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Thread: Publish 8: A Galaxy Divided

  1. #1
    SWGEmu Admin Lolindir's Avatar
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    Publish 8: A Galaxy Divided

    Publish 8: A Galaxy Divided

    The SWGEmu Development Division

    Publish 8: A Galaxy Divided

    • Improved server stability
    • Made some performance optimizations
    • Made some adjustments to reduce server memory usage
    • Fixed some memory leaks
    • Fixed some more causes of database bloat
    • Improved and optimized how random world spawning works. A player no longer needs to be moving for things to spawn nearby
    • All planets now have a chance to dynamically spawn various spawns that are not unique to the planet (faction spawns, thugs, dark jedi, etc.)
    • Added/changed several static spawns, especially within non-player cities
    • Added some spawns to the Talus Imperial vs. Rebel Battle POI
    • Added spawns to the Tatooine Imperial Oasis
    • Added spawns to the Rori Black Sun Bunker
    • Added many public starship crafting stations
    • Added the Naboo kidnapped royalty and associated heralds
    • Many Jabba's Palace mobs now have animations or patrol about the palace
    • There have been some non-existent buildings showing up on some planet's planetary maps. These have been removed.
    • Increased the diameter of the the village "fog" area
    • When trying to place a structure, the ground around a dynamic spawn is now yellow
    • Fixed stats and/or other details on many mobs
    • Mobs now regen HAM at a percentage of the max per tick
    • Mobs should no longer aggro through locked doors
    • Mobs no longer instantly stand after a posture change
    • The use of certain emotes on imperial npcs will now cause them to knock the player down, in addition to them being fined
    • Npcs will no longer use intimidate or force intimidate
    • Npcs that give a quest will now have the appropriate overhead icon. Please report any non-JTL ones that are still missing.
    Events/Dungeons/Theme Parks/Quests
    • Much work has been done on the village, force sensitive, and jedi but it is incomplete and not ready for mass testing. They will therefore remain disabled for this publish
    • Added the theater manager quest series
    • Added Act 2 of the Cries of Alderaan story line (Requires the badge from Act 1 in order to start)
    • Added Kima Nazith quest line
    • Added Melios Purl quest line
    • Added Pooja Naberrie quest line
    • Added Shaki Hamachil quest line
    • Added Shibb Nisshil quest line
    • The item rewards from Thrawn's final mission in the Imperial theme park should now always be a matching helm and suit
    • Escort mission targets no longer take on the player's faction when the player is on leave. This prevents them from being attacked by mobs that the player cannot attack.
    • Fixed a few theme park spawns that would attack each other when they shouldn't
    • Fixed Cries of Alderaan message not appearing in inventory if the fragments were combined with a full inventory
    • Newly acquired warren evidence can now be deleted from a player's datapad
    • Turning in the warren evidence will now properly grant a faction point award
    • The life day quests can now be repeated each year
    • The new player tutorial has been completely rewritten and re-enabled
    • New players are now sent the new-player starting email
    • The new player creation lockout timer is now 1 hour (down from 24 hours)
    • Changed HAM regeneration rates to be more in line with live
    • Fixed several full inventory checks that didn't take into account the items within containers
    • Surrendering a skill will no longer remove abilities that are also granted by another skill that the player has
    • Getting an item from a factory crate will now always place the item into the player's inventory
    • Triple incaps should more reliably cause death and the span that they must be within is now 10 minutes (down from 15)
    • Added 6-month expiration to in-game mail. Because of the large number of old mails on Basilisk, we're throttling the expiration. This means that not all old mails will be deleted right away. There is no predictable order that the deletions will take place in. Any mail over 6-months old is at risk and might be deleted at any time.
    • Fixed the sender format of in-game mails
    • LD duration is now 3 minutes
    • /logout will now properly remove a player from the world if they are in a safe location, rather than setting them LD
    • Logging in while still LD will no longer make your player invulnerable while loading
    • A player's action queue is now cleared when they are set LD
    • A player will no longer auto-attack while LD
    • Speak language commands no longer appear in the command browser
    • The various language commands (/basic, /dosh, etc.) now cause the player to speak in the appropriate language for the given message
    • A decay report is now presented to a player upon cloning
