Quote Originally Posted by cadmunky View Post

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe we're here to test software, not customer service. But even so, I've seen undeniable quality in the support personnel involved. Cami, with honesty and integrity. Revanis, with passion and loyalty. And of course, Vlada, with honor and sacrifice. I'd hire every one of you in a heartbeat.

I'm an old guy, well into my career, and I remember the hobbies and side projects I took on to familiarize myself with my industry. I realize this project may just be a stepping stone, hopefully a proper "leg up" to the careers you're aiming for. Let me just say....

You're doing it right.

Here Here sir.....Would you hire me?

The witch hunting is seriously balling out of control, seriously tho if you are so pissed about it why don't you apply to be an ec and change the policy yourself. Theres like 1 CSR, 3 EC's, 3 Forum mods, and like 5 active devs all of which are volunteers who have to deal with on average 1000-1500 crazies everyday who think their way is the right way......