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Thread: 2019 Data Review

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    New York, NY
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    2019 Data Review

    I thought it would be helpful for all the discussions around community health to provide some data so people can do a little less guessing and more analysis.

    Donations past 13 months:
    | YYYY-MM | #Subs | #One Time | Amt Subs | Amt One Time | Amt Total | Avg Subs | Avg One Time |
    | 2019-01 |    85 |        68 |  1029.99 |      1550.00 |   2579.99 |    12.12 |        22.79 |
    | 2019-02 |    89 |        42 |  1074.99 |       895.00 |   1969.99 |    12.08 |        21.31 |
    | 2019-03 |    88 |        43 |  1064.99 |      1035.00 |   2099.99 |    12.10 |        24.07 |
    | 2019-04 |    90 |        46 |  1089.99 |       960.01 |   2050.00 |    12.11 |        20.87 |
    | 2019-05 |    89 |        42 |  1014.99 |       860.00 |   1874.99 |    11.40 |        20.48 |
    | 2019-06 |    91 |        34 |  1069.99 |       610.00 |   1679.99 |    11.76 |        17.94 |
    | 2019-07 |    82 |        25 |   954.99 |       450.00 |   1404.99 |    11.65 |        18.00 |
    | 2019-08 |    85 |        23 |   969.99 |       620.00 |   1589.99 |    11.41 |        26.96 |
    | 2019-09 |    86 |        56 |  1070.00 |      1720.00 |   2790.00 |    12.44 |        30.71 |
    | 2019-10 |    88 |        51 |  1015.00 |      1065.00 |   2080.00 |    11.53 |        20.88 |
    | 2019-11 |    90 |        34 |  1015.00 |      1125.00 |   2140.00 |    11.28 |        33.09 |
    | 2019-12 |    94 |        39 |  1115.00 |       900.00 |   2015.00 |    11.86 |        23.08 |
    | 2020-01 |    89 |        47 |  1070.00 |      2052.00 |   3122.00 |    12.02 |        43.66 |
    Distinct IP's logged in to Basilisk:
    | YYYY-MM | count |
    | 2019-01 |  7094 |
    | 2019-02 |  6550 |
    | 2019-03 |  7269 |
    | 2019-04 |  7298 |
    | 2019-05 |  7942 |
    | 2019-06 |  6957 |
    | 2019-07 |  6216 |
    | 2019-08 |  6352 |
    | 2019-09 |  5501 |
    | 2019-10 |  4943 |
    | 2019-11 |  5264 |
    | 2019-12 |  6598 |
    | 2020-01 |  6489 |
    NOTE: One IP counts only once for the month and they can login to multiple accounts and are still only counted once.

    Distinct IP's in forums posting comments:
    | YYYY-MM | distinct ip |
    | 2019-01 |        1138 |
    | 2019-02 |         975 |
    | 2019-03 |        1114 |
    | 2019-04 |        1042 |
    | 2019-05 |         988 |
    | 2019-06 |        1010 |
    | 2019-07 |         946 |
    | 2019-08 |         870 |
    | 2019-09 |         805 |
    | 2019-10 |         709 |
    | 2019-11 |         710 |
    | 2019-12 |         718 |
    | 2020-01 |         759 |
    Match those two up and you get a very interesting view:
    | YYYY-MM | Basilisk | Forums | Percent |
    | 2019-01 |     7094 |   1138 |     16% |
    | 2019-02 |     6550 |    975 |     15% |
    | 2019-03 |     7269 |   1114 |     15% |
    | 2019-04 |     7298 |   1042 |     14% |
    | 2019-05 |     7942 |    988 |     12% |
    | 2019-06 |     6957 |   1010 |     15% |
    | 2019-07 |     6216 |    946 |     15% |
    | 2019-08 |     6352 |    870 |     14% |
    | 2019-09 |     5501 |    805 |     15% |
    | 2019-10 |     4943 |    709 |     14% | <- Multi-account tools deployed internally
    | 2019-11 |     5264 |    710 |     13% |
    | 2019-12 |     6598 |    718 |     11% | <- IG88-A goes live (Automated VPN and Multi-account detection)
    | 2020-01 |     6489 |    759 |     12% |
    Distinct userid posting new threads in forums:
    | YYYY-MM | distinct user |
    | 2019-01 |           246 |
    | 2019-02 |           214 |
    | 2019-03 |           232 |
    | 2019-04 |           217 |
    | 2019-05 |           262 |
    | 2019-06 |           222 |
    | 2019-07 |           221 |
    | 2019-08 |           221 |
    | 2019-09 |           168 |
    | 2019-10 |           162 |
    | 2019-11 |           141 |
    | 2019-12 |           158 |
    | 2020-01 |           183 |
    NOTE: Our forum code doesn't have ip on threads

    | when    | register | activate |
    | 2019-01 |      835 |        0 |
    | 2019-02 |      611 |      491 | <- Added Activation required on registration
    | 2019-03 |      769 |      732 |
    | 2019-04 |      736 |      704 |
    | 2019-05 |      769 |      745 |
    | 2019-06 |      541 |      533 |
    | 2019-07 |      528 |      506 |
    | 2019-08 |      524 |      507 |
    | 2019-09 |      462 |      436 |
    | 2019-10 |      372 |      347 |
    | 2019-11 |      696 |     1104 | <- Require activation for idle accounts
    | 2019-12 |     1052 |     1666 |
    | 2020-01 |      888 |     1368 |
    | TOTALS  |     8783 |     5657 |
    NOTE: We force people to re-activate if they've not played in the last 90+ days.

    Account bans over the last year:
    | YYYY-MM | banned_accounts |
    | 2019-01 |             157 | <- Manual tools used to audit transactions
    | 2019-02 |             118 |
    | 2019-03 |              67 |
    | 2019-04 |              92 |
    | 2019-05 |              37 |
    | 2019-06 |              41 |
    | 2019-07 |              46 |
    | 2019-08 |             138 | <- Manual account analysis
    | 2019-09 |              84 |
    | 2019-10 |             144 | <- Multi-account tools deployed internally
    | 2019-11 |             152 |
    | 2019-12 |             202 | <- IG88-A goes live (Automated VPN and Multi-account detection)
    | 2020-01 |             263 |
    NOTE: Bans are still handled by humans but IG88-A provides all the tools and allows for creation of rules as needed.
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  2. #2
    QA (semi-active) Lorrianna's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    United Kingdom (formerly USA)
    Play Stats
    Analytics gold dust!!

    Several interesting views.

    The numbers & trend over 2019 showing that only a small fraction of people who are active on Basilisk also interact on the forums reinforces what LordKator and Scurby referred to in their interviews.

    Registrations data and note about re-activation perfectly addressed my question from other thread.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
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    1h last 30d
    This is fascinating, especially table #4. Superb job on the creation and implementation of your tools lordkator. Neat stuff!
    I had no idea there was an inactivity disabler.

    Addendum; thank you for sharing some of the behind the scenes data. A fun read.


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