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Thread: Basilisk Maintenance - October 19th 2018

  1. #1
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Basilisk Maintenance - October 19th 2018

    Basilisk Maintenance - October 19th 2018

    Date: 10/14/2018
    The SWGEmu Staff

    Basilisk Maintenance - October 19th 2018

    Hello there fellow SWGEmuers,

    It is with heavy hearts that we have to announce that on October 19th, around 5AM Eastern Time (you can find your local time here: https://goo.gl/LNYS6X) Basilisk will be taken down for much needed maintenance. Downtime will (roughly) last 36 hours. Yes, yes, we know its a long time and that it is the weekend, but that's the only time our developers have enough spare time needed to finish the whole process.

    To understand just why its gonna take this long, here are some of the things we are hoping to achieve:
    1. Rebuild databases (especially sceneobjects.db at 575 Gigs)
    2. Purge mail.db (edit: Cleanup old unused space, not delete all mail)
    3. Cleanup ghosted vendor items (we commented out deletes a while back due to vendor issues)
    4. Migrate to a container like The Pit, Nova, TC-Prime
    5. Stretch goal: Automated builds like Nova, The Pit etc.
    Why exactly is all this needed?
    1. Donations have plummeted in the last few months, so if we plan to keep on going for a foreseeable time we need to consolidate our services and reduce our expenditures. (Of course that shouldn't stop you from visiting our Donations page, every little bit helps us keep our services up and running)
    2. Less disk usage leading to quicker clones to TC-Prime and smaller backup storage requirements
    3. Easier start/stop by more of the developer team
    4. More portable setup (can move Basilisk around like we move Nova, The Pit etc.)
    5. Clean setup that doesn't require special knowledge to build and maintain Basilisk
    6. Ability to enable more developers to contribute (core developer team) directly to Basilisk code (Automated Jenkins build, push, restarts)
    So, make plans, spend time with your family or friends, or just go outside for a change. I've heard its lovely there this time of the year. Thank you for your understanding and your continuous support.

    Oh yeah, TC Nova and TC Prime will be online for the duration, so you don't really have to waste your time on that RL thing.

    Edit by lordkator:

    Maintenance has started.

    Please note that this is a long process, I won't post updates until deep into the evening as the first step will run for almost 14 hours.

    ~The SWGEmu team
    Last edited by lordkator; 10-19-2018 at 09:17 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Omens's Avatar
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    Its good to see you guys taking good care of the Project with such involvment.

    Thanks again to the whole team for their time investment !

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  3. #3
    SWGEmu Retired Community Relations bigevil's Avatar
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    Family and friends? Real life? What the hell is going on? LOL

    Good stuff team. Every now and then you need a good clean up to keep the ship tidy on on course.

    Ever forward!!
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  4. #4
    Junior Member MrSiborg's Avatar
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    Whenever I hear "It's with a heavy heart" my own heart skips a beat but this maintenance is really needed. Hopefully the forums will get busier as a result and we'll have a smooth running server. Thanks devs

  5. #5
    Junior Member xirad's Avatar
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    You folks rock. I've had my account for over a decade and I know many of the devs and support folks have been working on this for longer than that. We fans of SWG appreciate everything you've done to keep this awesome game alive for us. We also know that most of you have full time jobs so we should be the ones feeling bad for you that you'll be spending the whole weekend working on the game instead of spending it with your friends and families. Well, the friends and families OUTSIDE of this game - assuming you still have some!

    Again, you have the deepest heartfelt thanks from the user community for the amazing work and self-sacrifice you've done and continue to do so that we can continue to play and live in the SWG universe!

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    Quote Originally Posted by MrSiborg View Post
    Whenever I hear "It's with a heavy heart" my own heart skips a beat but this maintenance is really needed. Hopefully the forums will get busier as a result and we'll have a smooth running server. Thanks devs
    Yeah it’s that same feeling I get when I feel like they’re announcing someone has died.
    Oh wait

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrSiborg View Post
    Whenever I hear "It's with a heavy heart" my own heart skips a beat but this maintenance is really needed. Hopefully the forums will get busier as a result and we'll have a smooth running server. Thanks devs
    When I saw a heavy heart thought he was announcing a wipe.

    In all seriousness that's my off weekend. You guys are going to need to resquedual.

  8. #8
    Newbie Kurgol's Avatar
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    Good work SWGEmu devs, the force is strong with you!

    I stuck $25 in the coffers, it's all I can afford right now. Although my PayPal says it's gone through okay, the website did give me an error.
    Last edited by Kurgol; 10-16-2018 at 01:01 PM.

  9. #9
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kurgol View Post
    Good work SWGEmu devs, the force is strong with you!

    I stuck $25 in the coffers, it's all I can afford right now. Although my PayPal says it's gone through okay, the website did give me an error.
    It does that, its the plugin we've been using since... forever. Its an outdated piece of ****, much like this forum. But right now, its all we've got. Thank you for donating btw. Much appreciated.

  10. #10
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    wouldn't a wipe reduce costs?

  11. #11
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by avimeso View Post
    wouldn't a wipe reduce costs?
    Yes, getting rid of Basilisk completely would reduce our costs by as much as 70% if not more, and if our financial situation doesn't improve that will be the next logical step.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vlada View Post
    Yes, getting rid of Basilisk completely would reduce our costs by as much as 70% if not more, and if our financial situation doesn't improve that will be the next logical step.
    I hope it doesn't get to that... There are people of us that believe in project and that are paying as much as we can... it's a shame that many of our community takes it for granted but I really hope you guys don't pull a plug on bas, at least don't until suncrusher is ready to fly.
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimbab View Post
    . There are people of us that believe in project and that are paying as much as we can... .
    imho, we need to utilize our social media more often to ask--or at least remind--people to donate $$$

    There are tons of community members on our Facebook and Discord and YouTube who don't even know about the 'donation button' here on the website. (or they just forget)

    I think it's admirable how much SWGEmu has kept things low-key and not really "begged" for donations or whatever. But these are desperate times, no?

    No shame in respectfully reminding/notifying our extended community (who don't login to forums everyday) about the need for not-for-profit donations still.

  14. #14
    Dedicated Mobyus1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nee2earth View Post
    imho, we need to utilize our social media more often to ask--or at least remind--people to donate $$$

    There are tons of community members on our Facebook and Discord and YouTube who don't even know about the 'donation button' here on the website. (or they just forget)

    I think it's admirable how much SWGEmu has kept things low-key and not really "begged" for donations or whatever. But these are desperate times, no?

    No shame in respectfully reminding/notifying our extended community (who don't login to forums everyday) about the need for not-for-profit donations still.
    Spread the word:

  15. #15
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    I also appreciate all you guys do. I admit that I forget about donations from time to time, but I give when I can. A friendly reminder couldn't hurt.

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