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Thread: Clone Wars, The Exploit

  1. #301
    Junior Member rfortiner's Avatar
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    People complain a lot about the superior weapons and cash that LIVE has all of the time it seems yet a lot of people don’t pay any attention to the age of the accounts of the people in the guild nor the interests of those within the guild. Most individuals within LIVE are long term players. There are also quite a few individuals who understand coding which allows them to understand how to best craft and use combat capabilities. Anyone with the credits and knowledge base of that has the capability to do whatever they want to in this game. There are many advanced crafters in LIVE, one doesn’t have to break the TOS to make items that are comparable.

    What I don’t get is why is everyone’s focus solely on LIVE when other people in other guilds were banned as well? Why is this become a “oh look at how horrible LIVE is?” Yeah there were a few members on the list that were named but it isn’t like the whole guild was banned or aware or it or even a large portion of the guild was banned, so why is the whole guild getting slammed from almost all sides? Why did the light side frs ban anyone from LIVE from participating? If frs’s banned anyone from any guild that has ever had anyone banned then there would be no one left.

    Maybe, just maybe, we should all be adults and look at peoples actions as individuals and not as an entire guilds and maybe everyone should act with a little sympathy towards people who had friends banned as many of those people are getting bashed at even if they had no idea of what was going on.
    Drop off Vendor: Gorath on Tatooine wp -2955 -5066

  2. #302
    Junior Member LordSniper's Avatar
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    Just wanted to chime in to say thank you everyone involved, dedicating your time on this project to re-create a game that many enjoy! It’s not unexpected to see some bad apples try to stir the pot but comical none the less.

    Again thanks guys, looking forward to seeing what the future holds!

  3. #303
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    Quote Originally Posted by rfortiner View Post
    People complain a lot about the superior weapons and cash that LIVE has all of the time it seems yet a lot of people don’t pay any attention to the age of the accounts of the people in the guild nor the interests of those within the guild. Most individuals within LIVE are long term players. There are also quite a few individuals who understand coding which allows them to understand how to best craft and use combat capabilities. Anyone with the credits and knowledge base of that has the capability to do whatever they want to in this game.
    Like when they wanted to dupe????

    Cry me a river, nobody from ReCoN was banned because nobody from ReCoN was duping. Having good loot and credits isn't the problem, lots of us have acquired tonnes of stuff.

    It's the comically blantant cheating, multi accounts and out of game transactions Live and Oma etc have participated in for years that people complain about.

  4. #304
    Junior Member rfortiner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Livy2K View Post
    Like when they wanted to dupe????

    Cry me a river, nobody from ReCoN was banned because nobody from ReCoN was duping. Having good loot and credits isn't the problem, lots of us have acquired tonnes of stuff.

    It's the comically blantant cheating, multi accounts and out of game transactions Live and Oma etc have participated in for years that people complain about.
    All I am saying is the people you are mad at are banned and unable to read everyone blasting them, it doesn’t affect them. Stop being a toxic jerk and giving crap to the people who are not banned and are not breaking the TOS, it solves nothing other then driving the community apart. This community needs every person it has, the only people you are hurting is yourself as this type of behavior does nothing to make nee members want to be here...
    Drop off Vendor: Gorath on Tatooine wp -2955 -5066

  5. #305
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    Quote Originally Posted by rfortiner View Post
    All I am saying is the people you are mad at are banned and unable to read everyone blasting them, it doesn’t affect them....
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  6. #306
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    Quote Originally Posted by rfortiner View Post
    All I am saying is the people you are mad at are banned and unable to read everyone blasting them, it doesn’t affect them. Stop being a toxic jerk and giving crap to the people who are not banned and are not breaking the TOS, it solves nothing other then driving the community apart.
    Those people ought to find themselves a new guild because the core of Live/oMa were found lacking integrity.

    It's not being toxic to point out the obvious and topkek at the heavy handy moderation of this thread.

  7. #307
    SWGEmu Admin Farelli's Avatar
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    The only reason we comment is because we have facts, and don't want this thread to devolve into forum PvP.

    This thread is rapidly developing a foundation on speculation and that leads to unnecessary name-calling and eventual locking or mass-deleting of threads.

    No one wants to see that.
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  8. #308
    Junior Member jmx's Avatar
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    livy is right

  9. #309
    Junior Member chasey lain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rfortiner View Post
    Yeah there were a few members on the list that were named but it isn’t like the whole guild
    Unfortunately Izzy, the LIVE name is now tainted. Those banned were pretty influential members of the guild and the server. And from the outside, LIVE's approach to the whole ordeal looks pretty weak to be fair, not much has been done. You can't blame the server for not having any compassion. We haven't even had a purge yet... wait till people start losing their stuff.

    Have to say, it's a sad period for all of us who consider many of LIVE friends.

  10. #310
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    LIVE is like China, and the duped items are the corona virus.

  11. #311
    Junior Member jmx's Avatar
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    Good analogy

  12. #312
    Junior Member rfortiner's Avatar
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    You do realize that out of the total amount of accounts they have stated were banned that the ones in LIVE make up less then a quarter of them right?
    Drop off Vendor: Gorath on Tatooine wp -2955 -5066

  13. #313
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    So out of everyone that currently a known duper, one guild has a distinguishable higher number 🧐

  14. #314
    Junior Member rfortiner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dedaskalion View Post
    So out of everyone that currently a known duper, one guild has a distinguishable higher number 🧐
    Or, how about, this is much bigger then one guild?
    Drop off Vendor: Gorath on Tatooine wp -2955 -5066

  15. #315
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    Quote Originally Posted by rfortiner View Post
    Or, how about, this is much bigger then one guild?
    you are fake news

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