Quote Originally Posted by sduk72 View Post
its ok for most of you to say "yeah, wipe it" but for some of us we can't play that often or as
often as we would like.
I've been playing for a while now and have been grinding many profs across a lot of characters on 3 accounts. Mainly because so many people are just AFK and you can't get what you need. (easier to do it yourself)
Not sure I could do it all again, Architect, tailor, armorsmith, droidsmith, doctor and weaponsmith in particular.
really hope it doesn't come to that but I do understand if it does.
Maybe I could even get to have a city on tattooine instead of Lok then!
Yep, me too. Master Artisan (x2), Master Architect, Master Tailor, Master Merchant, Master Doctor (x2), (almost) Master Ranger, Master Pistoleer, Master TKA, Master Fencer
Master Image Designer (x3), Master Musician, Master Dancer (x3), Master Chef, Master Scout (x2), Master Medic (x3 I think), (almost) Master Politician. I will lose a lot of
work on building up all those characters, plus all the crafted stuff I have created (enough to build a spare city or two on my architect for instance), and the progress I had
on a few other professions. So I will be disappointed if they can't restore everything for sure, but on the other hand its a test server in the end, even if it feels like a regular
server, so I will adapt and overcome if I have to start all over again :P