Quote Originally Posted by esmiswg View Post
Me and others saw something, said something, it was ignored because it was uncomfortable I guess. After all admitting that EoS has a critical bug that had you delete a massive number of legit items from a lot of honest players because it cannot distinguish between legit items and dupes well enough would not have allowed this massive screw up to go through according to your plan.

You were told to complete it instead of rushing this half-done nonsense, you did not listen to that and it resulted in this issue being handled in one of the worst ways possible. You violated your own #1 rule which is not messing with players for any reason because again it was uncomfortable.

This has been a complete dumpster fire and undermined a lot of the community's trust in 1.0 being any better.
To be clear I listen, I spent 3 HOURS spot checking the list, every single item I checked, yup either a dupe or the components were duped. Additionally after the fact we have had numerous reports and not one ended up in a "oops". Even the "invisible" ADK's, I fixed those in less than 24 hours.

You keep bringing up the original vs the dupe like its a flaw in the system. No the approach was by design. I considered "lowest OID is the original item", but then how do you handle components? Oh, this gets slippery...

Sure we could have said lowest oid tano is the original, whoops, turns out the dupers often returned the clone not the original, the majority of the items found, the low oid object was on... you guessed it.. on a banned account.

I will not go into detail on how they were doing this, its basic policy to not educate more cheaters on new ideas. That said the way they did it left "remnants" that made it super clear what items where dupes vs items that were factory crate manufactured. Also, they took many perfectly simple to manufacture items and duped them, wall units!!! Are you kidding me how lazy and greedy they were towards the end?

You keep telling us esmiswg how we're so wrong, and how you're a full-blown developer with deep experience, then join us! We need strong, smart developers willing to dig into the details and debate the solutions, I would be happy to have someone like that looking at the same data and debating what the next best actions are.

That said, its just not as simple as it looks at first blush, and I have done my best to solve one-off issues as they pop up.

I appreciate your passion, you clearly care, so do I, doubt it look around, I think I have provided plenty of evidence of my passion around the project's success and our community. But, you're not helping anyone by continuing to question what you don't have all the details on, at some point you have to trust we're doing the best we can with the data and the time allotted.

PS: I would like to clarify that you're confused about EoS, it's a logging system, the cleanup was a different set of code written specifically to identify dupes and related items using 8 different heruristic and determinsitic algos to target items. If you join the team as a dev I would be happy to walk you through each phase and the inputs and outputs of the system.