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Thread: Interview with SWGEmu Developers

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  1. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Play Stats
    I for one have been watching all this from the sidelines for a while. I played SWG almost from the start (when I was all of 11, played with my dad), and it was by FAR the best game I ever played. It got bad when CU hit. Of course, I tried persisting. I loved this game and the people I met and the things I could do. Then the NGE came. And we all know how it goes from there.
    Needless to say I was bummed and had no game to play. I decided to try WoW. Played it for a while. It was MAYBE fun for the first year. After that it all began to go downhill. Now it's awful. Bad graphics, no customization, terrible game support... It's worthless and I stopped feeding Blizz my money. I plan on never supporting them again, ever. It wasn't even as good as post-nge star wars.... =I
    I had started to like wow at one point but it actually began doing the same thing as SWG.... Bad upgrades left and right. WoW is gonna go up in flames. Just like SWG post-nge :I And the devs will have nobody to blame but themselves. I think it's just ... a mindset. A company reaches a certain size or popularity, forgets why it started in the first place or where it was going or who it was trying to please - and it all comes down to the money. And money is the greatest evil, tbh. Or at least... It sparks the greatest evil, in people who have no conscious or pride in their work.

    I am SO... SO... SOOOO happy to have found this place. I have been starving for SWG since I quit. I even tried the trial post-nge hoping it was ... good. Well. It wasn't. It just wasn't. :<
    Much love and appreciation to the devs of SWGEmu, and to anyone who donates and tests!! *Will be joining testing soon!* It's just incredibly exciting to see this coming together after so long...
    You can bet I'll donate as soon as I can afford it. I'd rather pay $15 a month for this stuff! In fact, I'm more than willing too!! If only... I had money. evil, evil money. XD
    Last edited by Ceradwyn; 06-27-2012 at 02:10 AM.

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