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Thread: SWGEmu End of the Year Update 2018

  1. #1
    SWGEmu Admin Lolindir's Avatar
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    SWGEmu End of the Year Update 2018

    SWGEmu End of the Year Update 2018

    January 2019
    SWGEmu Team

    SWGEmu End of the Year Update 2018

    Table of Contents
    • Project Update
    • Staff Updates
    • Quick Stats
    • Staff Round-Table
    • Closing
    SWGEmu Project Updates

    Major Additions/Changes

    Staff Updates

    SWGEmu is Recruiting!

    SWGEmu is an ever-changing and growing organization where new talent is always being sought out. We especially would like to mention the need for more developers, please see this thread for more information.

    SWGEmu is also in need of other positions filled. For anyone interested in spending some of there free time toward this project, please consider to join in on our SWGEmu Internship Program . We are in need of CSRs.

    Quick Stats

    Developer Code Commits/Changes:

    I'm sorry that I have nothing to display here, but I where not given the data in time for when this post had to be posted

    Registration Statistics:
    • Daily:
      • January 06, 2018 - 89 accounts registered
      • March 02, 2018, November 15, 2018, November 29, 2018 - 12 accounts registered
    • Monthly:
      • January 2018 - 1474 accounts registered
      • November 2018 - 633 accounts registered
    • Yearly:
      • 2018 - 11,468 accounts registered; average 955.7 per month
    User Activity Statistics (Users online in one day):
    • Most users online: August 09, 2017 - 1,597 users
    New thread statistics (Posted threads):
    • January 2018 - 1636 new threads
    • November 2018 - 780 new threads
    Most users online: 1,657 (05-11-2011 06:22 PM)
    Most viewed thread: SWGEmu Timeline
    Most replied thread: What are you listening to right now?
    Most popular forum: Basilisk Trade Forum
    Top poster: Same one (32,819 posts)

    Staff Round-Table

    Lordkator - DevOps Engineer
    This year we ran into some financial challenges and the community stepped up in a way that invigorated our staff. In my mind 2018 was the year of getting organized, thinking about where we are and where we are going. I see 2019 as the year of hope, we're starting to look beyond the 1.0 release and thinking about what comes next. I've been coding a bit more now and I'm playing the game with my wife and taking lots of notes on what sucks and what feels like fun.

    I think my biggest observation from 2018 is that none of us played SWG. We all played our own game in a framework created by SWG. Many of us felt betrayed when that framework was broken and we lost the ability to carve our own story out of the game. As a team, we've done a lot of soul searching on this topic. I'm excited to think deeply on this topic with such a great team. I'm inspired by our staff and our community and that inspires me to invest more energy towards our future vision.
    Farelli - Quality Assurance
    Another year completed. Three years on the project now for me. Time really does fly when you're having fun.

    Thanks to our community, which supports and rallies behind this project and the staff repeatedly. You all are the reason we do this.

    Thanks to our staff, who make every day working on this project an absolute blast. I continue to learn from all of you.

    Finally, thanks to our founders, without whom this project might never have existed.

    To infinity and beyond!
    Hakry - Quality Assurance
    Though many community members have not yet seen the hard work that has gone into the project throughout 2018, there has been some amazing changes throughout the year.

    It is an honor to work with the current group of individuals that make up our team and I expect only the best of things from us all as we move forward. Another year lays ahead of us, with the project ever drawing nearer to our long awaited goal.

    Thank you everyone for your hard work, dedication, patience and perseverance. Also a big thank you for the community stepping up to support the project in the times of need, so we may continue to pursue the dream.

    Bigevil - Community Relations
    Another year comes to a close and again the community has shown repeated solidarity and a desire to see their passion continue. Several times we were faced with difficult circumstances and odds that could have put us down. All of you showed your true colors as always and rallied around staff and other community members to prove what I have known for a very long time.... this community is solid. We may not be 100k strong, we may be fairly niche, but those that are here, are here are here for all the right reasons. Keep testing and playing and helping to refine the amazing product the staff and contributors have put together. We are getting ever closer!