    • The /assist command is now functional
    • It is no longer possible to attack mobs behind locked doors
    • Auto attacks are no longer sent to the client to queue but instead just executed server side. This will prevent them from sometimes getting queued after another attack is queued due to latency.
    • Auto attacks will now fire at an interval closer to a player's attack speed
    • The attack command will no longer queue with higher priority than other commands
    • Using /peace will now clear the combat queue
    • All attacks that hit a single pool will now also do a small percentage of the damage to the other two pools as well
    • Attacks that blind, dizzy, intimidate, or stun will now refresh the duration of those states if they are already present on the target
    • Defense vs. Intimidate is no longer functional
    • The intimidation state applied from multiple sources will no longer stacks it's effect
    • Warcry, and similar delays, will now delay more types of actions including posture changes, squad leader commands, and species' innate abilities
    • Increased the range at which combat spam will appear from 70m to 85m
    • Fire dots should no longer be reduced by armor
    • Fire and Disease DoTs can now incapacitate their target
    • Creature special attacks with a DoT component will now apply the DoT to pool that was hit with the attack instead of always applying to health
    • DoT timers are properly reset when a DoT is cured so that dots applied later do not tick at incorrect intervals.
    • Dots should now tick more reliably at the proper intervals
    • The amount of battle fatigue applied by a fire DoT will now be static for each tick instead of possibly increasing with each tick if the target has high BF already.
    • Weapon fire dots no longer cause excessive amounts of wounds
    • Fixed many issues with combat animations
    • Combat commands that include a posture change now properly animate
    • Attacks that incapacitate or kill a target will now animate properly
    • Area of Effect attacks should now animate towards the proper target
    • Default attacks should now play a much larger variety of animations
    • Many attacks now have multiple animations that are used under the appropriate conditions instead of always using the same one
    • The use of consumable heavy weapons should now animate properly
    • Using the last grenade or heavy weapon in a stack should now show the correct animation
    • Added combat flytext that denotes hit location
    • Fixed the layout of several different faction base types (newly placed bases only)
    • A faction base can no longer be placed where there are already 3 faction bases within 600m
    • All faction bases now have stronger defenders more in line with live
    • Faction bases should no longer bug out and prevent entry after the turrets are destroyed
    • A single defense can now be donated to a PvP faction base during each vulnerability
    • PvE faction bases can no longer have any defenses donated or removed via the HQ terminal
    • Faction Base terminals should now have functionality that is closer to live
    • A player must now remain at a faction base's HQ terminal for 60s in order to shutdown a base destruction sequence
    • Added many missing system messages related to faction bases
    • Players of the appropriate faction rank can now view the vulnerability status of a faction base
    • Only Special Forces faction bases will now register on the planetary map
    • Doctors/Dancers/Musicians can now register within SF faction bases of the appropriate type
    • Added faction perks for players registered within SF faction Bases
    • Turrets now attack faster
    • Each turret type now has a different damage type
    • Fixed the armor rating and resists of some turret types
    • Turrets can now attack non-player targets
    • Auto-fire turrets will no longer focus fire a single target but will instead change targets periodically
    • Turrets are no longer aggressive towards non-faction targets
    • Faction mobs should no longer ever attack their own faction's turrets
    • All GCW stronghold cities should now have mobs of the appropriate faction spawning within them
    • GCW planetary control is now checked and adjusted periodically rather than changing on the fly
    • Added factional spawns to non-stronghold, non-player cities on Corellia, Naboo, and Tatooine. The controlling faction is checked when spawning and re-spawning to determine which side's mob to spawn.
    • Faction recruiters now have conversation options to check the status of the GCW on their planet
    • /gcwstatus now directs players to visit a faction recruiter or a newsnet terminal to check the status of the GCW
    • Added field faction status change
    • The pvp rating system (and /showpvprating) are now functional
    • Attacking an opposing player's vehicle will now cause a tef
    • Triple incapping someone during a duel will no longer give a tef to their opponent

