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Thread: Basilisk extended downtime 08/09/2017

  1. #466
    Junior Member Husky101's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vikko View Post
    I don't think you will find any great difficulty getting Ent and Doc buffs, there are players who *like* playing those classes ATK and offering their services. They are not apparent
    now because they are lost in a sea of AFK buffbots and have given up on their favourite professions. I know I will have a Entertainer running even if I get only 2 slots to play from.
    IMO that's a good reason for why a wipe, and a downsize to 2 chars per acc. actually would even help the developement.. I believe many People are lurking in the shadows, just because they dont want to deal with afk bots. They play the game for the social aspect, also for an economy that used to be like on live. For These People there reallly is no use in playing under current circumstances. So they patiently wait for the actual Server to pop up, not playing the game atm, not helping Progress, not testing and not reporting bugs. I think for many of those, the wipe and the Regulation of 2chars per acc. would be a great deal, they would return to the Server - even if it's not the permanent one yet and help stress test and contribute to finding many more Bugs. More active People = more Progress is how i see it. If uu have many chars on, sure that helps stress testing, but if the 1 Person playing them isnt reporting Bugs, or just logging in afk toons all the time, ist not the same as if 10 People independantly Play. The chances, that 2-3 or even more of these active Players find Bugs and Report them, are way higher. but thats just my opinion. flame away..

  2. #467
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    Quote Originally Posted by hybridtheory View Post
    A lot of ATK doctors have given up on trying to provide buffs cause MULTIPLE automated bots are doing it for free in every major med center, we used to have atk docs in the med centers all the time! Does nobody remember the favorites like selenay?

    AFK bots have killed players drive to go out and fill these rolls, before the afk bots were around we had buffs and there will always be people wanting to play that aspect of the game!
    I agree. But we used to have up to 30k players/server. Basilisk has about 1/10 of that. Consider we had 30 servers...

  3. #468
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superser View Post
    I agree. But we used to have up to 30k players/server. Basilisk has about 1/10 of that. Consider we had 30 servers...
    I am not talking about live I am talking about on basilisk, in the good ol days of 2012-2014 before everything got so automated, sure there was a bot now and then but for the most part people were still active and socializing. Basilisk in those days was only slightly better off population wise then it is now, If there is a role going unfilled players will always strive to fill those rolls it is just in their nature.

  4. #469
    Junior Member Tulak_Hord's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hybridtheory View Post
    A lot of ATK doctors have given up on trying to provide buffs cause MULTIPLE automated bots are doing it for free in every major med center, we used to have atk docs in the med centers all the time! Does nobody remember the favorites like selenay?

    AFK bots have killed players drive to go out and fill these rolls, before the afk bots were around we had buffs and there will always be people wanting to play that aspect of the game!
    Hey yes I remember selenay from tatoonie cantina I have an entertainer toon as well named Tavsan. Perhaps you know her an attractive yellow twilek :P she gets nice tips :P Although she gets tips I rarely log her (I have a good afk macro as well) instead I go surveying because login limit is 2. If toon limit was 2 I would go with 1 artisan (weapon+armorsmith for sure) and 1 combat (most likely jedi) toon and never create an entertainer.
    Last edited by Tulak_Hord; 08-11-2017 at 11:53 AM.

  5. #470
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    Yeah and what happens 6 months to a year later? same thing? Even with 2 toons people have multiple accounts. Abonded house, buff bots epic weapons... I'm afraid that's nature of this game.

    And for people saying they want a wipe. It's not up for debate here. Devs clearly said no wipe unless they have too.. And yes I wouldn't want a wipe as I'm a causal player I don't have the luxury of playing all day. Work and children get in the way. and I'm sure there's others. And yes I'm aware one day this server will be gone in favour for a final release.

    HD failure can happen anytime including on live? Would you all be quick to jump on wanting a wipe?
    Last edited by Skoimich; 08-11-2017 at 12:02 PM.

  6. #471
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    Quote Originally Posted by hybridtheory View Post
    10 toons on nova and 2 toons on basilisk problem solved!
    OK ok - we get it. You want a wipe and 2 toons. Can we just leave the thread now for actual updates instead of people pushing their own agendas (yes, i realize the irony of this statement)?

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  7. #472
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    Quote Originally Posted by hybridtheory View Post
    Having less characters per account increases the need for niche professions to be mained by a player, like smuggler for example, for 99% of the people on bask that use it, its just a slice bot, logs in to slice, logs out when done, but with 2 characters players will play it as their profession not just a bot, they will play the pistol tree, the will craft the spice, ect they will test the class more thorough then the hundreds of people just using it for a bot to slice their gear, not to mention it would make the profession viable for a player to main as right now nobody needs another player for slicing cause all the crafters have their own.