    You guys and gals are great. Here's to a great year moving closer toward our goals! Ever forward!
    Vlada - Admin
    Another year behind us. Sigh...
    Lolindir - Forums Lead Moderator
    Another year done! We are so close to the end... I feel 2019 might be the year! Well, we will see


    When the chips were down and we were in financial trouble the community stepped up and kicked donations into high gear. If we can continue to hit our 100% goal each month we will have a good financial foundation to keep our services running while we move the project forward. Thank you all for the vote of confidence. We realize not everyone can donate money and we appreciate all contributions monetary or not. We always need people to track down bugs, test new ideas, there are many ways to contribute. Think about how you could contribute in 2019 and reach out to us with your ideas.

    Much of our progress this year has been quiet and behind the scenes, we've been able to make our deployment processes more automated; we've had amazing discussions about what we think SWG is to the community and each of us as individuals. We're thinking deeply about the future of this project beyond the 1.0 release. Many of us are reading books, forum posts, old posts from the CURB discussions, we are regularly looking for input that will help us shape the future of the game for our community. We've engaged industry vets on these topics and we've continued to hone our thinking.

    In 2019 you will see us push out more pub's that will get us closer to the 1.0 release and we will engage the community in a discussion about our vision for what happens next.

    PS: We will wipe Basilisk on April 1, 2019... "I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.

    Happy New Year SWGEmu!

    ~The SWGEmu Team
    SWGEmu Admin

    SWGEmu is a non-profit, open source community project.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Hmmmm... why does everything of importance seem to be scheduled for April 1st???? Odd...
    Quote Originally Posted by TheAnswer View Post
    This server is for us all to try and finish this game so you can have a server to play, hopefully with me far away from here.

  3. #3
    Quality Assurance
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    I would have figured 9/9/2019, cause #Suncrusher2009/2019

  4. #4
    "Retired" SWGEmu Staff risenangel's Avatar
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    ****ing hilarious pre announcement to the april fools joke.

    edit: no, its definitely, 110 percent bull****. even if you do it for the day i refuse to believe you won't restore the db on the 2nd.

    prove everyone, myself included, wrong.
    Last edited by risenangel; 01-20-2019 at 09:10 PM.
    Kyada <BoS>
    Everything I ever did was about pushing the project forward.

  5. #5
    Dedicated Ferren's Avatar
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    hur hur gud won

  6. #6
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    Thanks gents (and lady). Your hard work is appreciated even if we don't always show it.

    SWGEmu is a non-profit, open source community project.
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  7. #7
    Junior Member Thrax989's Avatar
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    It would be nice to see TA, Oru, Miztah, and especially Ivo's Take on everything over the year if they have time to chime in as well.

  8. #8
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thrax989 View Post
    It would be nice to see TA, Oru, Miztah, and especially Ivo's Take on everything over the year if they have time to chime in as well.
    If they wanted to, they would have.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Fedora's Avatar
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    It's only 2019? I've been writing 2023 on all my tax papers
    Spriggs Jerekson - a Mon Cal with a taste for adventure and a penchant for bad fashion

  10. #10
    Junior Member TheMostInterestingMan's Avatar
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    Excellent progress! Thank you so much for all you do Team SWGEmu!

  11. #11
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    Scared me for a second in the P.S. Nice one, ya got me for a second! LOL

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vlada View Post
    If they wanted to, they would have.
    wheres miztah?

  13. #13
    Quality Assurance
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    Quote Originally Posted by avimeso View Post
    wheres miztah?
    If they wanted, they would have. As Vlada said.

    Mitzah often talks in discord and occasionally answers questions that he might know on code and devolpment.

  14. #14
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by avimeso View Post
    wheres miztah?
    He is around, I'm guessing he is just staying away from forums for the time being.

  15. #15
    Junior Member Khai-Han's Avatar
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    Great job people, almost there. Thanks for all the effort you've poured into making this a reality.

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