Delete everything that had a duped component in it. It's the only fair way.

Let's say you were an athlete and someone gave you steroids without you knowing it and you won your tour de France multiple times in a row and then tested positive for steroids. You win is not legitimate and would be stripped as it takes away from those who did not use steroids. Knowing or not knowing is not a factor in the win being taken so.
Same rule should apply here

People need to stop wanting to benefit from something and want another to be banned ..the fair thing is the mass deletion of duped items.

Also...let's say a duped item was used to make a buffset....and another duped item was made to make the SB power hammer....
You really think it's fair to waste the devs time to delete a hammer but not a buffset because it's a low prices item?
Delete it all

Integrity matters