on tho your existing characters or make a new one on TC: Nova and help Devs test Geo Lab and DWB.

    For the duration for this stress-test Liberator will be OFFLINE.

    Once again and log in as many characters as your computer can handle. Remember this is not just stress test, there are specific tasks we need to complete. Those who never submitted a bug report should check this guide first: How to report bugs on Bug Tracker (Mantis). A well written bug report will make QA's job much easier.

    And please remember to keep up-to-date on our testing information, the latest of which is detailed in our latest announcement and in End of Liberator Milestone.

    ~ SWGEmu Development Team
    Last edited by Vlada; 01-29-2012 at 06:57 PM.
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  2. #2
    Newbie jzjuju13's Avatar
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    it says we can test anything. can we test jedi and mando?

  3. #3
    Retired SWGEmu Staff Revanis's Avatar
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    Neither of those are working, unfortunately!

    EDIT: Okay guys, some issues with the DWB and Geo Caves have been (or will be!) resolved, so tomorrow we'd like players to return to them to help test them out again!

    Last edited by Revanis; 01-29-2012 at 03:12 AM.
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  4. #4
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    Is there a plan for better buffs so we can at least survive? Buffs would be the simplest way to not change the entire blue frog experience i.e. weapons/armor/etc.

  5. #5
    Addicted Lobreeze's Avatar
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    lol first post is a can we test jedi post

  6. #6
    Developer currently known as cRush
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davven View Post
    Is there a plan for better buffs so we can at least survive? Buffs would be the simplest way to not change the entire blue frog experience i.e. weapons/armor/etc.
    Feedback is appreciated. We upped the buffs to 1900 from 1200 and mind buffs from 700 to 1000. We don't want to discourage players attempting to test buff pack crafting, so they likely will not increase much beyond here.

  7. #7
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    I've got to ask....

    Is there any chance at all of putting in any new gear at all? Even with maxed stats, the basic gear in the blue frogs is insufficient to take down even the lowest level npc's in both geo and dwb. Even some higher level base armor and weapons would work.

    I vaugley remember hearing that such a thing couldn't be done, but I figured i'd ask in advance instead of becoming part of the crowd that spammed"We need better gear" during the event itself.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kuran208 View Post
    I've got to ask....

    Is there any chance at all of putting in any new gear at all? Even with maxed stats, the basic gear in the blue frogs is insufficient to take down even the lowest level npc's in both geo and dwb. Even some higher level base armor and weapons would work.

    I vaugley remember hearing that such a thing couldn't be done, but I figured i'd ask in advance instead of becoming part of the crowd that spammed"We need better gear" during the event itself.
    Geo can easily be done without any problems with blue frog gear. DWB will be be harder, but clearing the first rooms is easily doable with a small number of people...

  9. #9
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    I'm sorry, but were you involved? Geo was difficult, yes, but DWB, most people spent over an hour in the first three rooms, unable to get any farther. The group that I was in only managed to get to the end(with a lot of deaths along the way) because it had three staff that used....>.>

    Special means to clear some of the more troublesome areas.

  10. #10
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    Ill be there again, great news that the test went well with all the bugs found.

  11. #11
    Addicted ashur's Avatar
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  12. #12
    Retired SWGEmu Staff Elvaron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kuran208 View Post
    I'm sorry, but were you involved? Geo was difficult, yes, but DWB, most people spent over an hour in the first three rooms, unable to get any farther. The group that I was in only managed to get to the end(with a lot of deaths along the way) because it had three staff that used....>.>

    Special means to clear some of the more troublesome areas.
    Yes, Kuran, that was fun I'm gonna take a look at it and see if we can't come up with anything slightly more reasonable.
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by xyborn View Post
    Feedback is appreciated. We upped the buffs to 1900 from 1200 and mind buffs from 700 to 1000. We don't want to discourage players attempting to test buff pack crafting, so they likely will not increase much beyond here.
    Correct me if Im wrong but I believe only enhance pack type A were available to craft at a craft station. Having a higher buff through the blue frogs would in no way inhibit attempts at crafting as from what I saw the craftable buffs would be alot less power.

    Also why not wipe the server an hour or 2 before the test to give people a chance to craft items. I did not spend alot of time in the blue frogs, but it seemed all the meds and such were single use items of low value. The ability to craft some better items may make the test much better.
    Last edited by Davven; 01-29-2012 at 02:15 PM.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davven View Post
    Correct me if Im wrong but I believe only enhance pack type A were available to craft at a craft station. Having a higher buff through the blue frogs would in no way inhibit attempts at crafting as from what I saw the craftable buffs would be alot less power.

    Also why not wipe the server an hour or 2 before the test to give people a chance to craft items. I did not spend alot of time in the blue frogs, but it seemed all the meds and such were single use items of low value. The ability to craft some better items may make the test much better.
    Allowing some time to craft items would likely help. 80% kinetic armor can be made with very limited factory use. Good melee weapons can be made without factory time. If we had a couple hours, we could get some small factory runs done to make decent weapons and armor.

  15. #15
    Retired SWGEmu Staff Elvaron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jedigeek View Post
    Allowing some time to craft items would likely help. 80% kinetic armor can be made with very limited factory use. Good melee weapons can be made without factory time. If we had a couple hours, we could get some small factory runs done to make decent weapons and armor.
    And then we run into an issue that forces a wipe and those hours are wasted. Not the best solution for everyone
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