Quote Originally Posted by Vlada View Post
It probably is going to cause just that, but if folks are so determined to protect their stuff then maybe they should focus only on scripts and postpone any serious Core3 changes until 1.0 and change of licensing it will bring.
That would be unfortunate but I'll wait for you folks to release further details. Personally, I feel a lot of this could be accomplished by working directly with those who run the servers (or do development) vs trying to accomplish it through licensing changes for everyone on a temporary basis. I'm sure many servers (or developers) out there would be more than happy to work with the SWGEmu staff on an individual case by case basis with requests for information when needed. Those problem servers who are attempting to "compete" would, in my opinion, be easy to isolate without effecting the rest of the community who support and wish to see the SWGEmu project succeed.

Thanks for the responses you guys (and ladies) have all given thus far, it's much appreciated.
