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Thread: Publish 9: Secrets of the Force, Redux

  1. #1
    SWGEmu Admin Lolindir's Avatar
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    Publish 9: Secrets of the Force, Redux

    Publish 9: Secrets of the Force, Redux

    The SWGEmu Development Division

    Publish 9: Secrets of the Force, Redux

    • Improved server stability
    • Fixed some memory leaks
    • Made many server performance optimizations
    • Added a much more graceful server shutdown procedure
    • Updated some newbie spawns to be non-aggressive
    • Fixed it so that mobs that spawn together in the same dynamic spawn will never fight each other
    • Easy and Medium spawn zones around cities will now only spawn mobs from their respective spawn list instead of also spawning things from the world spawner
    • Non-trainer NPCs that have the appearance of a trainer no longer register on the planetary map as a trainer
    • NPCs that are indoors now register on the planetary map (trainers, junk dealers)
    • Added a few junk dealers that were missing
    • The names of some outposts on the map have been fixed
    • Added crafting contractors' functionality
    • Fixed some lairs on Yavin IV that weren't spawning their boss mobs
    • Added a couple wild spawns that were missing
    • The Nightsister Stronghold cave's spawns are now more accurate to live
    • Axkva Min now calls for assistance when engaged
    • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused players to not be able to see spatial chat from an NPC
    • Philosophers will now respond when conversed with
    • Fixed a creature area attack that wasn't properly an area attack
    • Added proper AI pathfinding within the world and from the world into a building
    • Some dynamically spawned NPCs will now have a random mood set
    • NPCs will no longer sometimes spawn with a weapon in hand that they'll never use
    • Added proper random name generation for droids
    • Fixed AI now uses height in it's aggro distance calculation and will no longer sometimes aggro from too far away in hilly locations
    • Fixed some instances where corpses would talk
    • When a mob leashes for moving too far away from it's home location, any DoTs on it will be removed
    Events/Dungeons/Theme Parks/Quests
    • Added the Village Jedi progression system. This includes everything from getting glowy through to the village outro, the Padawan Trials, the Jedi professions, visibility system, player bounty hunting, and the Knight Trials. The Force Ranking System is disabled for now as it is still under development.
    • Added the Corellian Corvette dungeon and associated quests and loot
    • Added the Nightsister Stronghold tasks
    • Added the Singing Mountain Clan tasks
    • Added Bardo Klinj task
    • Added Brennis Doore task
    • Added Captain Eso task
    • Added Crev Bombaasa task
    • Added CX-425 tasks
    • Added Dalla Solo task
    • Added Damalia Korde task
    • Added Dannik Malaan task
    • Added Denell Kel Vannon task
    • Added Dilvin Lormurojo task
    • Added Durgur Pyne task
    • Added Ebenn Q3 Baobab task
    • Added Gravin Attal task
    • Added Green Laser task
    • Added Grobber and Zekka Thyne tasks
    • Added Grondorn Muse task
    • Added Ignar Ominaz task
    • Added Jazeen Thurmm task
    • Added Joz Jodhul task
    • Added Jusani Zhord task
    • Added Kritus Morven task
    • Added Lethin Bludder task
    • Added Megan Dr'lar task
    • Added Rep Been task
    • Added Scolex Grath task
    • Added Serj-X Arrogantus task
    • Added Skinkner task
    • Added Venthan Chassu task
    • Added Vinya Maysor and Karrek Flim tasks
    • Added Vraker Orde tasks
    • Added Warden Vinzel Haylon task
    • Added Yith Seenath task
    • Added the rest of Gilker Budz' tasks
    • Talon Karrde no longer has tasks for players, instead his lieutenant Zakarisz Ghent now does
    • Targets for themepark/task quests will now only spawn once the player is close to their location
    • Added some missing conversation options to some themepark/task givers and targets
    • When speaking to a themepark/task quest giver while having another quest underway, the giver will now have the option to quit their current task
    • Escorts will now stop if a player gets too far away and will require the player to converse with them to continue
    • Added the heralds for the geonosian lab (including the one that also acts as a junk dealer for the geo relics)
    • Added some other heralds that were missing
    • Fixed the mark of intellect quest to properly require the player to have spoken to the hermit first
    • The mark of altruism quest now properly requires completion of the hermit's pre-quest
    • Fixed the blumbush painting schematic so that the Bestine Museum Curator will actually give it to a player that purchases it
    • Death Watch Bunker security waves will now despawn after 5 minutes if not killed
    • DWB security waves now trigger on damage instead of on a timer
    • DWB security waves now path through their rooms looking for intruders
    • Fixed the color of some combat log entries
    • Mobs will now use secondary defenses
    • Only one pool can now be wounded per attack instead of each pool having a separate chance on each attack
    • Auto attacks now have the same min range calculation as enqueued attacks
    • DOT absorption now functions properly
    • Fixed some instances where a player can get stuck in a feigned death state
    • Food damage mitigation now applies after armor mitigation
    • Wookiee roar no longer goes on cooldown if the target is out of range when used
    • Secondary targets of AoE/cone attacks will now properly give the attacker a TEF where appropriate
    • Combat damage vs. targets vulnerable to the damage type will no longer change when the target's regular resists are reduced
    • Attacks that add a DoT will no longer add the DoT to a corpse if the attack kills the target
    • Players must now be Special Forces in order to delegate faction points
    • Player names now properly flash while changing faction status
    • Planetary control scores are now updated hourly instead of in real time (the winner was already updated hourly which caused some confusion when the scores changed but the winner hadn't updated yet)
    • Fixed some issues with /delegate when the target is at or near their faction point cap
    • PvP TEF now also blocks entry to player city civic structures
    • A base's security terminal can now be properly repaired after a failed slice
    • Faction bases now have an explosion animation when destroyed
    • A player's faction insignia will now only show to opposite faction and neutral players if they are overt

