Quote Originally Posted by boyowar View Post
why you ask. It's beacuse it can be up and running right now if we had a wipe. now i for one would love a wipe. Make us play for something again, make the game hard. That only brings the players closer and makes them work together again. WIPE IT.
Quote Originally Posted by sgtmills View Post
I may be new to the forums but I am not new to the game. But people like this just get on my nerves. All they think of is themselves and no one else. Make you play for something again? Why don't you figure out how to learn to make the game what you want it to be. Why does anyone have to make you do anything. We are not paying to play this and donations are asked for and with no strings attached. But I guess that you are still under assumption that this is Sony and since you had to pay there, your voice would (theoretically) carry a little more weight. Furthermore, having a wipe would not bring people closer as you assume. I have Jedi friends all they way to never played the game before noob friends, and believe you me, we are close and work together. I don't know what crowd you hang with in game, but it seems to me that they are all self focused individuals and only care about what people can do for them and why they haven't done it in their time frame. These people ,devs, are doing this on their own time, for free so we as a community have a server that Sony screwed up years ago. And for you to demand a wipe so you can play again is being totally self focused. I say, let the devs do what they need to do. Fix what they need to fix, and take their time in order to ensure a stable platform. We owe them our respect, our gratitude, and some courtesy, and some patience. I really don't care if anyone flames me, or has any other rude comments about what I have said. Some people need to just sit back, chill and grow up
I imagine Boyowar is one of those afk spammers who want to sell a CA or AA for 3 million credits, or has an auction item on the bazaar but is never wanting to sell it just to irk people.

I have to agree with Sgtmills and the others who are not as selfish as boyowar and all the other reprobates who can't seem to sacrifice a few days away from the EMu so that people won't be wiped. Remember, some people have a life and don't get to play as often so their spare time SWGEMu experiences are hard-earned. Where one peon can grind to Master in 2 days, someone else who actually HAS a life outside of SWG may need several weeks to gain their desired templates. I don't think making money in game is as easy as you say it is. Sure, if you're one of those people who spam-loot and sell cave loot, then maybe, but some of us don't do that. Be a little more patient, people. I know a lot of us would appreciate it if you stopped demanding the server to be wiped.

IF there were no other way, then sure, but they are working hard NOT to wipe it and I think that this is not only commendable, but also very smart.