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Thread: Saturday Stress Test - Round Two 01/28/12

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    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Saturday Stress Test - Round Two 01/28/12

    Saturday Stress Test - Round Two

    January 28th, 2012
    The SWGEmu Development Division

    Greetings testers and community members,

    Starting at 4 PM EST (check your local time here) on Saturday (January 28), the developers and QA are looking to perform another stress-test on Nova Test Center that will last roughly 3 hours (thus concluding at ~7 PM EST if results are sufficient). We need as many people as possible to log in, so please join us and Nova's rapid progression by contributing to our latest stress-test!

    In addition to general stress testing, aka logging as many instances as your computer can handle, developers would like us to test some specific things:

    1. Since TC: Nova will be wiped before the test, everyone will be required to create a new character and complete the tutorial.
    2. Test MOB and NPC spawns and Loot in DWB on Endor and Geonosian Lab on Yavin IV

    PLEASE NOTE: Teleports for the stress test areas are at Coronet Starport

    Nova Test Center (TC: Nova)

    4:00 PM - 7 PM EST (GMT-5)

    Make a character on TC: Nova, complete the Tutorial, go to DWB and Geo Lab and kill & loot everything.

    For the duration for this stress-test Liberator will be OFFLINE.

    Once again and log in as many characters as your computer can handle. Remember this is not just stress test, there are specific tasks we need to complete. Those who never submitted a bug report should check this guide first: How to report bugs on Bug Tracker (Mantis). A well written bug report will make QA's job much easier.

    And please remember to keep up-to-date on our testing information, the latest of which is detailed in our latest announcement and in End of Liberator Milestone.

    ~ SWGEmu Development Team
    Last edited by Vlada; 01-28-2012 at 08:09 PM.

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