Quote Originally Posted by Hargath View Post
Sure. Farelli is certainly right. I think some of the previous posts are taking things a bit too far. Certainly not everyone under LIVE's tag knew, should have known or could have known. That is a given. On the other hand, no one can really blame people for pointing fingers in that guild's general direction.
Simply for the fact that pretty much everyone of that list of 7 seems to have some direct tie into the guild structure and with the guild leader on that list, well, saying that special attention from the guild leadership was given to keeping members true to the ToS, it wouldn't get one far, would it?

So if you are in LIVE, have seen nothing and suspected nothing, cut people some slack here and remember that everyone has their panties slightly in a twist over the looming item deletion. Since this doesn't come with a full server reset where everyone starts at zero, it distorts the personal effort people have put into the game simply by choosing the wrong vendor at the wrong and will surely cause a good bunch to quit till 1.0.
Some might slip the net cast by the Eye of LordKrator's, some might be cought unjustly. I certainly don't envy CSR for having to make sense of this mess. Niffer, LordKrator and Jaws, I want to buy you three some hot coco.

That being said, what I think LIVE is very much to blame for is this: These are your boys. Your guildleader, officers, senior members. Not some people you happened to have guilded 2 months ago and never interacted with in any meaningful way. Yet there is no post other the Mulder's adressing anything and helping the rest of us make sense of what is/was going on. I wasn't very fond of Mulder's post for various reasons, but that's beside the point here. So seeing Farelli and LordKrator step in to ask the good people of Basilisk to lay down their torches and pitchfork when it comes to your members, seems wrong. This should have been the job of whoever is going to pick up leadership. And it should have happened about a week ago.
I'm so glad you have strong logical knowledge on what is going on.

Oh, wait. You don't.

The reason some of the staff members have stepped in is because they have the evidence, they have the data, the numbers and the conversations to back up what they are seeing. You know how I know that? Because I am also in LIVE and the data is what cleared me when it came down to brass tacks. It's like you guys are just looking for any reason to make any negative assumptions you have be believable. It's getting tiresome.

Unless you have been shown the data and evidence you only know what is being said here and what your bias is telling you. Nothing more. All logic is tossed to the side by mental gymnastics in order to stick your landing. When it comes down to how people look back on this, I hope you guys realize that you all had a choice, and some of you are willing to become like those people you've been trying to smear in order to get some sort of ego boost.