WHERE: Theed, Naboo (WP -5861 4172)
WHEN: January 16, 2016 at 2:00pm EST
see your local time here
*Please note, this is a player hosted event. No badges will be awarded for attendance; rewards and prizes are provided by Flourish.
Come join us at the street fair, near Shuttleport A (WP -5861 4172) in Theed Naboo, close to the theater, where Artisans and all sorts of Merchants have set up their stalls to sell their merchandise. There are no vendors but honest face to face trading, come haggle and get a deal of a lifetime.
In the nearby theater Tailors are putting on their fall line show. Come see their colorful clothing line and yes you can buy or order from said Tailors if you see what you like, except for the models.
Join us for a live auction, where premium goodies are going to auctioned off to the highest bidder.
There will be a scavenger hunt, with cash prizes.