    • The imperial PSG schematic now has the proper effectiveness ranges and now utilizes the proper resource attributes for base effectiveness
    • Adjusted mind/action drain amounts for surveying and sampling
    • Dismounting is no longer required prior to sampling (it will automatically dismount you)
    • Fixed a bug with experimentation success calculations which caused experimentation results to always be better than they should be
    • Survey tools now only have pre-cu range options
    • Newly crafted Dustcrepe should now be functional
    • Adjusting a bio-engineered pet's stats will now properly recalculate based on the adult level instead of on the current level
    • Fixed stun resist not being passed on to pets during crafting
    • Adjusted damage and resists formula for crafted pets
    • Being attacked as a result of a failed dna sample attempt will now remove mask scent
    Bounty Hunter:
    • Increased the damage and wounds caused by torso shot's fire dot
    • Fast blast now hits all 3 pools and has a high accuracy bonus
    • Npc bounty mission success/failure is now determined by who gets loot rights rather than by who gets the killing blow
    • Fast Blast and Spray Shot now have their proper weapon type restrictions
    • Fixed the animation of 1h and 2h lunge2 attacks
    Creature Handler:
    • Changed the taming process to be more like live
    • Creature Handling xp is now awarded separately for each pet instead of in one lump
    • Changed the creature training success formula to be more forgiving to lower skilled creature handlers
    • The Creature Taming Bonus skill mod on SEAs is no longer disabled
    Droid Engineer:
    • Players can now download the waypoint from a droid with a merchant barker module installed
    • Adjusted action drain amounts for entertaining and flourishing
    • It is now possible to listen and watch at the same time regardless of which action you perform first.
    • Fixed the bug that caused buffs to not be given reliably
    • /bandflourish now only gives xp to the one who uses the command and not to the entire band
    • It is now possible to drop an instrument to play when a different one is already dropped
    • The sing emote is now properly entertainer only
    Image Designer:
    • We think we fixed the issue where players could end up bald after an image design session. Please report if it still happens.
    • Ending up with a hair object in inventory after an image design should no longer happen
    • The point blank area 1 skill is now an area of effect rather than a cone effect
    Medic/Doctor/Combat Medic:
    • /healdamage will no longer sometimes not work if a player with no Combat Medic skills is carrying some ranged stimpacks
    • /quickheal can now be used in combat
    • All medical commands with a mind cost should now have the cost adjusted based on the player's focus
    • Area heals now properly check all potential targets for validity before healing them
    • Revived players will now have a 60s grogginess debuff
    • /healstate and /healenhance can now be used without arguments
    • /healstate now plays the proper client effect
    • Removed the female Bith vendor option
    • Newly created vendors now have the vendor search option enabled by default
    • Vendors that run out of maintenance are now unregistered and have vendor search disabled
    • Vendor Ad-barking is now functional
    • It is once again possible to transfer a structure containing a vendor
    • More bazaar/vendor pages can be filtered by category
    • Fixed pagination on various bazaar/vendor screens
    • Removed the knockdown effect from disarming shot 2
    • Added a knockdown effect to pistol melee defense 2
    • Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause a mayor to lose citizenship in their own city
    • Civic structures can no longer be transferred
    • It should no longer be possible to get scouting xp via mask scent more than one time per creature
    • Mobs no longer continuously check against mask scent/camo. If a player succeeds once, the mob won't notice them as long as they stay within range
    • Area track results will no longer include transport shuttles
    • The resource concentration thresholds for each harvest adjustment (skinny, fat, etc.) have been changed. All steps above skinny should now be more prevalent.
    • Added the flytext for snare/root traps
    • Adjusted the amount of xp granted from most types of slices
    • Slicing armor with negative encumbrance will no longer increase the encumbrance
    • The feign death skill is now functional
    • Newly crafted Crafting Aprons can now be worn by Wookiees and Ithorians
    • Crafting apron schematics that take a crafting tool as an ingredient can now be crafted with individual (non factory crate) tools
    • Newly crafted or looted personal shield generators now have lightsaber resistance
    • looted janta and donkuwah knives now always have their static dot
    • Fixed the values on static janta knife dots
    • Looted Bounty Hunter Armor now always has its default color scheme
    • Added bubble tank schematic to loot
    • Fixed the range check on the /loot command
    • Vehicles will now decay over time as long as they are called. The decay rate is dependent on the type of vehicle.
    • Removed the Nightsister armguard from loot and added it and the Rebel Endor Helmet as options to the Veteran Rewards System
    • Powerups now have a yellow name
    • Fixed the position of many housing signs
    • With publish 7 we made the chance for exceptional and legendary item loot be modified by the level of the mob. That modifier's effect has been reduced.
    • Fixed some helms that appeared as armor to appear as clothing (newly acquired ones only)