    • Fixed an issue with making heavy mineral miner deeds in a factory
    • Fixed the filling on Dustcrepe
    • Fixed effectiveness resists not changing during experimentation
    • Tissues now have the correct cover mod
    Bounty Hunter:
    • NPC bounty mission targets will now travel towards a starport and travel to a different planet when they get there
    • Adjusted bounty droid success formula to improve success rates at higher skill mods
    • Droids should no longer sometimes report incorrect distances
    Droid Engineer:
    • Droids made in factories should no longer lose their modules after removal from the crate
    • Droids with no power can no longer function as crafting stations
    • Crafting station modules no longer allow a player to experiment when crafting with a generic crafting tool
    • Recharging droids now heals their battle fatigue
    • Detonation droids should now detonate properly
    • Detonation droids now do their 10 second warmup when called instead of when ordered to detonate
    • Droids with harvest modules will now always harvest when set to auto harvest instead of only working if their owner was the group leader
    • Added group xp bonus
    • Added xp bonuses for audience response
    • Fixed flourish xp to diminish over time when no new flourishes are performed
    Image Designer:
    • Fixed some customization details not getting updated properly
    Medic/Doctor/Combat Medic:
    • Healing and buffing now properly take into account the target's battle fatigue
    • Tend wound now accepts parameters to specify which attribute to heal
    • Fixed the intervals for warning and deletion of empty vendors
    • City Decorations can no longer be placed within no build zones (such as near POIs)
    • Camouflage no longer checks constantly causing it to break prematurely
    • Rangers can now remove camouflage from themselves
    • Rangers can now get scouting xp from concealing other players
    • Camo kit crafting now uses camouflage skill for assembly/experimentation
    • Fixed the layout of some camps
    • Camouflage now only works on the planet where it was applied
    • Area Track now gives the correct direction when the ranger or target is indoors
    • Fixed the duration of camouflage and added an animation to it's application
    • Sniper shot should work correctly now
    • Slicing a weapon with a powerup on it will now destroy the powerup
    Squad Leader:
    • Group skill mods now persist properly on group members instead of falling off after 5 minutes
    • Group skill mods are now added/removed/updated on group members properly when needed (SL trains/surrenders a skill, faction and faction status changes, travel, player bounty combat, SL death/incapacitation/revival, SL leaving group)
    • Fixed the stock component slot on DH17 carbines to be optional instead of required
    • Droid repair kits can once again be used by any player
    • Food/drink that apply their affect as a reaction to an external event will now properly have a default duration of 60 minutes
    • Fixed factory run times
    • Looted weapons will no longer have skill mods for other weapon types
    • The Two-Handed Axe now has it's correct armor piercing
    • Added the Eyes of Mesra to loot
    • Fixed the max crate size for many items when created in a factory
    • Exceptional and Legendary items can now drop from any level enemy
    • Increased the chance for skill mods and dots to be found on looted items
    • Exceptional and legendary items now have a much greater chance to have skill mods and/or dots on them than standard loot
    • Poison and disease resist buff pack Cs now bestow their absorption mod
    • Fixed the armor piercing on Nightsister Energy Lances
    • Clothing/armor's name now turns yellow after an attachment is added
    • New BE enhanced clothing will have a yellow name
    • Weapons with DoTs and looted items with skill mods will have a yellow name
    • Squad Leader buffs should now be able to affect pets
    • Healing of pets now conforms to the same faction status rules as healing of players
    • Pets can now sit or lie down in response to certain emotes
    • Pets capable of sitting down will now do their sit trick animation when performing a trick
    • Pets and vehicles can no longer be stored while their owner is in combat or dead
    • Added several system messages that were missing
    • Fixed some structure commands that sometimes tried to target a structure other than the player's target
    • Fixed the /emptymail command to properly delete mail
    • The /find command will now draw it's yellow path when used within static cities
    • Fixed moods that weren't setting their proper animation
    • Added species xp bonuses
    • Added the race droid player event perk
    • Added the scavenger droid player event perk
    • Fixed some player event perks that could not be re-deeded
    • Lotto droids no longer break after a server restart
    Last edited by Vlada; 08-09-2017 at 03:59 PM.
    SWGEmu Admin

