Quote Originally Posted by Cliffy View Post
So in the beginning with the $15k balance aside that has quickly dwindled....how was it so high? Were the cost increases over the last year that much more substantial or has the donations dropped that much? Whats the cash flow look like for the previous few years? This is what i do for a living... what did it look like at the last couple years on Bas?

$15k was a huge buffer to have so just wondering how it got to that point and now draining so quickly.

I'll be honest the transparency and lack of community input is a HUGE problem with this project. I spoke to LK on the side about this a while back and told him I'd like to see them do some sort of senate where there is a rep from every part of the game ie a crafting reps, pvp reps, pve reps, newbie reps, etc. This along with a community mamager that listen to the community input.

These things have been ignored over the years. I love you guys for the work you put in the project but....if you want us to be invested too especially those of us who have no computer knowledge, it needs to feel like OUR project too. It doesn't.
There is another server "that shall not be named", who does communication extremely well. They have a well oiled organization, discord is used as a conduit for information between developers and players. They also have a player senate, they vote on changes and game direction. Senators are community members who are voted in or out of the senate. The senate is based in Theed, and this allows for communication between the player base and the developers.