    You can read more up on the Advantages to testing that 2 character limit would offer here:

    This artical only barley glaces on how much of a play-ability improvement would come to the server as well and mostly focus's on the benefits to testing!
    You keep repeating that as if it is a proven fact, but it is not.
    Why would I play smuggler at all?

    If I really wanted to slice stuff I can always choose a 0400 if TKM or 0440 if Pistoleer. You know, like people did back in Live.
    Cookie cutter build.
    How will that help testing?

  8. #473
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skoimich View Post
    Yeah and what happens 6 months to a year later? same thing? Even with 2 toons people have multiple accounts. Abonded house, buff bots epic weapons... I'm afraid that's nature of this game.

    And for people saying they want a wipe. It's not up for debate here. Devs clearly said no wipe unless they have too.. And yes I wouldn't want a wipe as I'm a causal player I don't have the luxury of playing all day. Work and children get in the way. and I'm sure there's others. And yes I'm aware one day this server will be gone in favour for a final release.

    HD failure can happen anytime including on live? Would you all be quick to jump on wanting a wipe?
    This is why I purpose adk's be disabled sense they have already been tested and we know they work, and they are preventing us from testing the effects of repairs and breaking legendary/exceptional weapons!

    With 2 toons sure some people will multi account but the overall effects will be severely diminished! And it will give testers on basilisk a new way to test that could prove very useful to finding more bugs!

    Quote Originally Posted by DDSilver View Post
    You keep repeating that as if it is a proven fact, but it is not.
    Quote Originally Posted by DDSilver View Post
    Why would I play smuggler at all?

    If I really wanted to slice stuff I can always choose a 0400 if TKM or 0440 if Pistoleer. You know, like people did back in Live.
    Cookie cutter build.
    How will that help testing?

    Cause players will play smuggler for more then just slicing when their only character is already a smuggler they will look at the market on spice and say hmm maybe I should make some of that and maybe I should get some of these Smuggler skills, Maybe I will get Master Smuggler! It is in the nature of most players, obviously not you, to complete professions and test them out. With less characters the likelihood of somebody playing smuggler for all of its skill trees to test is much greater then with 10 were it will only be a slice bot to 90% of the community!

    Players won't have 10 characters to minmax their builds with, they will have 2 characters to make their dreams come true!
    Last edited by hybridtheory; 08-11-2017 at 12:10 PM.

  9. #474
    Member Vikko's Avatar
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    I would still rather see 3 characters per account. That would let me have my Crafter, an Entertainer, and a grinding toon to make money to finance the other two.
    2 per account is just that much too severe to me.
    Vikko, Jhonto, Tsotsi, Shango, Janya, Gurdun, Rafe, Sa'ahanaia, Chaallo & Dawkk

  10. #475
    Junior Member diclarkio's Avatar
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    1 per account would be ideal for me... but I'm realistic about the Emu being able to retain enough players to make that viable. Every character slot you add past 1 reduces the ability for genuine community inter-dependency to flourish.

    I can live with 2 for sure. 3 or more is just people wanting to play single player with a chat box IMO.

  11. #476
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    Quote Originally Posted by diclarkio View Post
    1 per account would be ideal for me... but I'm realistic about the Emu being able to retain enough players to make that viable. Every character slot you add past 1 reduces the ability for genuine community inter-dependency to flourish.

    I can live with 2 for sure. 3 or more is just people wanting to play single player with a chat box IMO.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vikko View Post
    I would still rather see 3 characters per account. That would let me have my Crafter, an Entertainer, and a grinding toon to make money to finance the other two.
    2 per account is just that much too severe to me.
    Maybe you start out with a combat toon and build up your crafter, then once you got your trade down and your buying and selling and wheeling and dealing your combat character might retire and follow her dream of dancing in the theed cantina in a all alien dance troop!

    Just think of the possibility and the storys and experience your ent would have from her previous profession!

  12. #477
    Junior Member shadow2kx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hybridtheory View Post
    Cause players will play smuggler for more then just slicing when their only character is already a smuggler they will look at the market on spice and say hmm maybe I should make some of that and maybe I should get some of these Smuggler skills, Maybe I will get Master Smuggler! It is in the nature of most players, obviously not you, to complete professions and test them out. With less characters the likelihood of somebody playing smuggler for all of its skill trees to test is much greater then with 10 were it will only be a slice bot to 90% of the community!