    SWGEmu is a non-profit, open source community project.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
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    Amazing job! Thank you everyone for your dedication to bringing back this great game!

  3. #3
    Junior Member vayman's Avatar
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    Outstanding! Thanks for the tremendous amount of work that's gone into this publish.


    Located outside Keren, Naboo /way 1984 1356
    ** Resource Sale Ongoing Now! **

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    good job, good job.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Well done guys!

  6. #6
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    Thank you!

    SWGEmu is a non-profit, open source community project.
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  7. #7
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    Whaz Jory, Darrah Jory, Xicho Jory

  8. #8
    SWGEmu Retired Community Relations bigevil's Avatar
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    Awesome stuff! Yay for ranger tweaks!!

    "Rangers can now get scouting xp from concealing other players" LOL....remember ninja camo? Rangers sitting by starport "concealing" everyone who walked by for xp?
    Retired Community Relations

    SWGEmu is a non-profit, open source community project.
    Is what I am doing in the game wrong? How do I know? If in doubt, contact Staff.

    SWGEmu Guides and Helpful Links / for violations or complaints / LIVE Support

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Good job to all involved

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Woohoo! All DE issues fixed! Can't remember how much grief there's been with things breaking all over the place. Good job staff!

    Oh yeah, and non-DE stuff too. Yeah, good job there too.

    Swoops | Droids | SEAs | Misc - LufushWorks - -4230 4942, Naboo

  11. #11
    Junior Member shivashandra's Avatar
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    Huge update ! You guys are the best ! Thanks again.

    My Mods | My SWGEmu Website
    Drop Off | 1km of Dantooine Mining Outpost 0 1600

  12. #12
    Newbie LadyCierra's Avatar
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    A huge thank you to the emu staff for all your hard work and efforts.
    In-game name: Michaela <FLO> Coleader

  13. #13
    Senior Member Tyrson's Avatar
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    woop woop

    /way -200 -5678 The Mall
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  14. #14
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    Thank you.

  15. #15
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    It's happening
    vendor 4179 -1659 Valcyn, Dantooine

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