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Thread: The rise, fall, and return of Star Wars Galaxies - The Daily Dot

  1. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delta One View Post
    “The rule was, the best things in the game had to be made by players, and the other rule was everything had to break,”

    “That sense of being part of a social fabric is missing in even most MMOs,” Koster says. “It’s just not there. We don’t have the social infrastructure for it to be able to happen. How can you be a loyal customer of a given weaponsmith in World of Warcraft? None of the infrastructure exists.”

    And, like most veterans of the early days of Galaxies, Popovici eventually fell in love with the social scene, especially hanging out for hours in cantinas after a full evening of hunting other players.

    Popovici only had a few months to enjoy Galaxies before the Combat Upgrade utterly transformed the game, and his friends began leaving. “Players had to restart and relearn everything they could do,” he says. “A lot of my friends didn’t want to spend months to learn the new game.” He stuck with the game for two weeks after the Combat Upgrade, but with most of his friends gone, he soon had no reason to stay either. He walked away from that virtual world.

    I've been here for years and haven't been on EMU or on the forums more than a handful of times in the past couple years but saw this and these quotes really hit home for me and felt I wanted to post this. They very much speak to why I loved SWG. The way I read them is basically that the game wasn't built as just a sandbox. But basically intended to be a social playground in Star Wars. Everything built around fostering times where people would spend time TOGETHER, reliant on others. Everything had to break so that you had relationships with people (I read as intended to not be yourself on another account). As long as you have friendships in game then the game works and is amazing. When that is lost (as I feel is the biggest issue that happened with BOTH the CU and NGE) is the biggest blow to its "gameplay"

    "There’s something about being on this side of the code that kind of ruins playing the game,” he says. “I know too much about how things work to actually play and be mystified by it again.” - This is my same problem and why I can't bring myself to play here anymore (might not unless jump to lightspeed comes as I just didn't spend enough time to know the ins and outs of it). But I don't really believe it is a knowledge problem itself. It's we have discovered the parts of the game that weren't ever balanced out to MAINTAIN the social aspect to the game. 90% composite didn't exist in the VERY early game (required hunting in groups EVEN FOR XP, which was maybe my fondest memory of the game. This meant needing a Doctor/CM for healing/rezzing, a scout for camps, even combat professions that became useless [state driven carbineer] were useful to the group). Doctor buffs - high ones didn't exist in the game leading to people wearing different types of armor and having players with just normal clothes in combat, along with HAM stats on weapons and armor (Weaponsmiths creating different weapons that had different HAM amounts, damage, or speed [lower HAM could be more useful than capping speed before buffs]), even specials in combat weren't always able to be spammed in combat unless you hurt yourself in another area (low base stats, no armor, lesser damage gun for low ham, etc).

    Every profession had a role to play and REQUIRED cooperation with others. Prebuff/armor made parts of the game 100% inaccessible without friends. Doctors played ATK providing healing to wounds (I know I was one) at med centers. Entertainers required ATK play until macros were discovered (and guess what, with 1 character per account/server people still played them! And there isn't an excuse that the player base is smaller because as the team has pointed out many times, the population here often EXCEEDS SWG at its peak). There is COUNTLESS other examples of things like this that drive SOLO play instead of the original intended FORCED SOCIAL play. Unfortunately, I feel that it is the commitment to staying 100% true to the game (while the purest form), that may eventually cause those that really desire to have that experience again to never achieve it due to the broken endgame mechanics that the original team were never able to balance before they just scrapped the game. It's pretty clear the game wasn't intended to be group based UNTIL master elite professions existed then became a solo game.
    So TA basically viaron'd this interview.


  2. #47
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    I stumbled across this article, came straight to this site, dug out my old SWG box, and can't wait to get started. Thanks to the reps that have helped me get started.

  3. #48
    Addicted novak64's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by No1Cal View Post
    I stumbled across this article, came straight to this site, dug out my old SWG box, and can't wait to get started. Thanks to the reps that have helped me get started.
    You don't happen to live in Berkeley do you?
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  4. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by novak64 View Post
    You don't happen to live in Berkeley do you?
    I do not live in Berkeley.