    • Fixed several item types that would not properly update their charges left when going from 2 to 1 charge
    • Added guard command functionality
    • Added ranged attack command functionality
    • Added befriend command functionality
    • Pets should now properly disengage when their owner ends a duel with their target
    • Pets are no longer immune to being attacked while their master is dead
    • Pet's max HAM is now reduced as their vitality drops
    • Newly tamed humbabas and savage humbabas can now be trained as a mount
    • Pets are now considered valid targets for AI threat evaluations. This should allow pets to tank if they are not out damaged
    • Droid medical bonuses are now removed from the owner if the droid dies, is incapacitated, runs out of power, or is out of range
    • Items can now be placed in a droid's item storage compartment while in a full house
    • The gallop cooldown is now tied to the mount and not the rider
    • Pets can no longer be told to follow or attack a target behind a locked door
    • Changed the group level formula. Each individual member now has a more significant impact on the final level instead of 90%+ of it being decided by the highest level member
    • A Group's level should now properly be recalculated any time one of it's members' level changes (changing weapons, learning/dropping a skill, etc.)
    • Added the lottery and random group loot rules
    • looted credits are now split among nearby group members
    • Group loot messages should now always display the player and item names properly
    • Out of range group members will now properly display their planet or a directional arrow pointing in their direction
    • A guild leader can now claim ownership of a guild hall owned by an inactive member (one that hasn't logged in for more than 28 days)
    • All guild prompts should now properly include names
    • A guild will now cleanup their sponsored players list during it's weekly update
    • Added guild elections. These can be manually enabled by a guild leader and will also trigger automatically during a guild's weekly update if it has an inactive leader (30 days since last being online) or no leader
    • /guildstatus no longer requires the one using the command to be in a guild
    • A guild leader can now leave the guild. Elections will begin automatically.
    • Fixed some mission details changing after logging off and back on again
    • Mission descriptions are now displayed on examine, and the mission waypoint title are now correct
    • Entertainer mission terminals can now send player's to player cities to perform
    • Hunting missions now only target creatures
    • Significantly increased hunting mission payouts
    • Deliver missions can now be taken on the adventure planets at any of their outposts
    • Deliver/crafting missions should now actually send you to the start and end locations that they advertise instead of a random one near the advertised positions
    • Adjusted the deliver/crafting mission reward formula to not only consider the distance between the start and end npcs, but also the distance to the start npc
    • Doubled the xp reward for completion of a bounty mission
    • Bounty hunter mission terminals can no longer be sliced
    • Adjusted which mobs are attached to some destroy missions (especially npc ones) so that the range of levels of the mobs are not as wide.
    • Standardized the span of levels that destroy missions will be available at. This should make it easier to find certain missions that had a short span before and make missions that had a long span less prevalent.
    • When looking for destroy missions in a group there is a threshold where a higher group level will not increase the minimum level of missions shown. This is to prevent high level groups from having no missions show up when none on the planet are high enough (and has been this way for several publishes). That threshold is now set on a per planet basis. Planets with higher level missions have a higher threshold.
    • Changed the formula for calculating the credit rewards of destroy missions. Being in a group no longer gives a significant boost, but the new baseline is higher than what payouts were while in a group before. A player's/group's level now has a small impact on the max potential payout (higher level groups can see higher paying missions).
    • Fixed grouped mission payouts to function as they did at 14.1. The payout is divided by the number of total players instead of only by the number of players in range. A player must be in range to receive their portion.
    • Redesigned the random name generator for players, npcs, and resources with different rules based on species or resource class. Random names should be more similar to how they were on live
    • Added the following decoration type player event perks: AT-AT, AT-ST, bantha, fruit stand, gravestone, meat rack
    • Added all venue type player event perks
    • Added the following game type player event perks: jukebox, capture-the-flag, lottery droid, scavenger hunt chests, shuttle beacon
    • Added the following personnel type player event perks: recruiters, honor guards
    • The self powered harvester veteran reward is now functional and available
    • Fixed a few potential causes of client crashes
    • Added the ability to create and moderate custom chat rooms
    • The auto-joined 'General' chat room no longer exists. Players can opt to join the main 'Chat' room via the channel browser for a public, galaxy-wide chat room
    • When chatting in a chat room, "Core3" is no longer appended before the player name on each message
    • Added and/or improved many abilities for staff
    SWGEmu Admin

