Quote Originally Posted by Miztah View Post
Alright folks, update time. We've managed a recovery of the database and we've got everything copied over to our new SSD's. We're letting Bas run for the weekend as a stress test on the database to ensure there is no corruption that didn't pop up initially. This means that for this weekend, Basilisk is going to remain on Publish 8. We're looking to give the Publish 9 merge another shot on Monday, assuming all goes well over the next 48 hours. We'll update regarding Pub9 closer to monday when we know for sure.

In the meantime, continue on Basilisk as you normally would. We'll be keeping an eye out on our side for any potential stability issues.

Keep in mind that we're still doing integrity checks on the database, if we run into any database corruption between now and then it's very likely that any progress you make this weekend will be lost when we revert to a backup. This is not guaranteed to occur, but be aware that it is definitely a possibility.
That's great news! so , whats the new back-up disaster recovery plan for the long term? were new drives purchased? Amazon S3 50$ for 2TB monthly? some other plan in place? I would hope there is some cloud option. it would be good to know if this has been discussed so we don't have a repeat of the situation . thanks for all your hard work.