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Thread: Publish 5: Pets and Race Tracks

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    SWGEmu Admin Lolindir's Avatar
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    Publish 5: Pets and Race Tracks

    Publish 5: Pets and Race Tracks

    The SWGEmu Development Division

    Publish 5: Pets and Race Tracks

    • Improved server stability
    POI/Cave/World - Added spawns to the following locations:
    • Corellia: Lord Nyax Cult (outside), Rebel vs. Imperial minor poi, Research Camp
    • Endor:Ewok Lake Village, Korga Cave, Dulok Village
    • Naboo: Emperor's Retreat, Gungan Sacred Place, Mauler Stronghold (inside), Theed
    • Tatooine: Tusken King quest area (no quest yet, just spawns)
    • Fixed and/or added a few no build zones
    • Open Magseal containers will now relock on occasion
    • Magseal containers should no longer double spawn loot
    • Adjusted respawn timer on many static spawns
    • Babies now spawn in the wild with varying rarities
    • Many common npcs will now have random names
    • Fixed stats and/or tamability on several creatures
    • Lairs should spawn on cliff sides less frequently
    • Lairs should no longer spawn quite as close to one another
    • Some lairs now have a chance to spawn a boss (just a few, more will come later)
    • Increased junk dealer payouts (newly looted items only)
    • Adjusted loot and loot chances on all Dathomir NPCs
    • Added clothing as possible loot from most NPCs
    • Several weapons that were not dropping as loot before are now able to
    • More varieties of armor can now be found in loot
    • Newly looted armors can now be sold to junk dealers
    • Many more types of items can now be found inside locked containers
    • Locked containers will now indicate if they are slicable or not when examined
    • Loot with negative value stats will no longer be worse from higher level mobs than from lower ones
    • Adjusted the possible stat ranges on Nightsister Armor Shards
    • Grouped missions now have increased payouts
    • Missions with npc targets no longer use the same titles/descriptions as creature missions
    Theme Parks/Quests/Dungeon
    • Added the Theed Palace Librarian with trivia quiz
    • Added Singular Nak quest
    • Fixed return waypoint for Han Solo in the rebel themepark
    • Added Nitra Vendallan quest
    • Added Lareen Dantara quest
    • Added Aaph Koden quest
    • Added Kathikiis Ruwahurr quest
    • Added conversations to 3 NPCs in the Geonosian Bio-Lab
    • melee toughness skill mods now only apply vs. melee attacks
    • Destroying a lair should now grant experience
    • It should now be possible to swap weapons with a full inventory
    • There is now a small chance to successfully /stand while dizzy
    • Weapons without a powerup will no longer artificially cap their speed at 1.0
    • Weapon powerups should now always adjust weapon stats as expected
    • Faction pets can now be purchased
    • Fixed some recruiter conversations