  5. #50
    Addicted novak64's Avatar
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  6. #51
    Dedicated Sajun's Avatar
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    This article makes me really sad. On one hand the nostalgic feelings it brings back make me very happy, but the thought of someone loving this game so much and working so hard to rebuild it, not just for themselves but for others like me, and then the idea that they might not actually be able to play it after spending so much time coding it... that makes me incredibly sad. I don't know how to thank someone who would rebuild what is essentially my home... but at the cost of their own enjoyment of it. =(

    I'm thankful every day that great people are working so hard to remake this.
    Last edited by Sajun; 05-13-2016 at 12:21 AM.
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  7. #52
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    Awesome article

    The article brought back memories of SWG when it first came out and how I stumbled across the EMU in it's infancy. I actually had an account back them and somehow lost track of the account when I stumbled back on the project last year, had to create a whole new account. I think this was hosted on a different site back then, so not sure if my account would have transferred.

    Anyway I remember playing SWG before they added the JTL and waiting for that to come out and leveling up my skill tree to get to shipwright while I waited. Space was where I spent most of my time though leveling up the shipwright skill tree was also my forte'. I remember the CU being put in place and thinking WTF are they thinking, the nail in the coffin was the NGE where all of the work we put in our characters and development with skill trees was out the window. I stumbled upon the EMU project around that time and had the EMU and official SWG running side by side on my computer at one point. I remember telling others in game of the project and they just shrugged it off because it was still in it's infancy and they did not think it would last.

    Reading the article brought back all of these memories. Some of them fond, some of them not so fond. Great article would love to see the EMU reaching more people.

  8. #53
    Retired SWGEmu Staff Winn's Avatar
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    nice read !
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  9. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delta One View Post
    “The rule was, the best things in the game had to be made by players, and the other rule was everything had to break,”

    “That sense of being part of a social fabric is missing in even most MMOs,” Koster says. “It’s just not there. We don’t have the social infrastructure for it to be able to happen. How can you be a loyal customer of a given weaponsmith in World of Warcraft? None of the infrastructure exists.”

    And, like most veterans of the early days of Galaxies, Popovici eventually fell in love with the social scene, especially hanging out for hours in cantinas after a full evening of hunting other players.

    Popovici only had a few months to enjoy Galaxies before the Combat Upgrade utterly transformed the game, and his friends began leaving. “Players had to restart and relearn everything they could do,” he says. “A lot of my friends didn’t want to spend months to learn the new game.” He stuck with the game for two weeks after the Combat Upgrade, but with most of his friends gone, he soon had no reason to stay either. He walked away from that virtual world.

    I've been here for years and haven't been on EMU or on the forums more than a handful of times in the past couple years but saw this and these quotes really hit home for me and felt I wanted to post this. They very much speak to why I loved SWG. The way I read them is basically that the game wasn't built as just a sandbox. But basically intended to be a social playground in Star Wars. Everything built around fostering times where people would spend time TOGETHER, reliant on others. Everything had to break so that you had relationships with people (I read as intended to not be yourself on another account). As long as you have friendships in game then the game works and is amazing. When that is lost (as I feel is the biggest issue that happened with BOTH the CU and NGE) is the biggest blow to its "gameplay"

    "There’s something about being on this side of the code that kind of ruins playing the game,” he says. “I know too much about how things work to actually play and be mystified by it again.” - This is my same problem and why I can't bring myself to play here anymore (might not unless jump to lightspeed comes as I just didn't spend enough time to know the ins and outs of it). But I don't really believe it is a knowledge problem itself. It's we have discovered the parts of the game that weren't ever balanced out to MAINTAIN the social aspect to the game. 90% composite didn't exist in the VERY early game (required hunting in groups EVEN FOR XP, which was maybe my fondest memory of the game. This meant needing a Doctor/CM for healing/rezzing, a scout for camps, even combat professions that became useless [state driven carbineer] were useful to the group). Doctor buffs - high ones didn't exist in the game leading to people wearing different types of armor and having players with just normal clothes in combat, along with HAM stats on weapons and armor (Weaponsmiths creating different weapons that had different HAM amounts, damage, or speed [lower HAM could be more useful than capping speed before buffs]), even specials in combat weren't always able to be spammed in combat unless you hurt yourself in another area (low base stats, no armor, lesser damage gun for low ham, etc).

