Quote Originally Posted by Kreen View Post
So you have a brilliant suggestion for how crafters could "loot" things in an event that is of equal difficulty to combat, as not to unbalance things. Please share.
You got to think out of the box so to speak. You could have it be "loot" for combat classes. Crafted, surveyed and/or sampled by crafting classes. For example: craft "X" items and you have a chance that a "clue" disk will be given. Same with surveying and sampling. Same could be done for Entertainers/ID.

Quote Originally Posted by bigevil View Post
Thought it was very well done, even though I couldn't participate.
Seeing as I don't have a combat toon past novice marksman, I didn't even know about the event till about 3 days ago. But from what I heard it was done quite well.