Quote Originally Posted by sgtfunkadelic View Post
I didn't get to see the poem at the event..now i'm intrigued..can we have some dark poetry please?
Ah, the ode. I wrote this for a poetry contest on the Sunrunner server, 2004. Here it is in all it's infamy, whose verses were written on the metal combat poles around the room of the "mating chamber." Happy Halloween everyone:

O Gaping Spider Cavern Queen,

Your hunters gather stars in cloudy webs
and feast upon the worlds they catch.

But lo! A mate ascends –
a moon so plump it rends the woven night.
Your hunters surge across the broken skies
to seize and wrap the quarry tight.
In silken sheets they warp and weave
with spells and songs they spin.
Encased, they draw your lunar mate
toward horizon’s craw, your regal lair.
Reclusive legs receive the prize
and cradle it in silver fangs.
They creep in silent fear
toward your fatal chamber deep.

With shadows drawn,
accept this moonmate gift
so it may lift your curtain,
seeping gentle light upon your fertile pond.
Let it's moonbeam arise high.
Delight in your mate’s reflected terror,
hunger for the sudden thrust.
In frenzied passion’s cruelty
rise and strike your deadly kiss,
inject your juices,
nibble on its wealthy rind.
The glorious light you suck and chew
renews your reign.

We pray to you, do not feast upon us,
your trembling broodlings!
Let us clutch blindly at your bulbous body.
Keep us safe beneath your hairy black belly,
O Great Mother of eternal hunger.