    SWGEmu is a non-profit, open source community project.
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  2. #2
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    The Vlada
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    Lucky for us, its gonna be a long downtime.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
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    what with exceptional and legendarys ? 1/100.000 and 1/1.000.000?

  4. #4
    Dedicated Newsound's Avatar
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    Sweeeeeet!!! /hi5
    Azaree Noise
    Beggars Canyon
    Member of <TAI>

  5. #5
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
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    Incredible. Well done to all involved, looks to be a great publish.

    Dropoff @ 100 -5650 900m from Coronet Starport, Corellia

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
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    Awesome! Jukebox for the player events/story teller vendor. I hope to see more of this implemented in the game, it was great for RP and guild events. Been waiting for this, good job guys.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    72h last 30d
    Vet rewards enabled again? not seeing anything in notes
    *by Chilli* Vendors located at West Eisley Bazaar

    Drop Vendor Tatooine /Way 2123 -4901

  8. #8
    Junior Member snash123's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
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    That's one hell of a publish guys, well done! Just itching now to get playing again, but hey the wait (no matter how long) will so be worth it.
    DrNHS (ign)
    A Jack of all Trades, an Expert in None.
    Trade Vendor @ 2984 -5772; 1km outside Mos Eisley

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    148h last 30d
    ok, I dont pretend to understand a lot of whats written above, however if it gets us closer to the game we all knew and loved back in the day, with a few upgrades that were lacking way back when, then its all good.

    Keep up the good work guys. You all do an awesome job.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    "The feign death skill is now functional"

    It is time.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
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    Well done girls and boys.

  12. #12
    Junior Member detroitmarauder's Avatar
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    Wow, lots of good stuff with this publish!

    /Salute EMU Staff

  13. #13
    Newbie Lantern's Avatar
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    The Netherlands
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    Very Nice keep up the good work !

  14. #14
    Junior Member Khai-Han's Avatar
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    Gotta bookmark this for a full read tomorrow. Great job guys!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
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    Great Job Devs.

    Thank You.

    EDIT: Im guessing this means all vet rewards are enabled again?
    Last edited by RokGod; 06-04-2016 at 09:46 AM.

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