    Every profession had a role to play and REQUIRED cooperation with others. Prebuff/armor made parts of the game 100% inaccessible without friends. Doctors played ATK providing healing to wounds (I know I was one) at med centers. Entertainers required ATK play until macros were discovered (and guess what, with 1 character per account/server people still played them! And there isn't an excuse that the player base is smaller because as the team has pointed out many times, the population here often EXCEEDS SWG at its peak). There is COUNTLESS other examples of things like this that drive SOLO play instead of the original intended FORCED SOCIAL play. Unfortunately, I feel that it is the commitment to staying 100% true to the game (while the purest form), that may eventually cause those that really desire to have that experience again to never achieve it due to the broken endgame mechanics that the original team were never able to balance before they just scrapped the game. It's pretty clear the game wasn't intended to be group based UNTIL master elite professions existed then became a solo game.
    I hope someone takes these things....and mods a BOLD new server that strips away all of the broken end-game stuff. Heavily nerf poisons, armor, doc buffs, defense stacking, and much more.

    It would create a really challenging game like the first period of SWG was. I would 100% play on a server like that, facing the real game like it was on live the first year.

    I remember needing to be very careful about the types of armor (and how much) I would wear...doc / ent buffs weren't a real thing then.... and I remember using specials was , well, special. Not a replacement for default attack.

  10. #55
    Newbie sedwards424's Avatar
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    Great story.

    I am curious what the plan is for Basilisk's content once the project is considered "finished." I have read articles that describe it finishing with JTL, the current server being wiped and a "final state" server being established. When considering a return to the game after playing SWG from opening through shutdown, SWTOR, WoW and a host of other humdrum MMOs I looked at the other SWGEmu-like servers and decided Basilisk was the place for me. Pesonally saying true to the original SWG Pre-CU game was important to me.

    Keep up the great work and any feedback that you can provide would be greatly appreciated.


  11. #56
    SWGEmu Admin Lolindir's Avatar
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    The plan for Basilisk is to reach our goal of emulating the patch 14.1. When we have managed that, Basilisk will be wiped and a new team will launch the new server called SunCrusher. What happens after we are done, no one knows. The team have not been put together and it will not be formed until we are more or less done here.

    JTL is part of 14.1, so it will come to Basilisk.
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  12. #57
    Newbie sedwards424's Avatar
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    Thanks for the quick feedback Lolindir.

    This is pretty much what I've seen written as well but wanted to get feedback from the team. For some time I've been hesitant to return and really establish a place and the time on the server as I had originally on Starsider simply becuase when I do I jump in with both feet. The thought of a wipe at any time just kept me away. I've been back about a month now and just loving it. Reconnectig with friends and making new ones. The team has done a superb job! New mindset now is, it'll happen when it does and it'll just be fun to do it again.

    Dare I ask if there's a timeline for the completion of 14.1 and the transition? No, is a perfectly good answer

  13. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by sedwards424 View Post

    Dare I ask if there's a timeline for the completion of 14.1 and the transition?
    We don't give out ETA's.

    Your best bet is to check this from time to time...

    ...and also to keep close tabs on these...

    ...every Sunday. (and all listed links therein)

    Then, trust me, you won't ever miss a thing.

  14. #59
    Newbie sedwards424's Avatar
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    Thanks for the feedback. I will watch the two threads you mentioned above for updates.

  15. #60
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    Dishonesty killed SWG.

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