    • Harvesters should no longer shut off prematurely
    • Harvesters should now shut off properly when the hopper is full
    • Harvesters resource selection screens will no longer list twice (or at all) resource spawns that have expired
    • The contents of creature habitats can now be released
    • Resource spawns that have expired can no longer continue to be surveyed and/or sampled for a time
    • Pet stimpacks and vitality packs can now be crafted and are functional
    Bounty Hunter:
    • An arakyd droid can now only be launched once
    • Bounty hunter mission fail messages are now sent to the mission owner rather than the one who kills the target
    • Bounty mission targets spawning on a planet other than the hunter's current planet should no longer spawn in water or buildings
    • /setintimidate and /setwarcry now function
    Combat Medic:
    • Willpower area B disease packs now affect willpower instead of strength
    • Area heals will now also heal yourself (if you are in the area)
    • Adjusted the amount healed by /healmind
    • /healmind can no longer be used on duel or guild war opponents
    Creature Handler:
    • The taming of babies is now functional. See pet section for more details on what pet functionality is currently working. *Note: Bio-engineered pet deeds are still non-functional.
    • Area cures will now also heal yourself (if you are in the area)
    • /healenhance and /healstate will now automatically choose an attribute/state if one is not specified
    Droid Engineer:
    • Droid Deeds can now be crafted
    • Droids can now be generated from deeds - see pet section for more details on what pet functionality is working. *Special Note: droid modules are not yet functional
    • Droid Repair kits and droid reconstruction kits can now be crafted and now function
    • Droid customization kits can now be crafted and now function
    • Fixed several schematics so they are now craftable and/or require the correct ingredients
    • Band flourishes can once again be used by any group member
    Image Designer:
    • Holo-emotes are now functional
    • Fixed action shot 1 bleed
    • You will now most likely fall down if you attempt to /takecover while dizzy
    • /tendwound should now cause the correct number of focus/willpower wounds
    • Vendor ad barking messages can now be up to 128 characters long
    • Shop signs can now be changed
    • NPC vendor appearance is now much more random
    • Access fees may now be placed on a structure by any admin with the correct skill rather than only by the owner
    • Access fees may no longer be set at more than 50,000 credits
    • Vendor item limit skill mod is now a total limit across all vendors rather than a per vendor limit
    • The contents of containers placed on vendors will now count towards a player's item limit. *Special note: all currently listed items will not be tallied correctly. To fix, withdraw and re-list your sales
    • Fixed a bug that would cause items on vendors to delete themselves under certain circumstances
    • Vendors in a structure that is destroyed will now properly be destroyed as well rather than ending up in the void
    • A merchant with vendors stuck in the void can now create new vendors (the missing vendors will be deleted when you start creating a new one)
    • The /bandflourish argument for chidinkalu horns is now "chidinkalu" rather than "flutedroopy"
    • Added additional rules to validation of player city names
    • City wide emails can now be sent by mayors to their citizens
    • Fixed ingredients required to craft Lok camo kit
    • You will now receive a system message when entering/exiting your own camp
    • Harvesting creatures inside interior locations now only yields 1 unit of resource
    • Using /destroystructure on a camp will no longer leave the no-build active area behind
    • Fixed a few schematics
    • Mission terminals now have a slice radial menu option
    • Fixed damage multiplier on Two Handed Area 3 attack
    • Fixed ingredients for Droidsmith's Toolkit
    • Fixed the grand ball gown so it will craft with sockets
    Teras Kasi Artist:
    • Increased the duration of the dizzy effect from the unarmed dizzy 1 attack
    Pets - The following is the current state of pets:
    • A non-Creature Handler can have two creature pets stored in their datapad and can have one non-aggressive pet active (max CL 10) at a time
    • A Creature Handler can store and control creature pets according to their current skill mods
    • A player can have up to five droids stored in their datapad and one active at a time
    • A player can have up to three faction pets stored and three active at a time
    • It should be impossible to trade a pet to someone who cannot control it (or if they are at their max number stored)
    • Pets can be called/stored in public buildings or outdoors
    • Droids require power to operate and can be recharged with droid batteries or power droids
    • Pets can be trained commands
    • The following commands are currently functional: follow, stay, store, follow other, group, recharge other (power droid only), trick1, trick2, transfer, attack (pets can only attack players for now)
    • Pets can be named
    • /tellpet is functional
    • Tamed babies will grow over time
    • Pet growth can be arrested if it will grow too large to be trained as a mount
    • Eligible pets can be trained as a mount
    • /gallop and /gallopstop are functional
    • Mounts will slow down when in combat (unless galloping)
    • Basic attacks can be done while mounted and not galloping (though a mount cannot attack while it has a rider)
    • Pets can be fed and will be buffed by pet restricted buff food
    • /emboldenpets and /enragepets are functional
    • Certain emotes when used with your pet as a target will elicit a reaction
    • Creature and droid pets will lose vitality upon death (Faction pets die permanently)
    • Pet owners have an "incapacitation recovery" radial menu option to revive incapacitated pets
    • You can now equip 2 rings (and anything else that should have more than one possible slot)
    • When boarding a shuttle, any active pets or vehicles will be stored
    • The following wearable skill mods are now disabled: medicine use, combat medicine use, additional pets, stored pets, creature taming bonus, Combat medicine effectiveness
    • Added a potential fix for certain characters' filling not reducing. If you have a character in this state, please log it on, wait 1/2 an hour, and let us know if your filling went down
    • A player is now limited to 3 vehicles stored in their datapad at once
    • A player must now be close to a shuttle to board it
    • /findfriend now only requires that you be the target's friend
    • You should no longer be able to overload your inventory when retrieving filled containers from a vendor/bazaar
    • You can no longer /addignore yourself
    • Ignoring a player will now block duel requests, trade requests, group invitations, planet chat, and auction chat from the ignored player
    • It should no longer be possible to trade no-trade items by putting them inside a container and trading the container
    • Shuttle ticket prices should now always display properly
    • Guild halls no longer need to be redeeded to recreate a guild (not retroactive)
    • Guild leaders can no longer be kicked from or leave a guild (temporary until guild elections are implemented)
    • Added the following race tracks: Agrilat Swamp, Keren City, Mos Espa, Narmle Memorial Rally, Lok Marathon, and Nashal River Race
    • Added galaxy-wide auction chat channel (/auction or /auctionsay)
    • /planet will now send chat to planet chat channel
    • /movefurniture and /rotatefurniture no longer work on players or pets
    • Many admin commands have been implemented/improved to better allow QA/CS personnel to enforce rules and diagnose problems
    • Added 100 million credit limit to housing maintenance and city treasuries
    • Fixed issue causing pholokite extrusive ore to only ever spawn on Lok
    • Using /waypoint will create a waypoint at the location of your target if no location is specified
    • When logging in you now should only see friend's list messages for online friends
    • Friend's list offline messages should no longer be sent each time a player is loaded from the database
    • Staff characters will now have their tag displayed when chatting in any channel or via tells instead of just in spatial

    *A special thanks to Ivojedi for putting the list together

    ~ The SWGEmu Development Division
    Last edited by Lolindir; 06-20-2014 at 05:08 PM.
    SWGEmu Admin

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