    Players won't have 10 characters to minmax their builds with, they will have 2 characters to make their dreams come true!
    Because we had 10 chars, I screwed around and tested a lot of things I normally wouldn't touch. I rolled a master CH. I rolled a BE Smuggler. I tested the speed of pets. I tested the BE crafting of pets. I tested mask scent and feign death. All things that were changed over the last couple of publishes. Gave feedback that the devs would not have otherwise gotten had I been limited to two chars. Because with two chars, I'd play only what I enjoy, not what needed to be tested and fixed.

    Look, I get it. The economy is messed up because of 10 chars. I hate that. It's why I only log onto Bas to test things, and generally play on private servers these days. So on one hand, I'd love a wipe, as I'd come back.

    But on the other hand...two chars. I'd have a PvE toon, and a PvP toon. And they wouldn't be testing much of anything. That's just the truth, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

  13. #478
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    Quote Originally Posted by hybridtheory View Post

    Cause players will play smuggler for more then just slicing when their only character is already a smuggler they will look at the market on spice and say hmm maybe I should make some of that and maybe I should get some of these Smuggler skills, Maybe I will get Master Smuggler! It is in the nature of most players, obviously not you, to complete professions and test them out. With less characters the likelihood of somebody playing smuggler for all of its skill trees to test is much greater then with 10 were it will only be a slice bot to 90% of the community!

    Players won't have 10 characters to minmax their builds with, they will have 2 characters to make their dreams come true!
    No actually.
    If you asked the avarage player back on live to name 5 spices, the most heard answer would be : "What? There are 5?".
    People did not play around with spices when they had 2 character slots.
    As a result people did not understand spices and smugglers could only sell Muon Gold and Neutron Pixie as those worked a bit like brandy.
    I know. I was a smuggler on live.

    Why would that work out differently now?

    And what is with that sneer? "obviously not you"?

  14. #479
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    I do not believe the 'we will be in the same spot after months' if they wipe is true. For casual players sure, you most likely will not notice a huge difference other than waiting longer for particular items. Just like on live there are items in the game that you can no longer acquire at all or in the same method and as easily. First example, I'm sure others could come up with more, is/was the legendary PH(that still around?) that was found on a meatlump with HUGE dmg. I not believe that high of a dmg weapon cannot be found on such a low CL mob now and at that rate currently, please correct me if I am mistaken! Another are the jabba scopes that increase weapon dmg greatly, only people with A LOT of credits can take 90million credit gambles on one item. Patch 7 when they changed exceptional/legendary drop chances, that is HUGE. 1 in 877 chance for an exceptional in publish 7, 1 in 4348 post Pub7.
    Just my thoughts, no Wayne Brady /forcechoke.

  15. #480
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadow2kx View Post
    Because we had 10 chars, I screwed around and tested a lot of things I normally wouldn't touch. I rolled a master CH. I rolled a BE Smuggler. I tested the speed of pets. I tested the BE crafting of pets. I tested mask scent and feign death. All things that were changed over the last couple of publishes. Gave feedback that the devs would not have otherwise gotten had I been limited to two chars. Because with two chars, I'd play only what I enjoy, not what needed to be tested and fixed.

    Look, I get it. The economy is messed up because of 10 chars. I hate that. It's why I only log onto Bas to test things, and generally play on private servers these days. So on one hand, I'd love a wipe, as I'd come back.

    But on the other hand...two chars. I'd have a PvE toon, and a PvP toon. And they wouldn't be testing much of anything. That's just the truth, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

    No no no you got it all wrong, so you say you tested Smuggler and bh and ch and all that sorta stuff, well what stopped you from testing it on the nova test center? How many more players aren't going to test because they don't want to play on a 10 character server? You See I think you could benifit from some light reading:

    Some of these guys are having trouble reading the words, they don't do too good at the readin" but I can tell you are obviously above that and will come around to our 2 toon ideology and help spread the word!

    Quote Originally Posted by DDSilver View Post
    No actually.
    Quote Originally Posted by DDSilver View Post
    If you asked the avarage player back on live to name 5 spices, the most heard answer would be : "What? There are 5?".
    People did not play around with spices when they had 2 character slots.
    As a result people did not understand spices and smugglers could only sell Muon Gold and Neutron Pixie as those worked a bit like brandy.
    I know. I was a smuggler on live.

    Why would that work out differently now?

    And what is with that sneer? "obviously not you"?

    Obviously players on the EMU are for more advanced then live players in terms of Knowledge, please come back with at least a good argument!

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